Shrieks in the Night

Warnings: Buwahahahahahaha! I wrote this fic up on my birthday! I actually took some TIME to actually write something out! Huh! So, ya'll better be happy.

Ok, the warnings and everything. Ok, a little limish, ya know, same ol' same ol' thing going on. Ano... it's a little hentai-ish as well... *evil smile* Just read....

Please direct all comments/flames/things to say to!


The challenge... of the fittest of the fittest... to determine strength, skill, power and lust. To empower the other, to push to the limits, to reach the peak and beyond of need and to go for the goal, yet, straying nowhere. And to see who would last longer and continue with the challenge...



Five minutes later...



Ten minutes later...



Fifteen minutes later...



Twenty minutes later...



Twenty five minutes later...



Thirty minutes later...



Thirty five minutes later...



Forty minutes later...



Forty five minutes later...



Fifty minutes later...



Fifty five minutes later...



One hour later...



Quatre cautiously stepped out into the hallway from his room that he shared with Trowa. He shook his head in amazement and quietly knocked on a door a couple steps away from his room.

"Duo? Heero? Daijoubu desu ka?" Quatre politely questioned.

Duo called out from behind the door in a weary voice.

"We're fine! Daijoubu, Q-chan! Oyasumi! Take care!"

"Hai, Duo. Oyasumi, Heero. Oyasumi, Duo," Quatre called back and went back to bed, making sure he snuggled under Trowa's right arm.

Duo gave Heero a bleary eyed look before collapsing back onto the bed he slept with Heero.

"Hee-chan?" he muttered as he wrapped a strong smooth skinned arm around his lover's waist.

"Nnn?" Heero opened his eyes a crack and looked over at Duo.

"We shouldn't attempt to do that again... at least not for a while..." Duo muttered.

"Nande?" Heero asked.

"It's 'cuz it takes a lot outta a guy, but it IS fun... though very tiring... this has got to be THE most warped sex game we've ever played... I don't even think that WAS a game!" Duo grumbled, shifting slightly to nestle his head under Heero's left arm.

"You mean the 'Around The Clock' sex game we just did?" Heero raised an amused eyebrow at him.

Duo snorted. "Jesus Christ! Hee-chan, I always knew I was too much for ya, but your libido speaks for itself when it comes right down to bed!!!"

Heero chuckled and gave Duo a hug that made him squirm in his arms. "Don't do that, Duo..." he teased lovingly and gave him a tender kiss on his lips before settling down next to Duo, while wrapping both arms around the slender figure in front of him.

Duo blew him a childish raspberry after the kiss and let Heero embrace, enjoying the closeness of having the front parts of their bodies in front of each other. He suddenly had an interesting thought and moved forward to have both of their groins rub against each other. Heero groaned softly and threw him a glare.

"Duo... nani yo????!!" he moaned.

"Just torturing ya..." and rubbed against him, yet, again, with a smirk.

Heero growled and jumped Duo again.

Five minutes later...

Well, we know what happened after that...



Desly: *sheepish smile* Ok... it wasn't a 'little' hentai, it contained more hentai than I had originally anticipated...

Jay: *¬.¬* Hentai... such a hentai...

Desly: *turns chibi and runs around insanely* But that's why everyone just loooooooooves me, ne????? *does some kind of chibi form of posing*

Jay: *-_-0* Dess-chan, you're just hentai...

Desly: *does a raspberry* Nyaaahh! But my fics are good, ne?

Jay: No comment...

Desly: *pouts* Aww! C'mon, say something!

Jay: ....something....

Duo: Hey, I like the fic! Heeeeero??????

Heero: Hn... we should try that.... *drags Duo to the nearest bedroom*

Duo: Knock yourself out! *grin*

Quatre: Why can't we do that?

Desly: *grimaces and writes something out* ....'Trowa: *drags Quatre to nearest bedroom*'.... Here, go try it...

Trowa: *drags Quatre to nearest bedroom*

Desly: Buwahahahahaha! Anyway, about those screams... anooo... whoever screams first in the dialogue... ano... ehehehe.... *cough* was on 'top'.... ehehehehe....

Wufei: Hentai baka onna...!!

Jay: Hentai... -.-;

Desly: Send your comments and all that loverly stuff at!! Pleassse?? With Trieze giving Wu-chan a comfy back massage at the same screwing him?

Wufei: HENTAI ECCHI BAKA ONNNNNNNNNNAAAA!!!!!! *nose bleeds* INJUSTICE! *runs off*

Jay: ...

Desly: Don't worry ever so helpful muse of mine! I'll write another fic soon! ^.^

Jay: ...hnnnn...... -.-;

Desly: ...*facefaults* you're more like Trowa and Heero every day! Waaahh!

Jay: Hnnnn.....

Desly: Anywaysssss! Send ya'll e-mails over ta! Buwahahahaha!
