
the abouts.



get out!


take notes.

date: 10.21.03
time: 10:02 am
mood: great.
camera. found it.
magazine. starting it.
life. loving it.
friends. appreciating it.

and it can go on, but i am really tired.

i am excited to start this devotion. diana is my
mentor. and my best friend joyce is helping me
through this. i am nervous, but excited. i hope
everything works out for the best.

i am praying for casey also. i hope that he finds
Jesus in his heart, because i think his life
be so much better. i would see him happier. he
would have someone when he felt alone, because
God/the holy spirit is there. always there. so he
would not feel alone. he would not have to worry.
i care about him so much. i worry about him so
much.he really has no good friends... except for
scott. and he really isnt even THAT close to him.
at least he is starting to hang out with nick. i
like that. he cut nick's hair yesterday. i wonder
how it turned out.

i am writing letters to these people and it sucks
because i always forget to mail them out. dang it!

i didnt go to class last night. diana and i
decided that we didnt need to. in the end it ended
good because i got my devotion books. i love
hanging out with diana. she is awesome. lets see
what we did. we went to south coast plaza. i
finally got the blush i needed. yay for stila cozy

i feel like i am much more happier since i have
decided to start this devotion.

i seriously love joyce. she is honestly like so
amazing. i am so lucky to have her has such a
inspirational friend. she guides me to the right
places. she is like my light.

i want my 20$ from melodramatic. the server isnt
even working. bleh.

date: 10.18.03
time: 09:26 am
mood: whatever.
i have pink eye sick.
i hate brandon. i am sorry but he is not my
friend. he is the biggest asshole i have ever met
in my life. stupid pitiful loser. and i mean a
freakin' LOSER!. what a FAG he is going to
homecoming. psh! so lame.

date: 10.16.03
time: 05:16 pm
mood: tired
i just downloaded the new AOL, and it is awful.
i need to delete my account with them. arg. 30$
for nothing really.

date: 10.16.03
time: 11:06 am
mood: unproductive
a planned productive day, suddenly became
unproductive. tomorrow morning i am going to go
to the gym. today i bought shower stuff for the
gym. i need to buy a lock and swimming goggles..
because i dont know what they do to the water in
the pool. old people may pee in it.

date: 10.16.03
time: 01:18 am
mood: pink
i am coldplay obsessed. makes me feel better.

date: 10.15.03
time: 11:24 pm
mood: hurt
why am i always the one who ends up feeling like
crap. i am always the wrong one. i am always the
bad girlfriend. what an awful one year two months
just hate me. just hate me to pieces. i am sick of
this. i just want to go away. not even exsist.
its not fair this is not fair. this is the part i
hate in my life. this is why i dont even want to
live anymore. casey, you are such a success at
making me fell like shit.

date: 10.15.03
time: 02:05 am
mood: content
i started a new journal. today is casey and i's one
year and two months anniversary.
i love casey