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Lee tells his story

Look for the silver Lining
Whenever clouds appear in the blue
You know that somewhere, the sun is shining
And so the right thing for you to do

Is your heart full of joy and gladness
To give you courage to go on your way
So always look for, the Silver Lining
And try to brighten the sunny side of life.

Lee's voice singing LEE sings SilverliningPlease press button!

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Biography by Benita Morgan 2003
Morgan Homestead, Burlington, Colorado 1923 Lee,Dorothy,Helen & baby Carla  Morgan
I was born in Burlington... In Lee's own words.
Lee was born on April 28, 1914 in Burlington, Colorado to Hugh Burdett Morgan and Maye Ella Smith. He spent years helping out, working for his father in the carpentry trade. He was well liked and known for his talent in singing in the school plays and operettas.(That's the Welsh heritage talent!)He excelled in mathematics, and was good with tools often surprising those around with his creative projects.
Lee & Howard - First long pants!LEE's childhood

Maye Ella Smith-Morgan age 21 LEE sings buffalo gals! My star has come home
'Lee's mom wrote on the back of this photo (right), 'My star has come home'.

Lee graduated from High School in 1934. He then went to college and graduated from the Fort Lewis School of Agriculture and Mechanics, Colorado State College, with a degree in Engineering in June of 1937.
He later enlisted in the Army at Fort Logan, Colorado on September 26, 1941.
Right after Pearl Harbors attack, he was sent overseas to fight in the Asian Pacific Campaigns. His rank was Private First Class. Battery A , 164th Field Artillary Batallian.
In Luzon, Philippines, he was decorated with the Bronze service Arrowhead, Pacific Theatre (465). WD-44 , The Philippine medal, Asiatic Pacific Service Medal, GO 33 WD 45.
He recieved his Honorable Discharge on September 19th, 1945, signed by Kenneth Goodall, Major Air Corps.

American Campaign Medal American Defense Medal Asia Pacific Campaign Medal American Defense Medal
Lee Morgan - U.S.ArmyLee talks WWII

After the War, Lee worked For The Federal Bureau of Public Roads, Surveying, to build our National Parks,(Yellowstone ;Big Bend National Park)and while workng in Texas, went to a Fiesta in Juarez, Mexico, where he met Josefina Gonzales.
Josefina Gonzalez
They were married and lived in Juarez for a few years. They spent some time in New Mexico, Jackson Hole Wyoming, while he continued working for the Federal Government, then Moved to Los Angeles California to work for the State of California Division of Highways as a Civil Engineer. They finally purchaced a house in El Monte, California, and raised three daughters, 'Maria Teresa', 'Elva LaVerne' and 'Benita Maye'.

Lee Morgan retired in April 1977 from the State of California Division of Highways Engineering Department while his youngest daughter was still in High School.

Lee,Jo,Crikett,Snapper & Tuffy 1976
In 1985 they moved to Rancho Cucamonga. He became a member of the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars). Lee spent his golden years relaxing, growing a vegetable garden, playing with his grandkids and his Pomeranian dogs, reading magazines, and most of all, SINGING! Lee was allways found singing whereever he was whatever he did, wherever he went, he would constantly be singing! He loved many styles of music, Folk, Latin, Mariachis,Old Cowboy songs, Big Band,and even singing Christmas carols along with his kids.
He also loved reciting poetry he learned as a child.
When Icicles Hang by the Wall... Click for poem.
Grandpa in Cucamonga 2000 Lee Morgan 1998
Lee lived 88 years, 8 months.
Lee Burdett Morgan - April 28, 1914 - December 30, 2002
Click on casket for funeral pictures.
click for funeral pics
"You will always be our hero grandpa..."
ELVA's Memorial Site
Grandkids: Brandon, Chris, Greg, Trevor,
">Tamaras Graduation, Upland, CA.Tamara, & Nathan

WW2 Veteran

The MORGAN Genealogy line from WALESStarting with the ancient line, please follow the links with the flowers, and you will end up at Hugh B.Morgan.

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Email: BENITA(Aunt Nina, Bonnie..) Updated November 2004