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Jamie's Home Page

Welcome to Jamie's Home Page! Jamie lives in North Carolina with his Mommy, Daddy, and 10 dogs! Jamie's Mommy and Daddy wanted a baby for a really long time, and after a lot of medical help, God blessed with Jamie on January 31, 2002. But, Jamie was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. This is because his lip, gums, and nose didn't fuse together like they are supposed to before he was born. But, Jamie's Mimi found a really wonderful doctor in New York City that fixed Jamie's birth defect by using a molding plate. Then Jamie had surgery on June 13, 2002 to fix his lip, gums, and nose. He had his palate repaired on February 4th, 2003. Jamie is a very wild little boy! He loves to play with his cars, trucks, and in his sandbox. He also loves to play with his Mimi and Poppy, Grandma and Grandpa, and his cousins Stephanie, Christina, Chelsea, Brittney, Gavin, Adam, Angela, and Garret! Jamie was blessed to have had five great-grandparents for the first few years of his life that he loved very much too. They are Nanny and Paw, Grandma and Grandpa Goble, and Papaw. His Nanny, Grandma Goble, and Papaw have gone to live with Jesus, but we all still remember them and love them very much, and we know they loved him a whole bunch too! He also loves his dogs! Their names are Phoenix, Chyna, Daisy, Pokey-Dot, Patches, and China, and Tootsie-Pop. Mick, Treasure, Sugar, and Collins are his Mimi and Poppy's dogs, but he loves them very much too! Please enjoy Jamie's pictures, and look at how far he's come!

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Jamie's Pictures

When Jamie Was Born
Jamie With His Molding Plate
Our Family
Jamie's First Halloween Costume 2002
Jamie With His Mimi
Jamie's First Haircut
Jamie With Nanny and Paw On His First Birthday!
Getting Ready For Church
Jamie With The Puppies
Jamie In His Sandbox!!
Jamie and Tani After Jamie's Palate Repair
Jamie and His Mother's Day Cards for Mommy
Jamie And His Cousins
Christmas Portraits 2003!!!
Jamie's Most Recent Pictures
