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If you are a first time reader, this is pretty much everything that you have to know about me and this blog.
(This section isn't as long as it seems.)

Today, many people of all ages from all around the world read my xanga site often and I'm very surprised at how successful this weekly updated, non-premium xanga has become over the past year. Readership has greatly increased during recent times and I have plans to expand this blog in the future to provide even better content. Most of my blog entries are based on random facts and making them seem somewhat more useful than they probably are.

I am not a "xanga celebrity," nor do I wish to blog for popularity. Although I have no existing problems with such people, I simply disagree with how the term is used. I don't write blog entries to attack or humiliate people that I dislike nor will I ever write such things to anger the masses. I also refrain from writing about current events. If you want to read about current events, you'll have absolutely no trouble with finding such blogs outside of xanga - the most popular blogs on the internet happen to discuss such things. I don't blog on xanga to be "cool" or "different" just because a majority of people are on myspace. Ultimately, I blog here because I want to. And it's amazing how people can get to know others from all around the world through their words and thoughts; thus promoting the power of the written word.

Although I certainly don't feel obligated to write back to everyone who writes to me, I believe that any person who takes the time to read my blog should at least receive a response in return. After all, I don't see why I shouldn't take the time to write back to somebody who has so diligently taken the time to read my blog. I always take the time to read and respond to comments; I don't simply copy and paste the same messages to everyone. And even though it's nearly impossible for me to write to all of my subscribers, I read my subscriptions every morning.

Although the main purpose of my blog is to provide you with useless, random entertainment every Wednesday and Saturday morning, I often receive comments from people who simply "don't get it" and think that the entire concept of my blog is "unusual" or "stupid" because they've never seen a blog like mine on xanga before. In fact, it appears that any xanga site that doesn't conform to their standards, which often involves the inclusion of a flashy layout, icons, or quotes, is automatically deemed as "stupid" or "pointless" by these users. Fortunately, they are not representative of the population, or at least I hope they aren't. Anyway, I know that there aren't a lot of other xanga sites that are focused outside of the writer's life, but that doesn't mean that I don't write about my thoughts! If you wish to read some of my writings, click on some of the links on the bottom of this page.

Last, but not least, time constraints often prevent me from being able to write as regularly as other people can. Even though most of them are older than I am, I sometimes wonder how those "xanga celebrities" can find the time to update so often. My goal is to someday find a group of people who can write for my blog on a regular basis when I no longer have time to blog here. I know that my days are outnumbered and I need people to take over for me when I'm finally gone.

Also, this blog isn't always only updated on Wednesday and Saturday mornings; there are unscheduled and random updates every once in a while to advertise discounts for items, remedies for people who are having trouble falling asleep, and a whole lot of other things to cater the masses with entertainment that perhaps isn't so useless after all.

Any other questions that you have can probably be answered in one of these three sections: Blogging Thoughts, the Q & A, and Origin of the Names. Anyway, thanks for reading my blog!

revised: February 10, 2006

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