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In Loving Memory of
Arthur Phillip "Gordy" Guzman
June 17, 1981 - July 9, 2001

Happy Birthday

It’s your birthday again, another year gone by
It is sad to know you will not be here
It seems all I want is to cry.
We shared 20 birthdays together
Candles multiplying by the years
We thought forever.
While we celebrate your birth, son
We cry at your passing
We cherish the memories about you, son.
Your birthday will always be
Never to be forgotten
It is a promise from me.
I just like to say
Though we be apart
It’s still a special day
Happy 28th Birthday
Written By: Doyle Alldredge, 16 Sep 2004

Our Gordy's Story

Gordy was born Arthur Phillip Guzman on June 17, 1981 and was 9lbs and 4oz, that's why he was given the nickname Gordy for the Spanish word Gordo.
we are Hispanic but I don't speak Spanish but my husband does. Anyway Gordy was kinda a chubby baby up till he was about 3,
then he slimmed out but the nickname had stuck.

My Gordy

I want to wish you a happy 28th birthday
It's both sad and happy, your celebrating it in heaven today
Your birthday is hard without you here
But know Gordy, I do celebrate it for you, dear

I cherish all your birthdays in the past
Little did I know our sharing them together would not last
Though you're not here, I will honor your birth
I'll do it until I leave this earth

Happy Birthday Gordy
I hope heaven celebrates your birth too
Happy Birthday Gordy
I love you

Written by Doyle Alldredge, 17 June 2008

Gordy was diagnosed with (ALL) Acute lymphoblastic leukemia on Feb. 25, 1987 after being ill for two weeks with ear infection, stomach ache
and he was sleeping more than usually. At first the doctor said he may have mono which was rare in a child so young.
So after the blood test we were told his counts were low, and we needed to go to the Santa Rosa Children's Hospital for more testing.
well, we had no idea what the big deal was till the doctors said the word cancer. Our lives changed, my handsome, happy little boy was really sick.

Me and my Gordy. This was taken in April of 2001, Gordy had been in a wheel chair for about six months.
Because of his lungs, he couldn't walk around much.

So we had 3 years of chemo and almost one year off, but, in 1991 he relapsed, so back on chemo with radiation this time
and then Gordy went back into remission. At that time we were told he needed a bone marrow transplant. We all got tested
and our other children didn't match Gordy, they matched each other. what luck! Gordy's dad matched him the closest but not close enough unfortunately.
Then the doctors put Gordy in the national marrow donor program to hopefully find a match. We didn't have much luck, so we just keep praying
and going on with the treatments.

This is in 1983, him at about 2, on his first scooter, and he loved baseball hats as a baby.

Gordy relapsed again late in 1992 and was back in remission soon after that. It seems like everything was going ok because we were down to
once a month treatments, but once again in 1995 Gordy relapsed, but this time they had a donor. "Thank you God"
She was our angel on earth, and Gordy got his transplant in 1996. Finally a second chance at life.

Gordy with his donor.

These are two beautiful and loving gifts for Angel Gordy from my dear friend, Carol, mom to Angel Michael.

A loving thank you for the staff of Santa Rosa hospital --

I don't believe that thank you is enough for all that you, our wonderful friends on the 8th floor have done for my son.
As you know Gordy had a transplant from a wonderful giving donor who I'm thankful to say she is not only my son's donor but
she is our dear friend. Just like her I believe you all helped to save my son's life. you the Doctor's and Nurses
of the 8th floor clinic and in patient side, that took care of us from Feb. 25 1987 til July 9, 2001.
you the staff from the lab tech's to our housekeepers only always treated us with great professional care and a friendly, compassionate beside manner.
when I'm sure Gordy and I weren't the easiest to take care of. Gordy and I grew up in your hospital, and I,
his mother, am so very much appreciative of every little thing that you did to make me and my son feel comfortable.
Not only for the ice cream cup or the cookies, but mostly for all the days you helped me to stay sane.
You helped to ease Gordy's fears with your smiles, and tender touch over the years, mostly by his primary nurses. For all of you at Santa Rose,
Thank You!! I could have never asked for more!!

Forever Grateful,
Tracy, Angel Gordy's Mom

Gordy during the summer of 1985. He was 4 yrs. old, playing outside with his favorite car.

Gordy loved toy cars, and as he got older he would buy model cars and airplanes to put them together.
Gordy had two real dreams, besides of course a life with out illness, he wanted a 69-camaro so he could drive his friends,
but unfortunately his vision was getting really bad so that dream kinda had to be let go. And his 2nd dream was to be a chef.


We would watch the food-network. Gordy's favorite chef is Emeril. His sister would tease him and call him "Suzie home baker."
About 6 months before Gordy was put on hospice, he and I spent alot of time watching the food network, and when he died
I couldn't watch it at all. To this day i still find it hard.

Gordy got his Make-a-wish in 1991 or '92 not sure, my memory isn't the greatest any more... But we got to
take Gordy to Disneyland in California. We also went to Knott's Berry Farms Park. We had a great time, we got 2 days in Disneyland
and 1 day in the Park.

We also went to Universal Studio's Park, so we had a full week. We almost didn't get to go, of course Gordy got an infection
6 days before our trip. So we had 48 hours in the hospital with IV antibiotic, and he needed a total of 10 days of treatment.
At the time Gordy had a hickman catheter, two lines sticking outside of his chest. I had to clean it with a sterile kit.
As bad as that sounds, it made us possible to give him the rest of his antibiotics IV at home or on the trip.
I just needed to hook him up twice a day and keep it clean, sterile and flush the line after the treatment.
I wanted him to get this Make-a-Wish trip, so bad. I just packed up every little thing I needed to take care of him.
The hospital gave us the name of a Doctor and hospital that we could get in touch with if we needed to. I just said
a long prayer and asked God to watch over us and let this trip be filled with wonderful memories.

God answered our prayers. This was the kids' first plane trip and the first trip out of the state. we had a great time!
I gave Gordy his last two treatments and just kept on going.

When Gordy was really weak and would have to spend most of his time in bed due to the pain and because he was on oxygen.....
(this is kinda funny) he had bought himself a electric wood carver called Dremel. Well one day, he was bored and had some old wood
in his room, so he started to carve the wood. I went into the room because I smelled burning, and I found him covered from head to toe
with wood dust all over him and the oxygen was still on. He didn't even worry about blowing up. It was funny!
I told him he was crazy, and he said you gotta go sometime, it would be great to go out with a bang...
I had to get the vacuum to clean him up.

Mom, Dad and Gordy.

Gordy and his loving family. These last two pics of our family were taken a few days before Gordy passed. Gordy was very sick
by that point, his lungs were starting to fail. These pictures are very hard for me to look at but they are the last ones
I have of us all together.

Gordy was alot older than (Maria's Angel) Christopher, and I was lucky to have had a chance for him to express his dreams.
Gordy was so unselfish, one of our last conversations was that he hoped his life wasn't in vain and that his suffering
was going to give doctors and researchers a chance to save some other kid. I was truly blessed to have been chosen to be his mother.
I'm sure God's greater plan was in play.
I know one day it will be clear to me here or in heaven.

Our Christmas Angels

Remembering Our Angel Gordy
6-17-81 ~ 7-9-01

Dear Tracy and ANGEL Gordy

One Day when your Time comes
The Day that GOD calls you HOME
You will be with your Gordy again
And you will never be alone
You don't have to feel empty
Gordy is with you always
Just open your Heart
Look up
He see's you
Watches you, but mostly
He protects you
Please believe that

Written By Sue-Anne Aguilera~~~Lee'sMom

'Angel Gordy, I Know You Loved Your Cars, So I Found All These For You'

In Loving Memory of Lee Henry Aguilera

A small gift for the Guzman family. How hard your precious Angel fought to live.
My prayers are with you.


A friend can hear a tear drop.

This webpage is created
In Loving Memory of Gordy Guzman
on May 16, 2007
Last updated: July 31, 2009
© 2000 - 2009

Maria's Tribute to Christopher