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What would happen?

Thanks everyone who submitted your opion on what will happen if the Buffy Cast is Vampires. We picked the top 5 most original answers and most submitted answers!

What YOU think would happen Top 5 answers:

1. The show would'nt be called Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it would be called "Buffy and the Vampires"

2. Buffy would be a vampire and so there wont be a Slayer

3. Sunnydale would be called "Vampire Hell"

4. Buffy was a Slayer until Angel bit her.

What WE think:

We think that The Buffy Cast wont really fit for being all vampires. And that Buffy the Vampire Slayer wont be called Buffy the Vampire Slayer at all. I mean the show will just be about killing people and sucking thier blood.

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