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All About Me...........

Hi There.. My name is Debi

But most People here on the internet know me as
I live in McComb Ohio where we just bought our first home June 30th 1999.
I am married to a wonderful man name[ Mike ].He's known as ImLopCrazy here on AIM.. Mike and I have been married for 21 wonderful years this August 22nd,
Mike and I have One Beautiful daughter, her name is [Heather]. She's known as NDwarfGal On AIM,She's 19 years old..she plans on going to college to become a vet.
You can go [ Meet My Family ] here.

Well you might be interested to know What my hobbies are....
and well That one is easy and anyone who knows me knows too that it's....
However, when I find the time and can bring myself to leave the computer long enough
(which is not often enough to hear my family talk..HEHEHE)
I enjoy raising and showing my rabbits Shady Acre Rabbitry,taking long walks,collecting Teddy Bears, Disney stuff, boyds bears,angels,Crystal items, Unique Looking pencil sharpeners,and lop Eared Bunnies.
I also like reading..
right now I am reading a series
written by Tim Lahayle and Jerry B. Jenkins
The first book in this series is called "Left Behind".
It's a Very good series and I highly recommend it.They now have the "Left Behind" Movies and they are very good..
I also love cooking and trying any new recipes that I find. If you have one to share with me please..... EMAIL it to me....and I will put it on my recipe page..
One of my most relaxing hobbies is Crochet,
but I limit this to a winter activity.

Ok back to my most favorite thing to do...
well that would have to be the computer..hehehe
If I'm not chatting On AIM,or ICQ I'm working On my website or coming up with new ideas for new web pages.Or helping someone build a website of their own.I am also having fun making my own graphics and will have D'angel Graphics opening soon..

I enjoy all sorts of Music but there is only two kinds of music I most enjoy which are CHRISTIAN and COUNTRY!!
My number one CHRISTIAN singer is Ray Boltz,
and for COUNTRY that would have to be George Strait
My favorite flowers are the pansy,lilacs and the yellow rose and Tulip..
My Favorite color is any shade of purple..
I also love to spend time being creative. So I love crafts of any kind,
I also love decorating my home ( when I can ),

I enjoy spreading the word of god, and I feel that my website is a great start to doing just that. All my love for God, my family, and friends are poured into these pages.

I have really enjoyed making ALL of my webpages...
This page [Reflections] is one of the frist pages I made it's what inspired me to make Angel Heaven

I became interested in the internet when My sisters, brother and mother were also online we thought it would be a great way to chat and not have to spend the money on long distant bills every month.
One day I decided check out the chat scene on ICQ and AOL and see what my sister Connie was talking about.
I stumbled upon what I remember to be a christian chat room in AOL and began talking to someone, well ok let's not mention their nickname :o)...but we had a very nice chat.
and we became fast friends and remain so till this day.
I have to say this page would not be here had it not been for my sister Connie who taught me everything I know about html and how to do the images.

almost 7 years, and MANY webpages later I would like to say many thanks to my very wonderful sister who has taught me so much about html...
As a Thank you for all her love and her patience I have dedicated Debi's Angel Heaven to her...

Anyway to make a long story short :o),
I became hooked On CHATTING and MAKING WEBPAGES......

I have met so Many great [ Friends ]on the internet,
and I cherish each and everyone of you.
I have made many pages and I hope you will take the time to visit each one.

Click on [Angel Heaven]to go to my main page of Angel Heaven.
If you have Anymore'll have to ask me...Email me anytime..Thanks and enjoy the rest of my little piece of heaven on the web..

My List of pages

*NEW*[Angel Page]*NEW*

[Reflections] [MEET MY FAMILY] [About Me] [*My Little piece of Heaven*][Another Piece Of Heaven]
[Almost Home] [*~Friendship Corner*~] [Memberships] [Heather's Butterfly Kisses] [*Our Butterfly Garden*]
[Recipe Page] [My Page Of Angel Links] [My Banner Links and Exchange] [Apply For My Award] [The Gift]
[Footprints In The Sand] [The Thing About Mother's] ["wisdom" I've learned] [The Rose] [A Love Letter From Jesus]
[A Love Story] [A Letter From Jesus] [The Light In The Darkness]

Please visit my other website...
*NEW*[Shady Acres Rabbitry]*NEW*

Please sign my guestbook so I know you came to visit...thank you!

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I have given credit where credit is due, for some and, or most of the graphics that I have used through out my website. I do not recall where the others came from, as I had been collecting them for quite awhile prior to beginning my website, and did not keep a log of where they came from. If there are any that are copyrighted, and you recognise them to be your own and you have proof of them being your own, please let me know by E-Mail, and I will gladly, either remove them or provide a link back to your page. what ever you desire.Thank you and God's many Blessings to you all.. © Copyright 1998-1999 DaAngel Heaven all rights reserved..
This website owned and maintained by Debi aka Dangels