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Joseph Fatone Jr.

(Photo courtesy from


Birth date: January 28, 1977

Birthplace: Brooklyn, New York

Star sign: Aquarius

He is the youngest of his three siblings

Height: 6 ft

Weight: 170lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Nickname: Joey, Superman, Super Joey, Phat, Phat-one, Funny bone

Loves to sing, dance, and go clubbing around town.

He likes to flirt a lot and to fool other people.

Favorites: Color: Purple

City: London

Food: "I'm Italian so I love lasagna and anything Italian - especially home-cooked food."

Drink: Pepsi

Junk food: pizza

Music: Boyz II men

Song: Water Runs Dry

Movie: Billy Madison and My life

Sport: Apart from skating, I'm useless at sports!

Actress: Demi Moore

Word: "BBBBBBBUUUUURRRRRTTTTTT" He says it for no reason. He just screams it out loud.

Babe on "Friends": Courtney Cox

From Justin:

Best Qualities: Very optimistic person. Whenever things aren't good he'll try his hardest to make them better.

(All these information was gathered from many other sites. If you see something you do not wish to be on this site, feel free to e-mail me.)
