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Chapter one.

Continued, but from Taylors point of view.

"I can't believe what has happened to Lucy. She's not my friend from Sunday school anymore. Now that I think about it, she's almost my best friend. I'm sitting there in the treehouse that we decorated together when we were 6 years old, and I can't help but think that perhaps, I may be falling in love with her."

Isaac shakes his head at me, which I hate watching him do. Not only do I hate it because he looks like he thinks he's better than I am, but he's got this really dumb look on his face while he does it. I'm not bitter towards him, but when you're with a person 24 hours a day, you notice little things that get to you I suppose.
"Tay..." He starts. Oh boy, what does Mr Wonderful have to say about this situation? "Maybe you are in love with her."

That's it? Maybe I'm in love with her, he says? "Ike! This is a major problem that I have to deal with...I mean...she's Lucy...Not Emma, or Jennifer Aniston. This is LUCY!" I say. Even thinking about being in love with Lucy sends me into a frenzy. I have never really ever thought about That way, but when she hugged me...I mean...I felt like...

"Hey guys!" She says as she walks into the room. "What's up?!?"
Ike shoots me a look, which means, "That was close."

Lucy hands me a box of 24 water bottles, which I gladly take from her. I feel bad for working her like this, because I know her. Of course, when I asked for the water, I had no idea that Lucy worked there, and would have to get it for me.

"So, are you looking forward to tonight?" She asks, which bothers me because she's talking to us like she's never met us before.
"Lucy..." Ike says, ignoring her question, "How long have you had your braces off?" After he says this, she immediatly glances down, and runs her tongue over her teeth. Just the thought of her tongue over anything starts me thinking......
"About 3 weeks." She says, and then she leaves. Ike and I both know that the reason she leaves so fast is that if anyone caught her talking to us, she could get in major trouble.

I decide that I'm going to check out the venue, and figure out the volume of all the noise and stuff, and I'd also like to have a moment to myself to think about things, without having to make up a lame excuse as to why I'm staring off into space.

I pass Zac in the hallway, who has his nose stuck in a Evian bottle full of Kool aid, and is wearing a ripped pant leg on his head. He totally ignores me, but I don't mind. He generally goes into his own little world of Twinkies and Kool aid before a concert, and he hardly notices that we're even in the same room as him.

I continue to walk slowly down the hallway, glancing out any windows I find to see a few fans already outside, wanting an autograph, or lock of my tattered ripped hair. So, ignoring the chants of "Hanson! Hanson!" I just keep walking. I know that if Zac were with me, I'd have to be all happy happy joy joy when really all I want to do is figure out this Lucy thing.

I don't know what has over come me lately, but everytime we touch I go into a little world of thoughts... Thoughts I definitly have never thought about Lucy. Thoughts like, well, what it would be like to kiss her.

I sit down at the keyboard and run my fingers over it. Suddenly something comes to me, and so, the process of playing with a melody begins.

I'm sitting in my dressingroom thinking about stuff, and it's like, 5 minutes to 8:00. Admiral Twin is gonna start any second now. I usually like to listen to them, you know, to hear exactly how the sound is, and how hyped the fans are.

I have to admit though, I am nervous. I know that Lucy has front row seats to this concert, and I've now decided that I'm gonna try to figure a few things out. I think, that while I do my usual shake the crowds hands with the front row, I'll kiss Lucy's hand, that is, if I get to her. I'm hoping that I can keep the guts to do this, but I don't think, however, that I will.

"TAY!!!" My father bellows down the hall. I run out there, when duty calls! Dad is standing there, holding my earplugs, and he hands them to me.

Zac wanders by us, with his drumsticks in one hand, and a twinkie in the other. He's humming Madeline, and I kinda wonder where Ike is. I can hear Admiral Twin out on stage, and they sound pretty good. The girls are hyped. Tulsa always has a really high hyperactive crowd...I don't know what it is.

Before I realize it, it's showtime. I get in position on stage, and we start "Gimme some lovin". The crowd goes crazy, but there's only one screaming girl I'm paying attention to. Lucy. She's right there, crushed between all the messed up people. She looks beautiful, even in this light.

We do the planned numbers, and then we go off while the set gets changed for the a capella part. Ike's sweating, so am I, and he whispers to me, "Lucy looks nice tonight." as if I didn't notice. Zac is throwing Zoe up in the air, and she's giggling. She is the cutest kid.
"Alright guys," They say, "Let's go."

There's a knock on the bus, as I guzzle back the water Lucy brought earlier. "Who is it?!" Zac asks, and goes running over there. It's Lucy and her cousin, Amy.
"Hey Lucy..." Ike says, "Who's this?" gesturing to Amy, who's having heart failure.
"Ike, this is my cousin from Virginia, Amy. She's 12." Lucy says, and she walks towards me. "Ewwwwwww! Tay you're all sweaty!" Lucy says, winking at me, and she stands there, as usual after a Tulsa concert, and expects a hug. It's weird...I'm sorta scared to touch her, but I stand up, and I hug her. My eyes are closed, and her head is rested on my shoulder, but I can practically feel Ike staring at me.

Everything about this girl just all of the sudden turns me on. She smells like roses of some sort, while I stand here smelling like sweat. She pats me on the back, and the embrace is ended, although I wish it could last.

I plop back down on the couch, only, Lucy is now on it beside me, and I'm not sure that is so good, because I'm really trying to shake this thing, but she's so close to me, and I can't think of anything, but how close she's sitting to me, and now she has her head leaned on my shoulder.

We sit around for about an hour and then we're at home. Lucy says that she can walk home, although we've already dropped her cousin off. I suppose I should offer to walk her home, in hopes of a goodnight kiss, so I do, and she accepts my offer. Anything as long as she doesn't walk alone.

We're at the bottom of the treehouse, because she's sleeping up there to make room in the house for Amy. We're talking about stuff, and it's getting pretty cold, so it's a mutual decision that I'll go call my mum and then meet Lucy in the treehouse. Although my entire family probably has already figured out that I'm sleeping here, they always need me to call them.

I talk to my mum who asks if I'd rather have Ike drive over and pick me up, or stay here at Lucy's, I figure she knows this is a dumb question, but she doesn't really like me staying at Lucy's alone. I ask her what could happen, because Lucy's father is a preist, and Lucy and I are just friends. She agrees and I hang up.

When I get up to the treehouse, I expect to see Lucy in her usual shorts and a tank top bed clothing, but instead she's wearing only an Albertane tour shirt, and I suppose that is what she's sleeping in, because she's just sitting around in a Tshirt. Man...I can't believe this. It's almost as if she's subconciously torturing me.

We lay around side by side, she's staring upwards, and I'm staring at her. She's talking about what has happened since I've been gone.

"What????" She asks, looking at me, "Why are you laying there staring at me?!" She smiles, and rolls over so that we're face to face, and only about 4 inches away from each other.

I get the hugest urge to kiss her right there, but of course, I don't. Instead, I figure it's probably safe to tell her what I'm really thinking, to an extent. "Well," I say, "I'm staring at you thinking about how I've been gone so long I missed you turning from a cute kid to a beautiful chick."

She's looking intently at me, as though trying to read my thoughts, and I don't even know what I'm doing, but I kiss her.

Chapter 2
