Zac finds a soul mate.

I throw myself into the van. Tay is talking to Ike about the incredible show he put on, and everyone else is either completely zoned, or asleep. Except dad. Dad is sitting in the drivers seat, controlling our destiny. I watch him, and I think about all that has come between us in the last little while, and I get to thinking... "Dad?" I say, as we pull into the hotel. He turns around, "Yah Zackie?" He replies, putting the car into park and pushing the emergency break into place. "Do you think I could talk to you?" I ask, hopefully. He nods, looking slightly concerned, and then we all pile out of the van.

"OH-MY-GOD!" I hear from behind us. Just then, a mob of fans catch my eye. There's about 30 screaming girls being held back by tiny retaining fences and few security guards.
"Oh, boy" I say, my eyes meeting Tay's. He smiles, and the three of us begin to walk towards the doors of the hotel.
"You guys!" Tay shouts over the crowd, they quiet down a little, "Hi! Did you catch the show tonight?"
"Wow. You guys are incredible." Ike is smiling, he looks happier today than he has in a long time. "Ok, how about this...?" he starts to say. "If you guys can be really quiet...Like, REALLY quiet...then we'll sing you a song, ok?"
The girls look stunned. There's one in the front row that is bawling her eyes, hyperventilating and all. Her mum is trying to calm her down.
I walk over to her. "Hey." I say, lifting her face to be level with mine, "Don't cry...shhhhh... it's okay." I say, trying to comfort her. Camera's flash left right and center, and people are trying to grab at me, but I have Jason (the bodyguard) beside me, so they aren't doing much damage. "Jas-?" I say to Jason, who's very concentrative, he nods. "Could you, take her out? Please? And her mum and...Is that you're brother?" I turn to her and ask. She nods. Back to Jason, "And her brother."
He looks at me, and then at her, and then at her mum, and then at my dad. I plead with my eyes to dad. He slowly nods. His face is telling me that he thinks I'm insane, but I don't mind. He reaches in and pulls out the girl, and her brother, and her mum.
We do an a cappella rendition of Look At You because for some reason Ike wants to do that. The girls scream, and then we meet the rest of our tuckered out family upstairs. I bring the mystery girl in with us, and her family, I feel so tied to her, but I don't know why... I just don't know.....

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