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These are all Questions I hear again and again. Please, look through here before you e-mail me. Thanks! E mail me if you still have a question!

How can you be Sailor Earth?
A lot of People think Tuxedo Mask is the Sailor of the Earth. Well, he's the Prince/Knight of the Earth. Sailor Earth isn't a princess from the earth, but from the Moon. I really hate spoilers, but I'll tell you anyway, since it'll take years before I'll get to SMSA (Sailor Moon Sailor Angels) or SMLS (Sailor Moon *and the* Lost Senshi). SE was supposed to be Neo-Queen Flora Fauna of the Moon. She was also supposed to wedd with Prince Darien of Earth. That would combine the two Kingdoms, and Neo-Queen Flora Fauna would also be the Queen of the Earth. But Boshko stole her from the royal family when she still was a baby, and trained her on an onther planet as SailorEarth. Florie should have been Sailor Moon, that's why she had the star seed. This is very roughly explained though.

Who's Boshko anyway?
Boshko was the head of securety in the Royal palace of the Moon Kingdom. He was also the one who took Princes Flora Fauna to another planet to train her as SE.

What was the other planet?
The other planet was the dark side of the moon

Why do you call it SMSE if SM isn't even in the story?
SM will come in later.

How old is Florie?
Florie is a year older then Inner senshi (Serena, Raye, Amy, Mina and Lita), which means 15 and in 9th gade in high School

From where did you pick up?
I wanted to pick up after Sailor Moon SSS, but since I only know the NA version, It'll be at the end of Sailor Moon R, when the Black Moon Family is destroyed.

Orion sounds a lot like a guy, but you said she is a girl. What is she/he?
Orion is a she. She's kinda a tomboy though.

Is Amanda a scout too?
No. Amanda is a friend. Just because she's always there with Florie dosn't mean she's a scout!

I really like your fanfic. May I write some too?
Yes, you may, as long as you start your own stories and give me some credit and a link.

How can you be the Neo Queen too?
Look at question #1. She isn't the Queen. She was supposed to be.

Why do you use the word senshi, instead of the word scout?
There is a very easy explanation, I like the word "senshi" better. I think it's more misterious then just plain "Scout". ^_^

Hey! I already am Sailor Earth!
That is very possible. I got a lot of flame letters telling me that my page is bad because you already had a page with a Sailor Earth. The bottom line is that everyone can create their own senshi, after all, freedom of speech is the 1st Amendment (I'm taking US History right now ^_^).

I found a pic of Sailor Earth. Is that you?
Probably not, my pics are