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Idea of Sailor Earth

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Sailor Earth's story

It was a rainy day, and Flora didn't really know what to do. Luckelly her friend phoned her, and asked her to come to the Inline-skating rink. "Sure" said Flora, she couldn't know that this day would change her life.
She wasn't a bad skater, no, she actually was a good one, she once even won a race, but today she fell more the three times. "What's wrong?" her friends kept asking. She didn't know. She felt something was different, but what? Something inside her told her she would change. "Let's grab some coke!" Amanda said, after Flora fell for the fourth time. "Yaeh, good Idea!" Flora said. Right when they wanted to buy the coke, a strange moster apeared. "ARHHHH" it said, and jumped towards the crowd. Flora sprung foward and she started talking to "it". "Hey ya, looser, what's up?" Flora, who was a great fighter, was not concentrated for one second, and the monster grabed her throat. "AHHH" she yelled. Suddently, a cat with a gold fur sprang out of nowhere and attacked the monster. Flora had just enugh time to jump to safty, when the monster threw the cat to the floor. "I want energy!" She yelled and started to throw around some kind of powder, which started to suck off energy of the humans. Flora stood up with her last energy, and tried to confront the ememy. With all her strength she ran into the monster, and they both fell to the ground. The monster held her up at her shirt. Flora was scared, but she didn't show it. She tried to kick it. The monster started to suck off her positve energy, and tried to fill her with negative energy. Then, suddenly, Flora stared to glow, in a green glimmer. A symbol appeared on her forehead... the symbol of SailorEarth!!! Orion jumped to her and threw a locket to her. She also yelled: "Say 'Earth Magicla Power'". Flora did so, and she started to transform. Now she stood there, and started calling out powers, she just knew how! "Earth Eagle....strike!" an eagel came and flew over the enemy and suddently went down to strike. Then she said "Earth Tiara...Appear!" She used her tiara to destroy the enemy.
Later on she talks to the cat Orion. Orion starts telling their story. "You where born in the Moon Kingdom, as Queen Serenity's first child. Unfortunally, you where stolen from the Earth Kingdom at the age of a few months. So was I. The one who did it, Boshko, did it for a good reason. He was a member of the court, but he knew danger would come, and he stole us. He trained you forever as SailorEarth, and made me your guardian. I should be there in times of trouble and I should be your best friend. Everything was fine, untill the dark side finally came. Then, in the battle with Beryl, you wanted to figh, but Boshko talked sense into you, you weren't strong enough at that time. A few weeks after the Moon Kingdom was destroyed, the planet you where on was attacked, too. Boshko send you away toghether with me, but we somehow got seperated. I needed to find you and bring you back.", Orion sank her head, "And Boshko saved us with his own life." A tear from Orion, and Flora started crying too.

My powers

Earth Eagel strike- A eagel that flyies over the enimy and suddently strikes

Earth Tiara appear- A tiara that looks like Xena, warrior princess's chakrum.

Earth dogs attack- Three dogs that attack the enemy over the ground

Earth Dolphins jump- Three dolphins that jump out of water and hit through the enemy; Dolphins are only used when water attacks are present, like Neptune's Submerge attack.

Earth Ivy hold- Ivy is like Sailor Venuse's love my chain, it holds the enemy so that another scout can finish the job.

Earth Trees souround- Trees that appear from nowhere and build a wall around the enemy so he/she/it can't run away.

Earth Seaweed hold- Seaweed is like a whip

Earth Avalanche Illusion- An Illusion of a avalanche, which is only created to distract the enemy.

Earth life power destroy- this power is made by the animal and plant power, it forms a beam and ZAP!!!

Earth Zeptre of life and death, power-up and destroy- Is the same thing as the Moon Zeptre, only it can also re-a-live poeple, animal and plants.

This are my powers, and I just wanted to say, Sailor Earth is created by my fantasy, and she doesn't exist in any Sailor Moon Movies or Series, So please, she is my creation, and no one is alowed to use her unless I give promission to.

I hope you enjoyed your stay!

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