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This is MY car. well not really. IT'S A NEON NEON!!! COOL EH!!



This is my first homepage and it's harder than I thought. I'm kinda nervous about making it hehe. Well I would like to start off by thanking all the little people. Trying out for when i win the Talk Show of the year award. Most of u know that I want to be a talk show host. but a LOT of u don't believe in me. :~( but i will be on tv. i'm thinking a news reporter would be the cool job to start off with and then become my talk show host.

There's a lot more about me than just that. I'm a 18/f living in Nova Scotia. I have graduated from CPA and am going to Acadia in Spet. I'm very excited about it.

I'm not making my page on anything really because i don't have a major interest in anythng so i'm going to make it on the people i care the most about my friends and family.

Well i guess I should say a little bout BETH. She's from Bridgetown but moved to Halifax in September to go to the Mount. She seems to love it there. Even though there isn't very many guys at all living with her. She loves getting mail so if u want to sent her a letter and don't have her address ask me for it please. I'll give it to u. Her parents r traveling for the year. So it's a big change from moving from a small town to a big city with her parents millions of miles away. Thank goodness she has me huh!

My friend Lauren she lives in PA. She and i love Sister Act 2 we know the whole dance, the one at the end. Just ask her Bro he mad fun of us when we used to dance to it over and over and over again. Plus we like skateboarding around my house.. HEHE. We also used to hide from this girl we didn't like by going into the washroom and locking the door and putting our feet up. do u remember doing that... HAHA we also like cleaning the windows at my house!! We would LOVE to learn how to breakdance so if any of u guys reading this and live by me or in PA email or just sign my guestbook and tell me so u can show me how to do the moves. i'm learning the windmill right now but i can't do it.

Then there's Katree. She's the coolest tree around. Haha. Not too many people have the name tree that u know do they? Well i'm lucky to say that I have a friend with the name TREE. She's in my geology class together and we both love it. the whole study of rocks amazes both of us.

Then theres Jill she's my NSSSA buddy. We went to Encounters together. yeah encounters.. We had a blast on the train 24 hours up and 31 on the way back. yeah.

There's also Kathy. She was my best friend when we were little. She lives in Newfoundland. OH i wouldn't send her any chain letters she hates them. We had fights over the same guy at the age of 5. HAHA Jamie.. Kathy, Sara and I used to also play monopoly all summer and ate lasagha all day. Kathy she'll kill me for this but she used to cry and run up and down the street when she was like 5 cause she couldn't wait to have supper when it was sorry i had lasagha there but i guess i was writting it really fast because it was macaroni and chesse. sorry bout that mistake.. but anyway HAHAHA it was so funny. The time Kathy, Sara and i had a sleep over in my tent and Kathy peed in her pants cause i was talking in my sleep. and the time she peed on the street when we were chalking. haha is went rolling down the street and when we asked her if she peed she said no there was some water on the street from rain. HAHAHA. It hadn't rained in days! She's going to kill me but oh well it was too funny to keep to myself. hahahaha. OH YEAH and don't forget bout our Three Men and a Little Baby movie. We watched it I don't know how many times when we were little. I just watched it the other day it was on Family Channel and i taped it.. OH and i can't forget. well i did but i was just reminded today. we used to sell rocks. we would paint them and sell them and the money we made we would go to Red Circle (i miss that store and all the candy we could get for $1 yum yum)the only person who bought some was Mrs. Hill. and the reason why she bought them cause her garden needed them. hahaha we were so cute....

I have to write bout my Bus friend. DIANA. I forgot to write her name last time so here it is for u Diana Nice and obig. She also lives like right behind me. DIANA and I made a phone with string and juice cans that went from my 'rents deck through my woods and backyard into DIANA'S woods and back yard onto her deck. Then after a days work and a pair of ripped pants we find on it doesn't work cause the string can't be touching anything. and since we had it in trees and stuff. Oh well.. Haha. We're the coolest and were going to make a treehouse. if we can find some wood. DIANA and I have 3 pieces of wood but that's a whole other story. Lets just say no one will be sitting down in Basinview any time soon.

There's also all my other friends if u want to be put on here email me and i will. My links don't go to there homepage i'm stupid and i don't know how to do that but i thought it would be nice if i put it there. i'm just getting bored of writing everything.

I HAVE to write about my loves they are the Backstreet Boys. I love them. They r hot just look at them.. I would do ANYTHING to see them. I stayed outside for 17 1/2. just to get tickets to there concert. But to get backstage passes i would do so much more. My Fave is Brian i love his smile. Yet they are all really hot. If i don't get to see them now when i become my talk show i'm going to invite them onto my show. Even though they will be old then i'm still going to just so that i can meet them in person.

If I'm writing about the Backstreet Boys, I have to write about Great Big Sea. Oh man i love them too. i went to their concert Great Big Picnic in the summer. I was front row center. Stick between SMU boys who had no shirts on and begging me to touch their abs. well being the sex crazed teen i am (haha) i of course did. AHHH. it was an awesome concert. I went to their concert on Dec 4th too. I was in the 11th row on the floor for this one. My goodness Newfoundlanders sure do know how to put on a good show (i'm from Newfoundland too) Their concert was sooo good. I can't wait for them to come back agian.

There's my cousin Stephen. He lives in Halifax. And if ur ever down on the water front during the week u'll probably see him going somewhere. He's umm i don't know how tall but he has short brown hair. He's 28? I think.. Very funny gut haha guy. He has a HIGH gut. haha yeah right he don't have any fat on his body. U ask him to to stick out his tummy and he can't. it's very weird. He's looking for a hot lady if anyone is interested u can email me. Haha stephen.. If u don't find a girl soon stephan u can always have BETH.. haha..

There's Mark. I met him at N.S.S.S.A. We're we had a W.I.L.D (hehe)time. He helped me a LOT with my guestbook. Thanks. Mark when r u going to play the guitar for me? He lives in Stellarton and u can visit his homepage it's under my links. He went to Adventure wave camp where i was there too 2 summers ago. we had yet again another great time. Mark is one of the very few guys that i have let see me when i'm sooo tired i start to act kinda crazy haha . Come visit me sometime mark i miss u.

There's Caper Mark. He went to Adventure wave in the summer with me too. We had a jellybean date. Hehe. We will have to have another one soon. He loves to skateboard. He's really good too. ha well i think he is. Mark kicks ass most of the time. WHEN HE TALKS TO ME.. yeah that's all for now.. love ya lots mark.. Mark is coming to live with me too. Well not with me but by me. It's so exciting. I can't wait we will have to have many more jellybean dates.

I would like to Thank Tyler mostly for having such an excellent camp. Thanks to Liam and Chris too. I LOVE U TYLER LIAM AND CHRIS! I want to say thanks to them for allowing me to have such a super time. My second year at Tylers camp was as "awesome" (capers accent)as the first one. Adrienne, Laura, terri-lynn, Stephan, Melissa and I we're Old school people since it was our second year. Next year our third is going to be the best. Tyler maybe Adrienne terri and I should be Per skillbuilders and just assist the real skillbuilders like student teachers for the next year that would Rock. PLEASE. Think about it OK. I met lots of new people, and got better friendships with several. BRETT we r the BEST at sardines. How many hours was it that they couldn't find us? We finaly had to give up, and come out. I saw LOTS of shooting stars too. Hottie Hut chicks. We kick serious BUM!! Next year we will have to be even better.. It was great seeing everyone again (Capers) and meeting all the new people. We all have to keep in touch and go out and play. Call me up anytime. I will love hearing from u. <

I have to say something bout my good friend Matty. I love u dear. He just moved to NB to go to UNB and i miss him already. He's coming back to Halifax to live cause i miss him too much. Isn't he sweety? I miss u matty i can't wait to see u again. CALL me right when u get home.

I guess i have to write about NSSSA what a bother. It's such a stinky conference. I don't know how come so many people like it? HAHA JUST JOKING. I'm obessed with it. This year i'm please to say that i'm the Public Relations person for the conference. It's going to be a great year and PC we're going have a LOT of fun together. GO TO NSSSA EVERYONE!

I almost forgot why i came to fix this, to write about Encounters with Canada. I went the end of OCT and what a great experience it was. U meet great people and learn a lot about Canada. If u do go and u don't get the topic u pick it doesn't matter u don't learn anything hardly about the topic. Which i must say i was disappointed about. But go for the experience and the great friends u will make.

Please excuse my spelling mistakes. I'm the worst speller so just skip over them. and then again i LOVE for u guys to sign my guestbook but please don't sign it saying how i made spelling mistakes cause i don't have time to look all them up and fix them ok thanks.. OK I'm here again telling u guys/gals that i KNOW i have spelling mistakes. I just wrote that and i said DON'T TELL ME IN MY GUESTBOOK PLEASE. YET i'm still getting people telling me bout my mistakes I LOVE it when u write in my guestbook but please don't remind me again and again. I would rather u not sign my guestbook if all ur going to be talking bout is my spelling.. AND AGAIN. I'M TELLING U TO STOP TELLING ME I'M A BAD SPELLER. THAT MEANS U AUNT MARILYN AND DAD. I KNOW I CAN'T SPELL. MAYBE I HAVE A LEARNING DISABLITY. BUT I DON'T CARE. Please stop talking to me bout my spelling on ur guestbook ur spelling is awful. I DON'T CARE. if i cared i would have changed the. STOP TELLING ME. THANKS

Sorry to all u unhappy ppl that think i wrote too little about them. But there's only so little u should write bout ppl. Plus i can't put ur pic on here if i don't have a pic of u. sorry. so please come back and don't forget to SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!! thanks a bunch for coming to my homepage. I LOVE U ALL. AND GOD BLESS



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My Fave Stories!

This is pretty that why i'm putting it here.. I like this one too. and u can't have that one without this one too. This one is VERY cute

I need one of these. PLEASE BUY ME ONE SOMEONE.. Anyone of these colors will do..