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Welcome to Azfar Homepage

Good Afternoon Ms./Mr. No-Name!

" Even a fool knows you can't touch the stars, but it doesn't stop a wise man from trying. Harry Anderson."


This page belongs to Azfar Iqbal Janjua. This is my first try in life for a Web Page. I did develop the pages for others but hav no time for mine. Hope you will not mind anything in it which you don't like. As you know the web pages are for others that's why I am asking you.

If you want to see my photograph and about me, my family and my friends, go to my personal information.

As most of the pages on the net keep on changing, therefore my page is also under Construction from time it was developed. You will find interesting sites in it. And pls don't forget to sign the Guest Book.

Thanks for your time.

My Favourite Links

My Personal Information... Page 1/3
My Resume for 2003

New.gif (111 bytes)My Photo Album !!

My Personal Information              My Parents             My Friends page 1/2..           Search Engines             Islam And Muslims                              World News & SportsHealth         Horoscopes. Find yours in Chinese Astrology         My Favourite Link for the GSM Mobile Users (SMS)           Famous Qoutes.        New.gif (111 bytes)New Links on Net... !

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This page was hosted on March 1998 and was last revised in January 11, 2000.

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