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Flannie's BEST-est ASCII Text Art
A BestLounge Tribute to those talented mIRC Artists
If you think that ascii Text Art is all fun and games, you have come to the wrong place!  The artists who put together these fabulous creations take it very seriously and, because they stand very little chance of seeing any mon- etary gain from their work, they may be the purest artists of the modern age.  Using vision and creativity, they manipuulate the keyboard and color schemes to display visually exciting, beautiful and thoughtful masterpieces.  And, of course, you can count on a few for a bit of wit and boldness. 
Why have they created these works?  Well, other than that deep desire to create that exists within any artist, it is really for your enjoyment.  Ascii art is a great enhancement to much of the common "chit-chat" that occurs on almost every channel.  These people simply have the biggest hearts of any- body you'll find wandering around IRC. 
These pieces of art are the result of hours of work by their creators, so we ask on their behalf to pay them the respect they are due.  First, please do not attempt to take credit for their work;  they have usually embedded a signature or "nick" into the art that only becomes visible after you "highlight" it (i.e., drag your left-clicked mouse across the image).  Secondly, the worst thing you can do to an artist is to change their work.  Please, we beg of you, do not modify any ascii art from another artist. 
Just a couple of more notes: 
  1. The graphics (.gif images) are creations of Bluboo based on the ascii text art from codes that follow and are only there as a representation of the artist's work.  Please do not take these graphics for any reason.
  2. If you want to learn about ascii text art, text players and more, we recommend Dane's IRC Page as the best place.  There are others.
  3. If you want to see the artists at their best, go to mIRC_Rainbow on the Undernet and mIRC_Wavs'N'Txt on Dalnet.  It is a great place to shop for ascii text art, but it's recommended to have a Text Player first.
So Here We Go!
HINT ... Great Zip File Collections at the Bottom

The Hot Tub (as a graphic)
And the ascii text art codes
/say 12 Get naked and come on in %az ! 
/say 0,0..........8###########0,0...5####### 
/say 0,0 ...... 8/8/8/( Õ..Õ )8\8\8\8( Õ..Õ ) 
/say 12,0·:°·::°.·:°·::°.·:°·::°.·:°·::°.·:°·::°.·:°·::° 
/say 12,0.·:°·::°.·:°·::°.·:°·::°.·:°·::°.·:°·::°.·:°·:: 
/say 0.4[1,4_____________________________________4,0] 
/say 0..4\1,4___________________________________4,0/ 
/say 0...4\1,4_________________________________4,0/ 
/say 0....4\1,4_______________________________4,0/ 
/say 0.....4\1,4_____________________________4,0/ 
/say 0......4\1,4___________________________4,0/ 
/say 4 4 Wanna Spend Some time together In The HotTub? ;) 

The Flannie Magnet (as a graphic)
And the ascii text art codes
/say 8,8.12,8     The          %mz             MaGnEt   8,8..... 
/say 8,8.0,12       %z1 12,12--------------------------8,8. 
/say 8,8.0,12       %z2 12,12--------------------------8,8. 
/say 8,8.0,12       %z3 12,12----- 8,8YYY4,4RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR12,12-8,8. 
/say 8,8.0,12       %z4 12,12----- 8,8YYY4,4RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR12,12-8,8. 
/say 8,8.0,12       %z5 12,12----- 8,8YYY4,4RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR12,12-8,8. 
/say 8,8.0,12       %z6 12,12----- 7,7TTT5,5rrrrrrrrrr4,4RRRRRR12,12-8,8. 
/say 8,8.0,12       %z7 12,12-------------------4,4RRRRRR12,12-8,8. 
/say 8,8.12,12----------------------4,4RRRRRR12,12-8,8. 
/say 8,8.0,12        %z8 12,12-------------------4,4RRRRRR12,12-8,8. 
/say 8,8.0,12        %z9 12,12------8,8YYY4,4RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR12,12-8,8. 
/say 8,8.0,12       %z10 12,12------8,8YYY4,4RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR12,12-8,8. 
/say 8,8.0,12       %z11 12,12------8,8YYY4,4RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR12,12-8,8. 
/say 8,8.0,12       %z12 12,12------7,7TTT5,5rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr12,12-8,8. 
/say 8,8.0,12  %tz            12,12-----0,12 %dz         12,12 -8,8. 
/say 8,8.12,12---8,12 %cz 12,12--- 8,8. 
/say 8,8------------------------------- 

The "Love Shack" Text Art (as a graphic)
Note:  This one is designed to play a .wav sample from "Love Shack"
by The B-52's ... Right Click HERE to download it!
And the ascii text art codes
(May require some repair to keep lines intact)
/sound luvshack.wav 
me 0,12  
me 0,12 0,4   0,5  0,12                                  0,4       0,5  0,12  
me 0,12 0,4   0,5  0,12                                  0,4       0,5  0,12  
me 0,12 0,4   0,5  0,12       0,4        0,5  0,12 0,4   0,5  0,12     0,4   0,5  0,12 0,4   0,5  0,12  
me 0,12 0,4   0,5  0,12       0,4        0,5  0,12  0,4   0,5  0,12   0,4   0,5  0,12  0,4     0,5  0,12  
me 0,12 0,4   0,5  0,12       0,4   0,5  0,4   0,5  0,12   0,4   0,5  0,12 0,4   0,5  0,12   0,4     0,5  0,12  
me 0,12 0,4   0,5  0,12       0,4   0,5  0,4   0,5  0,12    0,4   0,5 0,4   0,5  0,12    0,4   0,5  0,12  
me 0,12 0,4         0,5  0,12 0,4        0,5  0,12     0,4     0,5  0,12     0,4       0,5  0,12  
me 0,02 0,4         0,5  0,2 0,4        0,5  0,2      0,4   0,5  0,2      0,4       0,5  0,2  
me 0,02  
me 1,05      ___________  
me 0,05     1,15___________0,14 0,5  
me 0,05    1,15___________0,14  0,5          %az  
me 0,05   1,15___________0,14   0,5  SteP uP to A HiGheR PoWer...  
me 0,05  0,15           0,14    5,5                             ®·²² 

Flannie's Hello Stranger Text Art
Some Repair required to first two and last two lines
which appear as four lines in text below
(play with .wav sample from "Hello Stranger" by
Barbara Lewis;  right click HERE to download it now!)
12,1¡8¤11;9:13*0                                  13*9:11;8¤12¡ 
12,1¡8¤11;9:13*0      Shoo Bop - Shoo Bop         13*9:11;8¤12¡ 
12,1¡8¤11;9:13*0           my baby                13*9:11;8¤12¡ 
12,1¡8¤11;9:13*0      Shoo Bop - Shoo Bop         13*9:11;8¤12¡ 
12,1¡8¤11;9:13*0         Hello Stranger           13*9:11;8¤12¡ 
12,1¡8¤11;9:13*0             woooo                13*9:11;8¤12¡ 
12,1¡8¤11;9:13*0        It seems so good          13*9:11;8¤12¡ 
12,1¡8¤11;9:13*0    to see you back again         13*9:11;8¤12¡ 
12,1¡8¤11;9:13*0     How long has it been?        13*9:11;8¤12¡ 
12,1¡8¤11;9:13*0 It seems like a mighty long time 13*9:11;8¤12¡ 
12,1¡8¤11;9:13*0      Shoo Bop - Shoo Bop         13*9:11;8¤12¡ 
12,1¡8¤11;9:13*0            my baby               13*9:11;8¤12¡ 
12,1¡8¤11;9:13*0             woooo                13*9:11;8¤12¡ 
12,1¡8¤11;9:13*0                                  13*9:11;8¤12¡ 

 Zip File Collections of the Masters of Text Art
Courtesy of the Mirc_ Rainbow Channel on Undernet
(Click the Artist's Nick to download a ton of ascii art in a zip file)
Elusive   Happy   Icy   Joe_Sin   m' 
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