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The ß§ß and Ñ §¥ñ¢ Home page

Hey You Guys!!! I finally found some time to update this page!! aren't you proud of me??? well, i'm setting up a new part of the site...for AARON CARTER!! he's such a cutie....he does a cover of the song "Crush On You" originally by the jets (i used to love them when i was like, 8 years old, and the song has always been a fave of mine!) and, i got a copy of the magazine BB and you'll never guess who there is a picture of.....thats right...'N SYNC!!! i can't wait to hear "I Want You Back" on the radio!..........well, gotta go!.....i may be going to another BSB concert in January, i'll keep you posted! and if anyone knows how to put pictures on this stupid thing....HELP US! Love Ya Lots, Stephenie =0Þ What up Everybody?! I'm Shannon and I'm handling the 'N SYNC part of the webpage, so if you have any questions, ideas, or just want to drop me a line, just e-mail us! :) Peace, Shannon 'Ñ §¥ñ¢ '97!

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Shannon and Stephanie .

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Meetings With 'N SYNC
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