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Sit back have a glass of wine. Take a seat enjoy yourself. This page has been here for awhile now, and I have been trying to make improvements. I had some problems with angelfire, but I seem to have worked them all out now.
I have some poems that people have submited I will list them by the persons name. All you should have to do is enter the site and click on the persons name that sumited the work.
I also will have a message board, the last one crashed. (I guess that happens in cyberspace)
If you would like to see your work here send me an email, I'm allways up for new submissions!
I hope you enjoy it, and dont forget to sign my guest book "Collected Souls".
Eternally Yours,

"Passionate kisses are like a spiders web.... it soon leads to the undoing of the fly."

Collection of Thought
Message Board

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