We will also feature Survey's that any Women are more than welcome to participate in. Some will deal with direct sexual issues, other relationship based. In addition to Survey's, we wish to post hard facts and unbiased data on this site for educational as well as informative purposes.
...let there be spaces in your togetherness
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.
Love one another, but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same
Give your hears, but not into each other's keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together yet not too near together
For the pillars of the temple stand apart
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's
The Prophet Kahil Gibran
The photographic and written research and scientific information of this site is provided for purely educational purposes. The sole purpose of this page is meant for educational and informational purposes. This is meant to be a frank discussion of female sexuality as well as relationship issues with some male sexuality discussed. If you do not wish to review these pages, due to mature content please go back now.
Phytoestrogen Lowers Breast Cancer Risk
(Reuters) - Consuming a diet rich in naturally-occurring plant chemicals called phytoestrogens may decrease the risk of breast cancer, a new study suggests. Women with high levels of two phytoestrogen byproducts - equol and enterolactone - in their urine had a lower risk of breast cancer compared with other women. Phytoestrogens are found in soy products, such as tofu, as well as in the fiber of whole grains, berries, fruit, vegetables and flax seed.
Phytoestrogen InformationPregnancy Factors Tied To Heart Disease
(Reuters) - Results of a study published in the British Medical Journal show that low birthweight is a risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD) in adulthood, and suggest "...a new explanation for the epidemics of coronary heart disease that accompany Westernisation." Dr. T. Forsen of the National Public Health Institute in Helsinki, Finland, with colleagues in Helsinki and the U.K., conducted a follow-up study of more than 3,300 men born in Helsinki between 1924 and 1933.
Pregnancy FactorsOral Drug Gives Impotent Erections
(UPI) - Researchers say an experimental oral drug can help impotent men - even those with spinal cord injuries - achieve erections sufficient to allow intercourse. At the European Society of Impotence Research, scientists said sildenafil was successful in producing useful erections in 50 to 60 percent of men with suspected organic - non- psychological - forms of erectile dysfunction.
Oral Drug Gives Impotent ErectionsTo Cut or Not to Cut...Playgirl Magazine April 96.
From the April 1996 North American/ U.S. Version of Playgirl
To Cut or Not to Cut... When it comes to circumcision, less may not be more...
Most if not some people around the world today arbitrarily evaluate, investiage and label certain sexual behaviour, thoughts, and ideas concerning male and female sexuality- their own, of course-- as the only normal sexual behaviour, and will go to great lengths to impose their views on others. Anyone who fails to comply with these arbitrary standards is considered an "anti-Christ, anti-Christian, Anti-Choice, Pervert, Sexual inferior, unenlightened individual" or simply uneducated to the ideas and issues whether psychological or medical pertaining to sexuality around them.
"These" judges are the world's sexual fascists (Ellis 1958).
Most of them neither understand nor care, for instance, that women's sexual response to sex relations is different from men's.
They simply expect women to employ and respond to the same sexual techniques that are successful with men. They accept uncritically the traditional double standards of yesteryears morality for males and females: girls must be somewhat chaste until marriage engaging in only a few short term relationships, while boys are allowed even expected to have many premarital sexual experiences. While for males that is seen as the norm, but for women, they are labeled sluts and loose. Women are much more to blame for having children out of wedlock than the males who father the babies. No males today NOR ever have been given those self demeaning lables that are traditionally and even these days placed upon womens necks.
A crucial factor in human sexuality and adjustment is the maintance of "a reasonable degree of flexibility and freedom from fixation in the major aspects of their lives" (Ellis 1958).
We Do NOT expect everyone to like apples. We do NOT expect everyone in the world to enjoy cherry pie. And indeed we do not expect those who like it to want it ALL the time. When it comes to sex, however, the bigot's philosophy does not allow for any behavioural flexibility.
Any student of human sexual behaviour soon recognizes the extreme difficulty of trying to define precisely what is, and what is NOT sexual deviation. As the old adage goes, what is one mans junk is another mans treasure. What turns one woman on will NOT in theory turn on the rest of the female population.
For instance, such noncoital activities- such as masturbation, petting and oral-genital conctact were often viewed in the Western cultures as perversions. Up until the 1800's in America Dr. J.H. Kellogg, of who knew VERY little in ways of preventative medicine boasted that his cereal was a preventative measure of many maladies such as stopping masturbation and inpure thoughts. However, Masturbation is practiced commonly by both females and males, single and married. Oral- Genital contact occurs in most upper socioeconomic relationships. ' And most but certainly NOT all, have related in the past that they prefer noncoital methods of stimulation to intercourse and respond more intensely to them. (Hite 1976, Kinsey at al, 1948, Masters & Johnson 1966+)
The man above coital position is NOT widely assumed anywhere except in a few Western countrys. Among boys of Arab countries, masturbation is infrequently practiced and is less acceptable than homosexuality. (Ellis 1960). These are only two examples of the significant difference in sexual behaviour found interculturally.
NO ONE is justified in saying that the sexual practices of ONE culture are more proper and normal than those of another. Any valid program of sex education must therefore, take individual differences in sexual tastes and pleasures into full account. No person or group has the moral (nor should have the legal) right to force its ethical views upon others any more than aesthetic or political ones.
Perhaps that when we as a society mature to the point that we no longer feel compelled to impose our personal biases on others, we will develop- and generate- fewer emotional difficulties, including sexual ones.
Rodgers 97
Have any comments or questions about these pages? Please email: femsexuality@geocities.com
Love is a "very unruly horse, far more apt to run away and overturn the carriage than to draw it."... Van Den Haag - 1973
Various Bits of Information pertaining to Female and Male Sexuality
NEW! From the October 5, 1997 OBSERVER on Female Infibulations in England
Female Infibulation in England
Female Sexuality and the Feminist Movement by Shelia Jefferys.
Want to see how Circumcision is viewed outside North America? Read this article on Turkish Circumcision.
From the Mayo Clinic OnLine : Pain Management for Circumcision
Pain Management for Circumcision
Snippets of Different Sexual Information and Stastics
My Favorite Links
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
More Website Information on Female Sexuality
Matt's Script Archive - Awesome Web Server Scripts
Research Surveys for Women