The New Digital Standard Time at this moment is:
© 1999 Meissl Measurement & Standards Development Solutions, Inc.
The NDST is a new, revolutionary time standard based on the decimal system. There are:
There are no world time zones in NDST. Everyone uses the same time. The day begins and ends at the same time of the current Universal Time Coordianted (UTC) reference.
NOTE: The system as described needs a redefinition of the second (to be consistent with a "day" as we know it). One NSDT second is defined as the duration of 7,942,433,849 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom. This second is slightly faster than the one of the old system, but the difference is hardly recognizable.
This calendar contains 10 months with 10 days each. Therefore, a year lasts 100 days. At present, the calendar is synchronized so that the 01/01/2000 (old time) precisely coincides with the 0/0/2000 NDSC. There is no more "week;" a week is replaced by a month.
The NDSC months are named as follows:
The NDSC days are named as follows:
Before and after Y2K the year will deviate from the current standard. This has some disadvantages (seasons and moon cycles do not coincide with certain dates) but other than that, only advantages. Every month has the same length and so does every year (no more leap years). Moreover, we will be able to celebrate christmas more often, and people will get older. The drinking age will be raised which will have a positive impact on the motor vehicle accident statistics.
LATEST NEWS: In a test on 6/9/1996 NDSC (alternatively, 4 Feb 1999) the Y2K-compliance of this
time and calendar system was tested and completed with success.
Please feel free to mail your thoughts on my proposed time system to me!
As the current NDST / NDSC system parameters are calculated based on the settings of your system time as you load the Java applet into your cache, the information displayed
above will ONLY be valid if your system time and date are set to the appropriate values in the old system!