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Welcome to the Gatehouse

Hello! I'm the Honorable Rosie, and this is the Gatehouse! Enjoy looking around, and please don't forget to send in Q or A!!!!!
Please remember that this isn't a quiz. It is a page where you ask about stuff that you aren't sure about! So if you have any questions about a Redwall related topic, then send them in. You get 1 point for sending in a question. You get 2 points for sending in a good answer. If someone sends in a really good question or answer we can change the points as we see fit. Ohh, and just if you were wondering, Q&A is questions and answers.
SPECIAL DEAL! Since school has started back in the fall, I have gotten very few Q or A. This is a very bad thing. PLEASE send in your Q or A, or else the gatehouse won't be very interesting. Also, you probably don't know this, but at the moment I am giving away many points for a single question or answer. The last few I've gotten I have given about 10-15 points, this is a hint to you, you don't want to miss this special deal! hurry...
Please oh please oh please include your member name on your e-mail to either of us! Then we can give you the right amount of points. If we don't get your name, we probably won't give you points!!!!

Which book?
Mossflower Q&A
Mattimeo Q&A
Mariel of Redwall Q&A
Salamandastron Q&A
Martin the Warrior Q&A
Redwall Q&A
The Bellmaker Q&A
The Outcast of Redwall Q&A
The Pearls of Lutra Q&A
The Long Patrol Q&A
Miscellaneous Q&A
Real Life Q&A!
Remember to include your creature name in your e-mails!

Redwall Links!

Hey everybody, a chat room!
