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Hello y'all, welcome to my place : )

hehe, they rock!!!!

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
This is for mIRC, its real cool, go there!!!
Freetel, a way to talk to people like your on a phone, for free!!!!
this is for ICQ, get it!!

Hi!! its me!!!!!! hehe, umm, this is like my page, and pretty soon, it will be cool, you can count on it!!! But, for now, i'm 19, male, and VERY eligible : ) , and i'm a very nice guy who loves to talk, so.... if you want to talk, e-mail me or something
I am almost always listening to music, i am addicted to it, if you don't believe me, just talk to me and you'll find out!!! I like all kinds of music, but mostly alternative and some heavy metal. My favorite songs are Betterman (click here for lyrics) , by pearljam, and Don't take the girl,(lyrics) by Tim McGraw.

I would, however, like to thank one person for the help she has givin me on makeing my page.. (click here for her page) jill scott.. thank you.. : )~
and, for you icq users who would like to contact me, my icq ## is 6377306, feel free to connect!!
and to see a hot chic (janna) click here!! but be respectfull.. or i'll kick yer butt!!

Ok, now you know about me,

click here to sign my guestbook..

click here to read my guestbook

and sign my guestbook, so i can see what you think, ok?? tank u berry mucho!!

If any of you have any good links, please mail them to me, or leave them in my guest book, i can't do it all alone, and if you give me your names, i'll give ya credit for the links if i use them, ok?? thanks

More Links!!!! : )

Click here for the free pics!!!

and if your into hacking.. or you have some shareware and don't want to register it, go HERE!! they've got registration numbers for everything!!

These are a few other chat rooms that i go to sometimes, i'm almost always on as Macbeth or danny, hope to see ya around!!!

cHaTML!!!!!!!!!! This ones ok, but kinda lame, i like mIRC better!!

Sail Away Cafe its a good one, try it, let me know if you like it

Adult chat only!!

This is for the chat i'm usually in, its kinda lame, but most of the people are cool!!

Click here! for my download sites

and here for links to my friends pages

and now what else is there to say?? never love till it is love you can handle.. and you are mentally capable of losing that love, for love sometimes flee's from love, yet i know not why.. love is afraid of love when the one you love is not ready for love.. yet i know nothing of love so ask me not and never listen to what i say...

hope you enjoyed your visit, mail me or put in my guest book anything you would like to tell me, and all your link information too!!

and, as my history teacher would say... KILL THEM ALL, let god sort them out..

Later people!!!


all i wanna do is to thank you, even though i don't know who you are....
