Knitted Beauty
Doilies (Star Doily Book #151, American Thread Company. 1956?)
Pattern # 286
Materials Required: 1 ball White Bedspread Weight Cotton
Size: App. 14* in diameter; double pointed knitting needles #1; 24 inch circular needle #1 ; Steel crochet hook #7.
Instructions:Cast on 12 sts , divide sts on 3 needles, join. Mark beg of ea rnd.
Rnd 1: K all around.
Rnd 2: * yo K1, rep from * all around.
Rnd 3 and all uneven rnds: K1 in every st and in every yo.
Rnd 4: * yo, K3, yo, K1, rep from * all around.
Rnd 6: * yo, K5, yo, K1, rep from * all around.
Rnd 8: * yo, K2tog, yo, K3, yo, K2tog, yo, K1, rep from * all around.
Rnd 10: * yo, K2tog, yo, K5, yo, K2tog, yo, K1, rep from * all around.
Rnd 12: * (yo, K2tog) twice, yo, K2tog, yo, K3, (yo, K2tog) twice, yo, K1, rep from * all around.
Rnd 14: * (yo, K2tog) twice, yo, K5, (yo, K2tog) twice, yo, K1, rep from * all around.
Rnd 16: * (yo, K2tog) 3 times, yo, K3, (yo, K2tog) 3 times, yo, K1, rep from * all around.
Rnd 18: * (yo, K2tog) 3 times, yo, K5, (yo, K2tog) 3 times, yo, K1, rep from * all around.
Rnd 20: * (yo, K2tog) 4 times, yo, K3, (yo, K2tog) 4 times, yo, K1, rep from * all around.
Rnd 2: * (yo, K2tog) 4 times, yo, K5, (yo, K2tog) 4 times, yo, K1, rep from * all around.
Rnd 24: * (yo, K2tog) 5 times, yo, K3, (yo, K2tog) 5 times, yo, K1, rep from * all around.
Rnd 26: * (yo, K2tog) 5 times, yo, K5, (yo, K2tog) 5 times. yo, K1, rep from * all around.
Rnd 28: * (yo, K2tog) 5 times, yo, K7, (yo, K2tog) 5 times, yo, K1, rep from * all around.
Rnd 30: * (yo, K2tog) 5 times, yo, K9, (yo, K2tog) 5 times, yo, K1, rep from * all around.
Rnd 32: * (yo, K2tog) twice, yo, K2, (K2tog, yo) twice, K11, (yo, K2tog) twice, K2, (yo, K2tog) twice, yo, K1, rep from * all
Rnd 34: * (yo, K2tog) twice, yo, K6, yo, K2tog, K9, K2tog, yo, K6, (yo, K2tog) twice, yo, K1, rep from * all around.
Rnd 36: * (yo, K2tog) twice, yo, K8, yo, K2tog, K7, K2tog, yo, K8, (yo, K2tog) twice, yo, K1, rep from * all around.
Rnd 38: * (yo, K2tog) 3 times, K6, K2tog, yo, K2tog, K5, K2tog, yo, K2tog, K6 K2tog, (yo, K2tog) twice, yo, K1, rep from * all
Rnd 40: * K1, (yo, K2tog) 3 times, K4, K2tog, yo, K1, yo, K2tog, K8, K2tog, yo, K1, yo, K2tog, K4, K2tog, (yo, K2tog) twice, yo,
K2, rep from * all around.
Change to circular needle.
Rnd 42: * K2, (yo, K2tog) 3 times, K2, K2tog, yo, K3, yo, K2tog, K1, K2tog, yo, K3, yo, K2tog, K2, K2tog, (yo. K2tog) twice, yo,
K5, rep from * all around, K1, move marker for new beg of next rnd.
Rnd 44: * K2, (yo, K2tog) 3 times, (K2tog, yo) twice, K1, yo, K2tog, yo, K3tog, yo, K2tog, yo, K1, (yo, K2tog) twice, (K2tog, yo)
3 times, K3, yo twice, K2tog, rep from * all around.
NOTE: In 45th, 49th and 51st rnds work P1, K1 in the yo twice sts.
Rnd 46: * K3, (yo, K2tog) 4 times, yo, K3, yo, K2tog, K1, K2tog, yo, K3, (yo, K2tog) 4 times, yo, K7, rep from * all around.
Rnd 8: * yo twice, K2tog. K2, (yo, K2tog) twice, K1, (K2tog, yo) twice, K1, yo, K2tog, yo. K3tog, yo, K2tog, yo, K1, (yo, K2tog)
twice, K1, (K2tog, yo) twice, K2, K2tog, yo twice, K4, rep from * all around.
Rnd 50: * K1, yo twice, K3, yo twice, K2, yo, K2tog, yo, K3tog, yo, K2tog, yo, K3, yo, K2tog, K1, K2tog, yo, K3, yo, K2tog, yo,
K3tog, yo, K2tog, yo, K2, yo twice, (K3, yo twice) twice, K2 rep from * all around.
Rnd 52: * K11 yo, K2tog, K1, K2tog, yo, K5, yo, K3tog, yo, K5, yo, K2tog, K1, K2tog, yo, K17 rep from * all around.
Rnd 54: Slip crochet hk through first 2 sts, ch8, ** sc through next 5 sts, ch8, sc through next 4 sts, ch8, sc through next 5
sts, ch8, sc through next 5 sts, ch8, sc through next 3 sts, ch8, sc through next 5 sts, ch8, sc through next 5 sts, ch8, sc
through next 4 sts, * ch8, sc through next 5 sts, rep from * twice, ch8, rep from ** all around ending with sc through last 3
sts, join to 1st st of ch, cut thread.
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