Old Computer Books For Sale
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Old Computer Books For Sale

Apple II - General

1001 Things To Do With Your Apple (Mark R. Sawusch and Tan A. Summers, Tab). A gold mine of exciting ideas for applications ranging from household recordkeeping and budgeting to investment analysis and business management - from game playing and hobby use to scientific, educational, and technical applications. This is a book that not only includes a treasure trove of ideas for getting more from your computer, it provides you with actual programs, flowcharts, diagrams, and step-by-step instructions for using your Apple in practical and just-for-fun ways. (Retail $11.95, sale $5.95, 242 pages)

Apple II User's Guide For Apple II Plus and Apple IIe, Third Edition (Lon Poole, Martin McNiff, Steven Cook, Osborne McGraw-Hill, 1985) is your guide to the Apple II computer. It describes the Apple II itself along with the common accessories such as disk drives and printers. For those who aren't interested in programming the computer themselves, the book explains how to use programs that can be bought off the shelf. For those who do want to learn to learn how to write their own programs, the book provides detailed lessons with lots of examples.

Chapters include Presenting the Apple II, Getting Started, Organizing ProDOS Disks, Organizing DOS 3.3 Disks, Fundamentals of BASIC Programming, Using Strings and Numbers, Program Organization and Control, Screen Output and Data Entry, Printer Output, Programming Disk Data Files, Graphics, Sound, Machine Language Monitor, plus useful appendices. $19.95, 588 pages.

Apple II - Applications

Advanced AppleWorks (David Bolocan, Tab). Discover the power, flexibility, and remarkable management talents that AppleWorks gives you to streamline your work-flow ... spreadsheets, database management, and word processing all in one integrated package. Written in the easy-to-follow, learn-by-doing style, this excellent new sourcebook provide practical insight into AppleWorks' unique features and capabilities. ($16.95, 246 pages)

AppleWorks Made Easy Third Edition (Carole Boggs Matthews, Osborne McGraw-Hill). This best-selling book teaches AppleWorks by presenting solid business applications in easy-to-use examples. With Matthews' in-depth introduction, you'll learn how to use all the compnents and new features of AppleWorks database, spreadsheet, and word processing. ($19.95, 414 pages)

Mastering AppleWorks (Elna Tymes, Sybex). Mastering AppleWorks will make it easy to solve business problems on your Apple. This intelligently organized guide to AppleWorks introduces the basic functions of integrated software - spreadsheets, word processing, and database management - and explains commands in detail. Included are templates for common applications, including balance sheet, income statement, inventory control, cash-flow projections, and accounts-receivable summary. (201 pages).

Introduction To Apple Writer (H. James Watts and James F. Clark, South-Western). This text teaches Apple Writer word processing. More importantly, however, it teaches general word processing concepts that can be applied to any other system with which the user may be confronted. Lessons emphasize the format and purpose of various business documents, along with the word processing functions to be used in creating the documents. (225 pages)

Apple II - Education

Apples For Teachers - 101 Programs for the Classroom (Jim McRae, Tab). Classroom teachers simply do not have the time to enter long and complex programs into their computers, so most of these programs can be enterered in 15 minutes or less. You'll find programs to manage your classroom more efficiently, save time and effort when creating tests or quizzes, and make learning fun for your students with computer assisted instruction. (Retail $21.95, sale $5.95, 212 pages, hardcover)

Apple Logo: A Complete, Illustrated Handbook (Drew Berentes, Tab). This unique handbook provides you with the step-by-step instructions you need to master everything from turtle graphics to actual program writing. Most importantly, you learn at your own pace through hands-on experimentation, not theoretical explanation. ($13.95, 376 pages) [sorry - sold]

Apple Logo For Kids (David A. Yule, Tab). Let "Sam" the turtle teach your children (or you) the painless way learn the language of Logo. With Sam, they can color, draw circles and arcs, change the sizes of pictures and diagrams, and then put it all together to create sunsets, mountains, trees, and much more! Without even knowing it, they'll have learned math and logical reasoning as well as the basics of computer programming. (Retail $11.50, clearance price $4.95, 213 pages)

Mindstorms (Seymour Papert, Basic Books). This book presents an exciting vision of education for the future - the collaboration of computers and children. Papert's new computer language LOGO is now enabling children to program the computer, mastering a powerful technology and coming into contact with some of the deepest ideas from science, mathematics, and model making. ($6.95, 229 pages)

Apple II Programming

The Apple For Your BASIC Kid (Tricia Jordan, Softalk Books). In this large format easy-to-read book, Tricia Jordan describes the ins-and-outs of computers in a non-intimidating style that kids enjoy. The many delightful illustrations clarify various concepts throughout the book. From turning the computer on to adventure-game programming, from flowcharts and flashcards to computer graphics, The Apple For Your BASIC Kid offers an enjoyable introduction to programming for kids (and adults). (Retail $19.95, sale $6.95, 299 pages)

Programming The Apple (John L. Campbell and Lance Zimmerman, Mesa Research, 1981). The authors explain the mission for this book. "We hope to convery the hows and whys of programming. Most books on programming teach the instruction set of a language. We do that also to a certain degree; but more important, we teach what to do once you are familiar with the machine and its language. Things like where to start, what to do, and how to write code that runs more effectively."

Chapters include Fundamentals, Program Development, Program Structure, Program Testing, Error Handling, Miscellaneous (including sorting and searching), Operating Systems, Graphics, Documentation, and example programs. The final chapter puts it all together by taking a commercial software program (Investment Decisions) and discussing the hows and whys of its development. $12.95 (used), 524 pages.

Applesoft BASIC for the Apple II and IIe (Lois Graff and Larry Goldstein, Brady Communications Company, 1984). A complete and practical guide to BASIC programming for the Apple II and IIe, using Applesoft BASIC. Designed for novices and experienced users alike, this unique guide walks you through the fundamentals of BASIC. It also offers a step-by-step introduction to structured programming and discusses a wide variety of practical business applications. $16.95 (used), 328 pages.

Apple Backpack Humanized Programming in BASIC (Scot Kamins and Mitchell Waite, BYTE Books, 1982). If you're a computer user tired of software that assumes an understanding of programming and hardware design, or a programmer interested in writing more effective and easier-to-use programs, then you'll appreciate this presentation of concrete methods for developing "user-friendly" software.

In a readable and engaging style, the authors give you complete details on such topics as screen formatting, crashproofing programs, developing built-in verifications and validations, presenting directions on the video display screen, and writing helpful, clear documentation. In one appendix, you'll find an educational game program that embodies the user-centered approach, while another features a telphone message notepad program complete with model documentation. Full listings of programs in the popular Applesoft BASIC language complement the authors' witty and sensitve solution to one of the major problems preventing microcomputers from reaching their full potential in home or office. $14.95 (used), 181 pages.

Applesoft BASIC Toolbox (Larry G. Wintermeyer, Addison-Wesley, 1984). Picking up where the Applesoft tutorial leaves off, this easy-to-use guide will teach you how to design more efficient BASIC programs; organize, store, and retrieve data; use random, series, and sequential data files; create and use a complete data-file system. $9.95 (used), $16.95 (list), 514 pages.

Mastering Applesoft Graphics (David Miller; Scott, Foresman Computer Books, 1989). Written in a reassuring, easy-to-read style, Mastering Applesoft Graphics takes you from common mistakes to avoid, to high-resolution screens, to advanced Apple IIGS graphic information. Each chapter has questions and answers to help you chart your progress. Finally, here is a book to help you obtain the maximum from your computer's graphic capabilities. $9.95 (used), $18.95 list, 421 pages. [sorry - sold]

Microcomputer Graphics (Roy E. Myers, Addison-Wesley, 1982). Written for use with the Apple II computer, but adaptable to most microcomputers with graphics capabilities, Microcomputer Graphics fully explains the graphics capabilities of the Apple II while introducing the mathematical and programming techniques central to computer graphics. Written for the programmer with moderate BASIC skills and little knowledge of computer graphics, here is a comprehensive look at computer graphics specifically for microcomputers.

$4.95 (well-worn library copy, $11.95 list), 282 pages

Advanced Pascal Programming Techniques (Paul A. Sand, Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1984). This book's primary emphasis is on presenting complete and usable programs, while topics like language features, algorithms, and data structures are presented as they arise in building those programs. As a prerequisite, the reader should be able to read Pascal program listings and write simple Pascal programs. The chapters in this book are

  1. What Is a Good Program?
  2. CRT Techniques
  3. Interactive Input
  4. Crunching Numbers: A General-Purpose Calculator
  5. Text File Tools
  6. Games and Strategy (Reversi)
  7. Simulation and Animation
  8. The Plane Truth: An Electronic Worksheet
All the programs in this book were written using Apple Pascal version 1.1. Tips for translating the programs to standard Pascal are included. $9.95 (used), 370 pages.

The Apple Programmer's Challenge (Stephen Chen, Tab). Just as crossword puzzles are designed to challenge and stimulate anyone fascinated with words, this unique series of programming puzzles and problems has been designed to intrigue anyone who wants to challenge and improve his or her computer skills. Several types of problems are included: basic mathematical questions, problems which involve logic procedures, and application programs which demand intuition, reasoning skills, and business acumen. Solutions are given in Basic, Pascal, and C. ($14.95, 228 pages)

How To Write An Apple Program (Ed Faulk, Reston). This book provides techniques that have proven successful for the author over the years. Sometimes referred to as "modular programming," "structured programming," or "top-down development," this technique is a mechanical attempt to define the sort of functions that the "top-notch" programmers use (sometimes unconsciously) so that all programmers can approach that level of proficiency. ($14.95, 224 pages) [sorry, sold]

Assembly Language for the Applesoft Programmer (C. W. Finley, Jr., and Roy E. Myers, Addison-Wesley). If you are a dedicated but frustrated BASIC programmer, this book will show you how to increase the speed of your BASC programs, generate elegant music and sound, communicate directly with external devices such as disk drives and printers, and much more. Sample programs allow you to add immediate enhancements to BASIC and are easily modified and improved to fit particular programming tasks. (Used $12, regular $16.95, 361 pages)

Assembly Cookbook for the Apple II/IIe (Don Lancaster, Sams, 1984). Your complete guide to using assembly language for writing your own top-notch personal or commercial programs for the Apple II and IIe.

This cookbook is for those who want to build their machine language skills to a more challenging level and learn to write profitable and truly great Apple II or IIe machine language programs. $21.95 (used), 408 pages.

Smart Apples: 31 Artificial Intelligence Experiments (Delton T. Horn, Tab). This book provides a quick introduction to intelligence research and covers the milestones in AI development. You'll encounter such intriguing topics as the Turing Test, game theory, computer-generated stories, and computer creativity. BASIC program listings are included that demonstrate artificial intelligence concepts. These programs will turn your computer into a tough competitor for games, a musician, a witty conversationalist, a poet, a composer, and a writer. ($12.95, 192 pages)

6502 Software Gourmet Guide & Cookbook (Robert Findley, SCELBI Publications). Now you can put together programs without having to start from scratch. You'll have the most useful routines at your command -- already programmed and ready to use. You'll get a plain-talk, explanation of how the entire 6502 instruction set works. And that's a big value to everyone, 6502 owner or not! All in one easy-to-use cookbook. ($8.00 used, 204 pages) [sorry sold]

Apple Technical Library

Apple II BASIC Programming with ProDOS (Apple Computer Inc., Addison-Wesley, 1987). Written and produced by the people at Apple Computer, this is a comprehensive guide to BASIC programming with ProDOS. Now Applesoft BASIC programmers can learn to use this powerful new operating system with their own BASIC programs, and familiarize themselves with the enhanced features ProDOS offers. This authoritative book outlines how to write BASIC program that use ProDOS commands. Additional topics include sequential and random accessing, binary programs and files, and other programmers' utilities. Appendices summarize ProDOS features, explain the difference between ProDOS and DOS, and provide additional programming examples. $29.95 (new condition), 264 pages, hard cover, includes 5-1/4" diskette.

ProDOS 8 Technical Reference Manual (Apple Computer Inc., Addison-Wesley, 1987). Written by the people at Apple Computer, this is the authoritative guide to the standard Apple II operating system. ProDOS 8 (previously called ProDOS) has an advanced hierarchical file system and controls multiple external devices, such as hard disks. Because it supports interrupts, ProDOS 8 works with a wide variety of peripheral cards and software. This manual gives both an overview of ProDOS 8 and a detailed documentation of its programming features.

Appendices detail the BASIC system program, ProDOS file structure, and comparative features of several Apple II operating systems. A quick reference card bound into the manual tabilates ProDOS 8 calls, errors, and data structures. The Excerciser disk in the back pocket allows you to practice making ProDOS 8 calls before actually writing an application program. Written for assembly-language programmers and advanced users, the ProDOS 8 Technical Reference Manual is indispensible for understanding and designing application programs for many different Apple II computers. $29.95, 186 pages, hard cover, includes 5-1/4" diskette. [sorry - sold]

Apple IIe Technical Reference Manual. Written and produced by the people at Apple Computer, this is the definitive reference manual for the Apple IIe computer. The Apple IIe Technical Reference Manual provides detailed descriptions of all of the Apple IIe's hardware and firmware, including input/output features (such as MouseText), memory organization, and the use of the monitor firmware. Appendices offer computer reference information to the 6502 and 65C02 instruction sets and built-in I/O subroutines, a complete source listing of the monitor firmware, and more. Anyone who needs technical information on the internal workings of the original, the enhanced, or the extended-keyboard Apple IIe will find this book an indispensible guide to one of the world's most popular computers. $24.95, 381 pages, hard cover. [sorry - sold]

Apple IIGS Hardware Reference is Apple's definitive guide for assembly-language programmers and hardware designers working with the Apple IIGS. In a single volume, it provides an extensive description of the system's internal operation and presents the latest information on the machine's hardware.

The manual begins by identifying the major components inside the Apple IIGS. A complete overview of input/output capabilities the use of input devices, video display, disk drives, and serial ports. Separate chapters cover the remarkable sound and graphics of the Apple IIGS.

Detailed appendices contain summary tables and frequently used information about the Apple IIGS. Illustrated with photographs, diagrams, and detailed schematics, the Apple IIGS Hardware Reference provides the most authoritative and comprehensive information available on this astonishing microcomputer. $24.95, 288 pages, hardcover.

Apple IIGS Firmware Reference. This companion volume to the Apple IIGS Hardware Reference is Apple Computer Inc.'s definitive guide for assembly-language programmers and hardware developers working with the Apple IIGS. In a single volume, it provides an extensive description of the internal operations of the machine and presents the latest information about the firmware facilities that the IIGS provides.

The manual begins with an overview of Apple IIGS firmware. Then, in detail, it tells how to use the firmware to access the system's monitor, mini-assembler, disassembler, keyboard, mouse, video display, serial ports, and disk drives. Detailed appendices contain summary tables and information about the firmware, and tell how a user can include firmware calls within programs, thereby allowing the user to really have control of the machine. $24.95, 327 pages, hardcover.

Human Interface Guidelines: The Apple Desktop Interface (Addison-Wesley, 1987). This is the definitive guide to the Apple Desktop Interface - the graphics-based "windows and menus" interface first made popular on the Macintosh computer. This book is for everyone who wants to implement the Apple Desktop Interface on any Macintosh or Apple II computer.

It includes the following topics:

$14.95 (new), 144 pages, softcover.

Guide to the Macintosh Family Hardware, Second Edition (Addison-Wesley, 1990). Written and produced by the people at Apple Computer Inc., this is the definitive guide to the hardware design of the Apple Macintosh family of computers. It provides essential information for hardware engineers who design peripheral devices and for system programmers who need to understand how the Macintosh hardware works. Guide to the Macintosh Family Hardware, second edition, provides extensive information about nine Macintosh models: Macintosh Plus, Macintosh SE, Macintosh SE/30, Macintosh Portable, Macintosh II, Macintosh IIx, Macintosh IIcx, Macintosh IIci, Macintosh IIfx. It also contains information about earlier Macintosh models: the original Macintosh 128K, the Macintosh 512K, and the Macintosh 512K enhanced.

This book devotes a chapter to each major feature - processor, memory, serial I/O, and so on - describing the way that feature in implemented on all the Macintosh models that have it. For each feature, the book describes the differences between different models and provides tips to help developers create compatible software and hardware producuts.

An appendix lists the specifications of each model; it serves as a quick reference for readers looking for information about a particular model. The book also contains a glossary of technical terms and an index.

$12.95 used, ($26.95 list), 518 pages, softcover.

Apple IIGS - Technical

Apple IIGS Assembly Language Programming (Leo J. Scanlon, Bantam). Take control of your IIGS by learning to program in assembly language, the language of choice for speed and efficiency. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to assembly language programming for the Apple IIGS computer. In these pages you'll get complete coverage of the 65816 microprocessor's instruction set, access to the built-in Apple IIGS Toolbox, practical programming examples, and valuable reference tables and helpful illustrations. $12.95 (sale), $24.95 list, 455 pages. [sorry - sold]

Apple IIGS Technical Reference (Michael Fischer, Osborne McGraw-Hill). Every detail of IIGS architecture is thoroughly explained in this book. With Fischer's insights on software and firmware, you'll get maximum performance from IIGS hardware through the ROM operating system, the disk I/O and serial I/O, and the Apple IIGS Toolbox. This book also gives you specifics on programming with color graphics, sound, desk accessories, AppleTalk and other enhancements. ($19.95, 699 pages) [sorry - sold]

The Apple IIGS Toolbox Revealed (Danny Goodman, Bantam). Open the Apple IIGS Toolbox and you'll uncover nearly 600 assembly language subroutines that will give your programs the professional look and feel. This book introduces you to crucial concepts before you start programming - concepts that your programming language and other reference guides assume you already know. $10.95 (sale), $21.95 list, 244 pages. [sorry - sold]

Exploring The Apple IIGS (Gary B. Little, Addison-Wesley, 1987). Now Gary B. Little, the author of the acclaimed Inside the Apple IIe and Inside the Apple IIc has written an in-depth, technical introduction to the inner workings of the Apple IIGS. Written for all assembly language and Applesoft BASIC programmers, Exploring The Apple IIGS is a detailed study of how the Apple IIGS is build and how it works.

Little provides thorough discussions of:

Little's easy-to-read style makes the intricacies of programming the Apple IIGS readily accessible. He analyzes all the major functions a programmer will have to know and shows how to assemble them into a complete application. Each chapter features extensive examples of program code. Exploring the Apple IIGS is the ideal guide to learning to program the exciting Apple IIGS. $22.95, 535 pages.

Macintosh - Programming

MAC BITS - Utilities and Routines for the BASIC Programmer (Sharon Zardetoo Aker, Compute! Publications). MacBits: Utilities and Routines for the BASIC Programmer is the toolbox you've been looking for. More than 20 stand-alone utilities write parts of your programs for you. Statements to create windows, menus, patterns, cursors, and more are automatically gnerated for you.

Are you tired of typing countless MENU statements, or designing and redesigning windows, of calculating complex SOUND statements? Do you become frustrated when you discover you need a routine to check buttons, draw with the mouse, refresh the screen, or save graphics? Do you want to make programming in Microsoft BASIC on the Macintosh easier and quicker than ever before? This books solves these and many other problems.

That's not all. MacBits includes over 80 ready-to-use routines which can be plugged right into your own programs to do everything from animate figures to display elapsed time. ($16.95, 239 pages)

The Complete HyperCard Handbook (Danny Goodman, Bantam). The first half of the book reveals every shortcut and undocumented feature Goodman knows for HyperCard browsing, graphics and authoring. The second half gently leads you into HyperCard's comprehensive programming level and the HyperTalk language. (Originally $29.95, sale $5.95, 720 pages) [sorry - no longer available]

HyperCard Power Techniques and Scripts (Carol Kaehler, Addison-Wesley). As a member of Apple's HyperCard development team, Carol Kaehler reveals hints, tips, and tricks for customizing HyperCard to take advantage of its amazing power and flexibility. This book is jam-packed with useful tips and tricks and includes complete usable scripts for merging stacks, adding a new card, generating bar codes, creating automatic indexes, creating a pictorial index, and much more. ($17.95, 435 pages)

Understanding HyperCard (Greg Harvey, Sybex). An exciting, hands-on introduction to HyperCard. Perfect for beginners, Understanding HyperCard uses structured tutorials and engaging examples to answer all you've been asking about HyperCard; what it is, how it works, and how to make it work for you. (Originally $24.95, sale $8.00, 581 pages)

Mastering the 68000 (Phillip R. Robinson, Tab Books, 1985). This books presents the fundamental information you need to understand and write 68000 assembly language programs. From the architecture to the individual instructions, this book covers each vital part of the chip. Subjects covered include 68000 architecture, registers, addressing, instruction groups, instruction set, exceptions, the 68000 family, assembly language, and 68000-based systems. $8.00 used, $22.95 list, 219 pages, hard cover.


Power DOS! (Alfred Glossbrenner, Random House, Electronic Publishing, 1993). Packed with tips, tricks, insights, with none of the awful technobabble that gums up so many publications. You'll learn how to tweak and tune memory, the hard disk, printers - plus the rest of your hardware and software - all while making your system easier to use.

Topics include CMOS, CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT, ten essential commands, commands for special occasions, batch file technique, crucial tools for batch files, file management, maximizing memory, optimizing your hard disk, video and keyboard considerations, printing, communicating, the Power DOS toolkit. $12.95 (used), $25.00 list, 439 pages.

Tricks of the MS-DOS Masters (John Angermeyer, Rich Fahringer, Kevin Jaeger, and Don Shafer, The Waite Group; Howard W. Sams, 1987) represents the distallation of 25 person years' worth of MS-DOS study. It reveals tips, tricks, techniques, undocumented features, and investigations into the most popular disk operating system in the world. Written for the power user but also useful to programmers, the book reveals many hidden features of the MS-DOS operating system, clears up poorly documented methods, and provides little-known facts and numberous ways to increase the performance of MS-DOS. Topics include

The chapters are organized for easy reference, with special "tricks," "caution," and "information" icons to help locate what you want to know. $9.95 (used), $24.95 list, 542 pages.

Windows 3.1 Secrets (Brian Livingston, IDG Books, 1992). With Windows 3.1 Secrets, you have all you need to install, optimize, and maintain Windows and Windows applications. Getting this information yourself coult take months of difficult experimentation, trial and error -- and even then you might not find the 40-plus shareware programs you'll see here. Throughout, the book is loaded with undocumented features and functions that put the full power of Windows at your fingertips. Includes three 5-1/4" diskettes. $6.95 sale, $39.95 list, 990 pages.

Windows for Workgroups Companion (The Cobb Group, Russell Borland, Lori L. Lorenz, R. Michael O'Mara, Microsoft Press, 1993). Here is the definitive guide to the networking power of Microsoft Windows for Workgroups - the easiest groupware solution for your business or office. Windows for Workgroups Companion can help you increase productivity right away. With the Cobb Group's trademark clarity and easy-to-read style, learning and using Microsoft's Windows' new networking tools and features is a cinch.

Windows for Workgroups Companion features hundreds of helpful screen illustrations. You'll find page after page of clear explanations, simple instructions, detailed examples, and no-nonsense advice in this comprehensive tutorial and reference. $27.95 list, $9.95 sale, 504 pages.

Inside Windows For Workgroups (Jim Boyce, New Riders Publishing, 1992). This book gets you up and running with Windows for Workgroups' powerful features in amazingly little time. Practical examples and expert-level tips guide you through all the steps involved in implementing your workgroup strategy - from planning your installation and configuration to dealing with with the concerns of your system's users. You learn how to take advantage of integrated network services from printing to electronic mail. Hundreds of tips, notes, and idea provide you with the information that you cannot find in any other source. $8.00 used, $34.95 list, 735 page.

General Computing / Programming

The Complete Buyer's Guide To Personal Computers (Tim Hartnell and Stan Veit, Bantam Books, 1983). Chapters include

$4.95, 388 pages, paperback. [sorry - sold]

The Necen Voyage: A Fantastic Journey into the Heart of a Computer (William, S. Davis, Addison-Wesley, 1985). A sinister hacker has taken over NECEN, the North East Central Computer, throwing everything from Washington to Boston into chaos. Transportation has ground to a halt. Automatic teller machines have begun harassing customers. Communications have been cut off, and even the traffic lights have gone haywire.

Suddenly a message appears on the President's network terminal:

"I have NECEN.  If you want it back, please transmit the sum of
one billion dollars ....  You have twenty-four hours to pay me.

                                 The Harlequin"
With no other way to foil the blackmailer, the President calls on his Special Miniature Force and on Professor Bill Corbin, internationally famous computer expert. Their solution: shrink themselves to bit size, enter the communication/computer network, and try to wrest control of NECEN from within the mamoth computer itself.

Thus begins an incredible adventure through a microcomputer, a local network, a packet switching network, and eventually into the heart of the powerful NECEN computer. Join Corbin and his crew in this unique and compelling science fiction tour of the complex universe of computer hardware and software. You'll navigate a whirling disk drive, ride an analog signal, and travel through NECEN's vast main memory. Help conquer the dangers of strange chips, unknown code, and hidden saboteurs to try and defeat the Harlequin's dangerous scheme. $9.95, 234 pages, paperback.

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last updated Sep 14, 2006