The many faces of the spotting guy..
Hi! I am KK:)
First off, this is the Mixed in Blender Web! Links, links, and lots of useless jabbering from me about things I like! Simple huh?
There is one rule on this page: Remember to have fun! That's what this page is for!
If you are stuck in someone else's frames, click -->HERE <--
To skip all the talk and get straight to the pages, click here
This song "The Freshmen" by The Verve Pipe (my fav song!!)and some MIDI's on the Soundclips page require Crescendo. For help on how to stop and play the Crescendo music on this page with Microsoft click here.
Must Do!
This is my guestbook! Leave a message to show you came! I don't mind if you put up a web site banner or images. Some people already have. Please make comments though! Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook
If the GuestWorld guestbook is down then you can sign my Dreambook! You can sign it even if the GuestWorld book is up and running!
Do you want to link to this page? I'll link back to you if you want! Click for more info here.
Hi Everyone! This is What's Happening Over Here
I finally got around to updating this page! Yes FINALLY! I have been concentrating mainly on my anime page.. It's almost spring break for me!! I'm sorry for the fact that I wasn't able to update as much during school time..
Little Messages
Spring is here!
This is the Mixed in Blender Web where you will find lots of links to pages that have to do with stuff a lot of people like. I'm sorry if the page takes a while to download!! But that's the fun of having your own web page. Putting stuff that you like on it. Remember to sign my guestbook!
Mixed in Blender News
I am thinking about putting in a less graphic version of my Mixed in Blender web. Also, I'm creating an award. I'm still working on a Pokemon page. I don't know why, just felt like it. Also, someday I might make a J-POP (Japanese Pop music) page. Also, this page will probably not be updated often until next summer. BLAME IT ON SCHOOL!! Stay Tuned! To check out what's new on this site, click here.
(I really like this picture!) A Warning to Wannabe Page-Makers (You know who you are)
Making a site is a hard thing to do! It's driving me insane figuring out what I did wrong in some places!! AHH! It's like rolling a ball up and it comes rolling back. Especially when screwed up computers crash! Something really funky happened to my page so some pages might be weird.. I have to retype everything!!! The biggest hit is always the movie page. That page is totally empty. I have to go retype it sometime...
Questions?? Comments?? Are there any favorite stars you'd like to see a page for?? Tell Me!
Please don't copy this page! Some of the images can be downloaded from the sites they are linked to. Most of the images are from Angelfire. A few of them are my creations. If you need help on something or you want to know where I found a picture, please ask and I'll try to help you! Since I started my new school I haven't been on the Net much lately! If you find broken links, broken images, or have something you want to say just e-mail me!
Click on the graphic to vote for this page as a
Starting Point Hot Site
Anime Daisuki! Page is a page dedicated to Japanese Anime. Only an EVA site up right now but I am working on more.
Chat! is a page with links to chat rooms that I've been to.
Food! is a page with links to pages having to do with food, such as restaurants like Jack in the Box. It's not really done yet so it may be sorta dumb.
TV and the Movies! is a page with links to TV stations and Movie studio sites. If you want a specific movie (Plus reviews etc.), or TV show site, there is a link on the TV/Movie Page so don't worry!
The Web's Coolest! is a page with my picks of the web's coolest plus some other cool personal web sites. If you want to be listed, scroll up or click here.