Assorted Adoption Agency

Assorted Adoptions
As you knock on the wooden door, you hear faint, bizzare sounds. It's like
a foreign language, and one you certantly never heard. Just as you think you're
at the wrong door, it opens and a short girl in her teenage years opens the door.
"Hello there, sorry about the wait. The babies were hungry, get the point.
So, are you here to adopt??" She finally pauses. "Yes, I am" you answer.
"Well then, at the bottom are the pages, as of now, you can either adopt a dragon or a norn, they both grow, and there are more norns available than dragons.

The dragons have 4 stages; egg, hatchling, child and adult. As adults, they can mate, and their eggs put up for adoption. Each parent keeps one, and each pair can only produce one clutch per month.
There will be contests for a special rainbow dragon on occasion, as well as the rare purple.

The norns also have 4 stages; egg, baby, child and adult. Also, as adults they can mate, but they only have on baby, which either goes up for adoption, or one parent keeps it. If a parent keeps it, it cannot mate again.
Norns can lay eggs once per month. There will be contests for coloured norns later on.

Hey, I changed the page!! ~*Kinda obvious if ya've been here before!!*~ You like?? I dunnoh, I kinda don't like the font. What do you think??