This is Alley my cyber kitty.
You can always find Alley playing near the farm house
with her mouse and ball of yarn

Alley is very happy on the cyber farm.
Especially when her cyber bowl is full.
Playing near the barn is Ruff.

Ruff is my cyber puppy.
He lives in his doghouse.
He's happy as long as he has food and a bone.
Ruff likes to play with all the pets on the cyber farm.
But his favorite is Rocky,the cyber hedge hog.

Rocky is 1 1/2 months old and lives in the corner of Ruff's doghouse.
His favorite food is apples.
You'll always see Blue,the cyber bird flying high over the farm.

Down the road a little is the cyber pond.

Let's take a walk down to the pond.
Oh,Look!There is Jerry the cyber mallard.

He is ready to take a cyber swim with his friend Goldie.

Goldie,the cyber fish loves to swim with all her cyber friends.