A Freshy's Guide to Romeo and Juliet
Many students have thanked me for creating my web page
Romeo and Juliet Pictures, News and Links because it has
helped them with their 9th grade unit on Romeo and Juliet in school.
This page is dedicated to further help freshy's get through "the greatest love story ever told" by
vocabulary, my own journal entries when I was a freshy, comparison tables, and essays that others have submitted.
Romeo and Juliet for Freshy's --introduce yourself
Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary --split up into each Act
Romeo and Juliet Homework --the stuff ya hate to do
Romeo and Juliet Journal Entries --some of my old journal entries
Romeo and Juliet Letter --letters
Romeo and Juliet Related Poems --R+J related Poems
Romeo and Juliet Essays
Test your Romeo and Juliet Knowledge --not up yet
Romeo and Juliet Diary --not up yet
Let's compare the films R + J 1968 to 1996
My other Romeo and Juliet pages
Romeo and Juliet Pictures, News and Links
1968's Romeo and Juliet
Need a picture for that report?
Other related pages
Romeo and Juliet: Folk Tales a great summmary of the story
Study Guide for Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet
Shakespeare texts online, including Romeo and Juliet
Take a Romeo and Juliet quiz excellent for before a test
Find out information about me boring, boring, boring
I won't be able to answer any email until late August 2000. If you have questions or comments please hold them off til that time. In addition, go to other Romeo and Juliet sites if you have immediate questions.
My policy on pictures is that you can only take pictures UNDER the pictures section of my web site. Also, you must have a reference/link to my web site as to where you go the picture from!! :)
Last Updated: March 30, 2001
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