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Aloha...More than Hello

The Definition of Aloha according to the Mary Kawewa Pukui Dictionary and Hawaiian Elders
Aloha = Love,
Affection, compassion, mercy, pity, kindness, charity, greetings, regards, sweetheart, loved one, beloved, loving; To Love, show kindness, mercy, pity, charity, affection, to; To remember with affection; To Greet , hail. Greetings! Hello! Good-by! Farewell! Alas
Root Words mean...
The Joyful Sharing Of Life Energy In The Present
To take care of, care for, To keep or Observe, as a Taboo, To Conduct, as a service. To Serve, Honor, as God; Care, Preservation, Support, Fidelity, Loyalty, Custodian, Caretaker.
2. pancreas
3. Hold in Lua fighting
Light of Knowledge, Clarity of Thinking or Explanation, Shining, Radiant, Clear
To Cause Light, Lighten, Illuminate, Enlighten, Inform
2.Probably a variety of Hilu, a fish, the name may be qualified by the colors 'Ula and Uli (red and any dark color including the deep blue of the sea, the ordinary green of vegetation, and the dark of black clouds; the black and blue of a bruise)
A hold in Lua fighting
Literally; Watch Within
I Admire You
2. Thanks, Gratitude; to Thank
Mahalo Nui Loa
I. Admire You Very Much
2. Thank You Very Much

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