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  • Could The Big Bang have ever happened? If everything in the universe came from one infinitely dense object then that object's gravity would have been inescapable. So if The Big Bang Theory is true then ordinary matter would have had to reach super luminal speeds.
  • This problem, in Physics, is really simple I think, no light or heat should be able to reach us from the sun since space is a near perfect vacuum. This principal can also be applied in this way, Imagine that you had a clear glass sphere and in side that sphere was any object. Now if you could pump all the air out of your sphere you should not be able to see inside it to see your object.
  • Another mystery of Quantum Physics is since quantum particles travel an infinite distance in space, and since astronomers believe that there exists an infinite amount of stars, then that means an infinite amount of light should be reaching our planet. It should never be night on our planet or any other planet.
  • Quantum Leaps.
  • 1. The speed of light in vaccuo is 186,282 miles per second. At that speed a beam of light could circle the earth 7.5 times per second.
  • 2. A neutron star is so dense that one cubic inch of it's matter could weigh anywhere from 60 to 100 million tons. These stars have so much gravity that for every hour that passes on this planet only 45 minutes pass on the neutron star.
  • 3. The Theory of Relativity states that no information or physical force can exceed the speed of light. Light speed seems to be nature’s speed limit. If someone in a car traveling towards you in a car at 20 MPH threw you a ball a 10 MPH, the ball would be traveling at 30 MPH when it reached you. Likewise if the car was moving away from you at 10 MPH and some one threw you a ball at 20 MPH, the ball would be traveling at 10 MPH when it reached you. All other matter behaves this way except for quantum particles. Planets that are traveling towards use at very high rates of speed give of light particles that travel no faster than those planets that are moving away from us. One possible reason for this is when and object approaches the speed of light , the energy that is pushing or pulling it starts to turn into mass. Thus, it gets heavier, witch slows it down. If more energy is applied to speed it up once more it gets heavier still, witch slows it down even more. This viscous loop is why the speed of light is impossible to reach.
  • 4. One cup full of the matter produced by our sun contains enough energy to power a large city for 1 year.
  • 5. Our planet rotates around our sun at 19.8 miles per second. And our solar system rotates around our galaxy’s center at a rate of 250 mile per second. Even at this speed one full trip around our galaxies takes 250 million years.
  • 12. None of the stars you see in the sky is a fixed point. All stars, even our sun, are moving. Our sun is moving at a rate of 12.5 miles per second and we are moving with it. For every 100,000 light years(6 trillion miles = 1 light year) an object is away from us, it moves away from us at a speed of 15 miles per second. At that speed objects that are 12.5 billion light years away from us are moving away at 186,282 miles per second(the speed of light). That means no matter how big a telescope you have or how well it works, you will never be able to see those objects from our planet.
    Here are some of my own ideas about relativity

    The Theory of Relativity

    I have just barely covered quantum physics and astro physics in this page. I am always updating this site, so please come again. Most of the text and ideas contained in this site I just typed in a flash of inspiration so please forgive some of the spelling, I will correct it later. Even the great Albert Einstein failed 8th grade math so give me a break. I can go in greater detail if any of you would like to chat about anything you have read or have any questions. ICQ me and we can exchange ideas. If you have a personal web site, e mail the URL to me and I will add a link on this page to you site if you will do the same for me.


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