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Lindsey's Titanic Page

If you are a ring master or mistress I either have the stuff on this page or on the page right here.

TITANIC will be out on video on Sept. the 1st. Many stores are allowing you to reserve a copy so you should probably go out and do that!

My Titanic Picture Book, I have been working really hard on this - uploading all of the pictures and making totally ~new~ pages to put them on so please check it out and tell me what you think of it!

Hey peoples! You can ICQ me or Instant Message me if you have ICQ or Aol Instant Messager! My ICQ number is 11069717 and my AOL user name is LiNzZyY So I you have time send me a message!

"Nearer My God To Thee"Thanx to Here!
"My Heart Will Go On"Thanx to Here!
"Music from the third class dance"Thanx to Here!
You may choose to listen to one of the above songs while you are at my page or you can listen to a sound clip below.
Sound Clip Thanx to Here!
Sound ClipThanx to Here!

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I read the book A Night To Remember. I thought it was really good. If you didn't all ready know it's a book on the Titanic. The book starts just minutes before the ship hits the iceberg and keeps going until they finally reach New York. I suggest that you read it if you enjoyed Titanic.

I have seen Titanic 3 times. I finally saw it again!! I was SO happy! This movie is one-of-a-kind. I don't know if there will ever be a movie this good again. My favorite part of this *GREAT* movie (its hard to have a fav. part because it's all so good but...) is totally the Third Class Dancing! I totally LOVE that part! The only thing I don't like in the movie is Cal. I totally hated him but he is only a character in the movie so I suppose he really isn't like that but he made me soooo mad when he said that the better half was going to live. I mean like what does it matter whether or not you are rich? You still have the same right to live. And what really makes me mad is that they really did lock up the 3rd Class people. I haven't seen a movie this good for well... ever! My other favorite part is when Leo aka Jack is teaching Kate aka Rose how to spit. If anyone cares my other page is at here! Even though it has nothing to do with Titanic check it out.

My Links!

Offical Titanic Home Page:
Behind the Scenes of James Cameron's Titanic: A good page with some pictures and a lot of links
Titanic Movie Site:
Jims' Titanic Site: Very interesting. Its not just all about the movie but also about people who survived the sinking
Titanic Page: Good page with lots of links
Titanic!: Good page with some pictures and links
The Titanic Web Site:
Titanic Photo Gallery: Where I got most of my pictures
Domain of Kate Winslet: Lots of info. on Kate
UNDOUBTEDLY DICAPRIO: Some Leo info. check it out!
Devoted To DiCaprio
Great pix!:Its not in English if you want to read something but you don't need English to look at pictures!
Titanic-The ship of dreams
Beths Shrine:Good page with good links!
Katies Titanic Page
Titanic Pictures, News and Links:Very very good!
Mary Janes RMS Titanic Page
Titanic Movie Facts
Titanic Movie Site
Titanic Chat
The Ultimate Picture Gallery, and Information Website
Nothing on Earth Could Come Between Them
Stacey's Titanic Site:Great!!
Leonardo Dicaprio's Hottest Rumor's and News
Jack and Rose Together Forever
Nothing On Earth Could Come Between Them
Titanic - The Ship of Dreams

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      site is owned by
      Lindsey Dabkowski.

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VP Webring for Titanic Lovers

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Disclaimer : All of the pictures and music from the film 'Titanic' are the sole property of Twentieth Century Fox, Paramount Pictures and Lightstorm. The owner of this homepage is in no way affiliated with the makers of 'Titanic'. These pictures were found on random Titanic Websites as well as the official 'Titanic' Website. No intentional copyright infringement was intended. All copyrighted pictures will be removed upon the request ofthe owner(s). Any other images and material that is copyright will also be removed upon request.
Last updated July 28th
