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In loving Memory of Spook-Shaman, who graced the earth with his presence from October, 1989 to December 7, 2005

...I came to the (lake) to live deliberately, to front only the essential

facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach,
and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.
-- Henry David Thoreau, Walden
I was born on Lakes Edge 16 years ago.  I adopted Mom 11 years ago when the family I lived with moved away and left me behind. 
I was thrilled to come live with Mom as we'd been buddies for years. I'd wait every night for her to come home from work and trained her to take walks with me around the lake. 
Spook On Lake
Big Spook!
Anyway, I'm "Big Spook" to the outside world, where I defend my turf from intruders. Inside I'm a real teddy bear.  I'm a kind and gentle big brother to my little brother and sister cats. Mom calls me  "Spookydiddles" and "Love Bug."  I'd die if anyone knew!
Teddy Bear
Mom thinks I'm quite handsome.  She entered me into the Cat Fanciers Association Best Household Cat Show a few years ago.  While the judge commented on my superior physique and facial features, I tried to bite her when she lifted me onto the viewing stand.  So instead of First Place, I only got Honorable Mention and a great big ribbon....Please, Mom, no more sissy cat shows for this macho man!
Regal Spook
Wise Spook
Mom added "Shaman" to my name 
because she says I've been 
a healing influence in her life. 
MS Bookshelf describes "shaman" as
a medium between the visible world 
and an invisible spirit world; 
practicing magic for purposes 
of healing and divination.
The story of our lives together appeared in the full-length, feature article, 
From Spook to Shaman, in the December, 1997 issue of Cat Fancy Magazine.
The Shaman Textured Dreams

Contact me at:
PostScript: If you eat meat or dairy products, use prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, cosmetics, or household products, please take a moment each day to remember the animals who suffer and die on our behalf,and learn how you can help ensure their humane treatment.