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So you want to roll a character eh?
Ok, let's start with a few basics here then.
Never roll a QUICK GENERATED CHARACTER if you are serious about playing.
Always choose the FULL CHARACTER GENERATOR, for a more enjoyable experience in the lands.
These are the PROFESSIONS you have to choose from, I am sure that there is one that will be just right for you!
The races are: Dark Elf, Dwarf, Elf, Half-Elf, Halfling, Human and Sylvankind, that's me!

I wish to thank Lord Phalithril and Lord Aidelias for helping me compile the new professional titles for this site.




BARDS: My personal favorite! If you are really into role playing, Bards are the perfect choice. They wander the lands, entertaining whomever they find along the way..... Bards can cast spells from their own Bard Circle or the Minor Elemental Circle, making them Partial Elemental Circlists. Their song skills enable them not only to enhance their own fighting skills in battle, but anyone that is joined to them. Bards are Masters of Lore too, gifted in revealing the secrets of any item's history. Nearly as adept as Rangers, Bards are somewhat more knowledgable in magic, but less so in physical skills, such as combat and manuevering techniques. Armor interferes with some of their spell casting abilities. So, make sure you train at least once every level in armor, until you can wear the armor of your choice, with little or no hindrance. Prime Requisites for Bards are Aura and Logic. When you generate your Bard, you will receive an extra 10 points in each of these statistics(STATS).

For more detailed information on BARDS, click here---> BARDS

CLERICS: Clerics are Pure Circle Spiritualists. They roam the lands, giving hope to all who have died! Some are simple monks or priests, others are fearsome crusaders. They are all however, devoted to preserving life in Elanthia. A Cleric's spells allow them to ressurrect the dead, speak with our God's, bless our weapons,(more about that later) banish the undead, protect themselves and others during battle. Cleric's gain skill with arms by devoting more time training in it, then other non- spiritualists. Heavy armor also inhibits their spell casting abilities. So again, make sure to train in armor. Prime Requisites for Cleric's are Wisdom and Logic, which gives them an added 10 points to each of these statistics(STATS)upon generation of your character.

For more detailed information on Clerics, click here ---> CLERICS

EMPATHS: If you truly love helping others, this is the profession for you! They are affectionately called Empuffs, or respectfully called Warpaths. You could be either one, or a little of both, depending on how you train. Empuffs, mostly heal and do not hunt, Warpaths, mostly hunt and do not heal. Empaths get their spells from their own Empath circle also, the Minor and Major Spiritualist circle, which makes them pure Circle Spiritualists. Some Empaths only use wands and their spells to hunt, others only use their weapons and their spells to hunt, some use both. Their most important job though, is to transfer wounds to themselves to heal others, then use their recuperative powers to heal themselves. Armor again, affects their casting ability and their Round Time(RT), so be sure to train in armor use, at least once per level. Prime Requisites for Empaths are Wisdom and Logic, which gives you an added 10 points to each statistic(STAT) upon generation of your character.

For more detailed information on Empaths, click here---> EMPATHS

RANGERS: Rangers combine their skill with weapons and spells to fight their opponents. While they can only throw spells of limited power, their magic enhances their considerable skill with weapons. Many Rangers spells deal with manipulating nature, so their spells are more effective outside. They are also fairly adept at manuevering and using items both magical and mundane. Rangers are one of the most versatile professions, having a flexibility that few can match. Heavy armor will restrict their spells. They are Partial Spirit Circlists, their spells are from their own Ranger spell circle and the Minor Spiritulist Circle. Their Prime Requisites are Wisdom and Constitution, which gives you a +10 to each of these statistics(STATS) upon Generation.

For more detailed information on Rangers, click here---> RANGERS

ROGUES: Are Non Circlists, although they can eventually learn how to use spells from the Minor Elemental Spell Circle, they have no Rogue spells of their own. They mostly specialize in manuevering and manipulation. Rogues, have an easy time learning many skills such as: Ambushing, Climbing, Disarming Traps, Hiding, Lockpicking, and Perception. With these combined skills, Rogues make excellent Locksmiths, Hunters, Scouts and Thieves. They are also fairly adept with weapons and wearing heavier armor, second only to Warriors. They may also learn how to use Spells and Magic more easily than a Warrior, but it does cost them a lot to train in Spell Research. Their Prime Requisites are Reflexes and Dexterity, which gives you a +10 to each of these statistics(STATS) upon Generation of your Character.

For more detailed information on Rogues, click here---> ROGUES

SORCERERS: Sorcerer's are almost a breed onto themselves. If you like being a loner, this is the one for you. They are Multi-Circlists and rely on both Elemental and Spirit for their spells. Their spells are concentrated on disruption and destruction.......ooh sounds scary. While this is a difficult profession to learn early on, Sorcerer's have the potential to be extremely powerful in later years. They can not however, learn as many utility and defensive spells as Wizards or Clerics. Their Prime Requisites are Aura and Wisdom. Which means you will receive a +10 to both of these statistics(STATS) upon generation of your new character.

For more detailed information on Sorcerers, click here---> SORCERERS

WARRIORS: The Warrior's main focus is on combat. They learn weapon skills and wear heavier armor more easily than any other class. They are very skilled at manuevering in combat to gain advantage over their opponents. However, they have great dificulty in learning spells and operating magical devices, because they devote most of their training to physical combat. Warriors are Non Cirlists, same as Rogues and their Prime Requisites are Constitution and Strength, which gives you a +10 to each of these statistics(STATS) upon generation.

For more detailed information on Warriors, click here---> WARRIORS

WIZARDS: Are the Masters of the Elements, they are Pure Circle Elementalists. They have the most variety of spells for attack, defensive and utility purposes. Excellent at aquiring knowledge of magical lore and the use of magical items, Wizards are among the poorest in learning weapon skills. Most armor will affect their spell casting abilities. As with Sorcerers, they start out very weak, but in later years are the amongst the most powerful and richest of all professions. Their Prime Requisites are Aura and Intelligence, which gives you a +10 to each of these statistics(STATS) upon generation of your new character.

For more detailed information on Wizards, click here---> WIZARDS

Now to choose a Race, what will you be? Remember, Races go hand in hand with the Professions/Classes, you would not want to be a Giantman Wizard or a Halfling Warrior(UGH). Certain Races have bonuses or penalties which apply to various STATS. These bonuses apply above and beyond whatever bonuses or penalties your character has because of the actual STAT. For example, a Giantman will be much stronger than a Halfling, but a Halfling will have more advantage in Dexterity. Your race also influences your Health Points(HP's). The race you choose, also determines how much you can carry, by how much Strength and Weight your character has. Encumbrance is based on Race, Strength and Constitution. In general, larger races can carry more than smaller ones.

See table below for statistics on each race.

Dark Elf -05 +10 -10 +05 *00 *00 +05 -05 +05 +10 *05 120
Dwarf +15 *00 +10 *00 +05 +10 -05 -10 *00 -10 *06 140
Elf *00 +05 -20 *00 *00 -05 +15 +15 *00 +05 *05 130
Giantman +10 -05 *00 -05 *00 +15 -05 +05 *00 -05 *07 200
Half-Elf *00 +05 -05 *00 *00 *00 +10 +05 *00 *00 *05 135
Halfling +10 +15 -05 +10 +05 -20 +10 -15 *00 -05 *04 100
Human *00 00 *00 +05 +05 +05 *00 *00 *00 *00 *06 150
Sylvankind *00 +05 -05 *00 *00 *00 +05 +05 *00 +05 *05 130

Physical Training Points are configured like this: (CO+ST+DE+RE+DI+AU/10)

Mental Training Points are configured like this: (LO+IN+CH+WI+DI+AU/10)

*NOTE: The more mental and physical training points you have, the more you are able to train in each skill per level.

Before I forget to mention it, let me tell you now.



ELVEN RACES: Elves, though similiar to mortal men, differ in a number of important ways. They are tall, (6 ft or so) slender, lithe and agile, with little body hair, fine features and unmarred skin. Elves are much more resistant to disease and the ravages of time, than mortal men. They are able to withstand a greater range of temperature extremes and their senses are extremely keen. Because they have such extended life times, they tend to be very undisciplined in their behavior.

DARK ELF: Sturdier and darker than their fair cousins, the Dark Elves are great builders and craftspeople, or should that be "craftelves"(WINK). Skilled in fine metalwork and weaponsmithing, they are also possessed with a great love of knowledge and learning. The Dhe'Nar, a sub-specialty group in Elanthia, are all Dark Elves.

ELF: More numerous and rustic than the Half-Elf and Dark Elf, they also have more ruddy complexions, with sandy hair and light eyes. They are slight and lithe, moving about the woodlands and hills virtually undetected. They prefer to wear forest green or brown clothes, but you will occasionally see them in other colors too.

HALF-ELF: Half-Elves are the offspring of Human and Elf parents, which makes them sometimes looked down upon by both races. Similar to Giantmen in most attributes, they also share the Elve's agility, low discipline and quickness.

SYLVANKIND: Although, related to Elves, Sylvankind are very rare. Females are the most numerous, though males are not unheard of. They have pale complexions with sandy hair and light eyes. You might see some with other color hair and eyes, making them rarer yet. They are slight and lithe, moving about the woodlands and hills virtually undetected. They favor the colors of forest green and brown for clothing, but will occasionally wear other colors also.

Other Races:

DWARF: The hardiest of all the races of Elanthia, most likely the ugliest too, they are short (under 5 ft), stocky and the hairiest of all races, except for Halflings. Their long beards are a matter of great pride for them. Even some Dwarven females are bearded, others are not. Little is known about the Dwarven cultures of Elanthia, as few Dwarves leave their homes for a life of adventure. Dwarves have a natural resistance to certain forms of Elemental magic, but are less adept at using it.

GIANTMEN: Giantmen, are the largest of all the races, averaging at least 7 ft tall. They are humongus. They are also extremely strong and hardy men. A variety of Giantmen cultures exist on Elanthia and many are quite civilized and even noble. Some others tend to be more barbaric in nature. Giantmen are not, however, that unintelligent either. Their physical appearance also varies, though they tend to have dark hair and eyes. They are the greatest warriors in all of Elanthia, because of their physical prowess.

HALFLING: The smallest of all of Elanthia's Races, averaging just over 3 ft tall, and quite rotund too. Their feet are covered with carefully groomed hair. Halfling's culture tends to be simple and rustic and they value good drink, companions and freshly baked tarts. Halflings, have little physical strength, but no race can match their Dexterity. They also have remarkable resistance to Elemental Magic.

HUMAN: Humans on Elanthia, like those on Earth, vary in their appearance. Humans in Elanthia tend to be Urban folks. They have no remarkable strengths or weaknesses in their STATS, but they are adept at any profession. When in doubt, choose the Human Race.

Cutural lineage explanations for each race below.

Halfling Cultures

Although Halflings are most known for their peaceful, agrarian societies, not all Halflings are so content to stay at home, and many find interests other than farming.

Mhoragian Halflings

The Mhoragian Halfing originated from the most northerly region of the steppes of eastern Elanthian continent. In general, these Halflings are hunter/gatherers and live nomadic lifestyles.

Brughan Halflings

The Brughan Halflings originally crossed the steppes and settled around the shores of a large, freshwater lake they called Khesta 'Dahl (the name meaning Sister of the Mists). These Halflings tend to specialize in hunting and fishing as well as limited farming.

Malghava Halflings

The Malghava Halflings settled along the northern border of the forests, in an area of emerald, rolling hills and plains alternating with thick, deciduous forests that they called the Shirelands. They lived a predominately settled, agrarian lifestyle.

Paradis Halflings

The Paradis Halflings split off from the original three groups following the Despana wars, and migrated around the tip of the DragonSpine Mountains, eventually settling in the Icemule Trace region. The name translates roughly as 'the Homeless'.


Dwarven Cultures

Similar to the Elves and Humans, the Dwarves also founded an empire, though one more limited in scope. They did not challenge the other races control of the land, for the Dwarves were more interested in what was underneath it. They made their home in the mountains. There, they found gold, silver, mithril and other materials. The vast underground cities of the Dwarves were, however, little known to other races, for the Dwarves allowed few to enter and see their riches.

The Dwarves were split into many clans, each dwelling in a range of hills or mountains. Ruling over all was the line of Khazi Khazar, who founded the greatest of the Dwarven holdings, the city of Kalaza. His line served as the Dwarven Overking for thousands of years. Little is known of most of these years, as the Dwarves do not offer their history freely. Most of this history, however, involves their never-ending war with the other mountain-dwellers, the orcs. The Dwarves have been battling orcs, and their larger thralls, the trolls, for generations.


The Khanshael began as enslaved dwarves to the Dhe'nar elves. However, after service to the elves over thousands of years, the line between master and servant has blurred. These days, in times of war, dark dwarves have been seen fighting along side the Dhe'nar. Nothing is as frightening to a war force as a field full of dark dwarves with heavy hammers in hand.

All in all, the dark dwarves are one of the few examples of a sub-culture that has risen, through its own talents and productivity, from the class of slave to that of valued merchant class. In Dhe'nar society, to harm a dark Dwarven artisan is an offense punishable by death. To the Dhe'nar, these are a protected people who serve them. In return for that service the Dhe'nar protect and shelter them.

Other Dwarven Clans

Clan Name Specialization Primary Location
Grey Miner Clan General Mining Zul Logoth
Open Air Clan Lumbering Zhindel Post*
Greetok Clan
(Descendants of Greetok)
Gem Cutting Greetok§
Trailsmith Clan Trailsmiths (No Specific Town)
Merchant Clan Trading Khazar's Hold*
Zul Roram
Zul Brechinzm†
Flock Tender Clan Rolton Raising Vaslavia Meadows*
Emerald Clan Vegetation and Toadstool Farmers (No Specific Town)
Marble Quarry Clan Stone Masons Rockmelderam
Stone Keeper Clan Gem Miners Kherram Olt Dzu§
Silver Vein Clan Silver Miners Zul Zybrano†
Empire's Backbone Clan Iron Miners Eregendo Dzu
Parshillam Dzu†
Metal Clan Invar Miners Mordram
Rock Worm Clan Tunnel Miners Chiostolis
Liquid Life Clan Water Channelers Lake Jostallim
Wind Rider Clan Atmospherics Bortrazo's Canyon*
Zul Golorot
Flowing Silver Clan Silversmithing Zul Sharzen*
Gold Pounder Clan Goldsmiths Ghareschnek*
Solid Moonlight Clan Mithrilsmiths Mithgrek
Ragnak Clan General Construction Kragnek Dzu*
Kazunel Clan Weaponsmiths Gezunel
Reznek Clan Armorsmiths Grentok
Smaelton Clan Smelters Eregrek

Elven Cultures

The Elven Empire was centered on the Seven Cities, each built by and named for one of the seven noble houses. Each of these lines had risen to leadership of the Elven peoples. Even today, most Elves swear varying degrees of allegiance to one or the other.

Only five houses remain of true elves. House of Ashrim was lost at sea. House of Faendryl, once leaders among the elves, was cast out and its members eventually became dark elves.

The remaining Elven Houses are:

House of Vaalor (The Elves of Ta'Vaalor)

Ta'Vaalor, the work of the great Aradhul Vaalor, is more a fortress than a city. The Vaalor have always produced the finest warriors of the Elven race. All Vaalor, male and female, enter the military at a young age, serving for some hundred years. Perhaps because of this, they are the haughtiest of the Elves. They had little tolerance for the lesser peoples of the lands, especially mixed-breeds. They have never suffered the Elven culture or bloodlines to be tainted by others. During the height of the Elven Empire, they chafed under the leadership of the Faendryl, believing the high seat should be theirs.

House of Nalfein (The Elves of Ta'Nalfein)

The line of Zishra Nalfein founded Ta'Nalfein, which has always been a center of Elven politics. The Nalfein are fairly adept at everything, but they have always been the master of stealth, whether in the field or the council chambers. Their politics are particularly ruthless, as they let little stand between themselves and their desires. The Nalfein are also apt to take up the life of a wandering merchant, traveling the world to trade in both goods and information.

House of Ardenai (The Elves of Ta'Ardenai)

Sharyth Ardenai was the matriarch of Ta'Ardenai, and her line remained closest of the houses to their roots in the deep forests. Though they dwell in towns and cities, they retain a love for the land exceeded only by the Sylvankind. They tend to be less haughty than members of the other houses, and have less of an imperial bent. They are typically appointed as emissaries to other races. They are, however, capable warriors at need. All Ardenai grow up to revere the hunt, and few can match their bow-masters.

House of Loenthra (The Elves of Ta'Loenthra)

Callisto Loenthra's house is one of craftsman, artists, poets and bards. Ta'Loenthra is generally acknowledged as the center of Elven culture. Though some do leave the Elven lands to ply their trades as merchants or wandering bards, most Loenthra consider the lesser races too barbaric for their company. An old Loenthra saying describes performing to an unappreciative audience as "casting pearls before Dwarves."

House of Illistim (The Elves of Ta'Illistim)

Linsandrych Illistim, the greatest scholar in Elven history, founded Ta'Illistim. His house has continued that tradition, and none can match the knowledge of the Illistim Masters of Lore. They are also extremely adept at the working of magical rituals, and the greatest artifacts produced by the Elves came from the House of Illistim's laboratories. Though many Illistim choose a life of seclusion and study, some others travel the world in search of knowledge, both old and new.

Half-Elf Cultures (Lack of)

Half-elves are simply the result of the union between an Elf and a Human and have no unique cultural alliances beyond those of their parents. They are treated with some disdain by Humans, however, and quite a bit of distaste by Elves (both light and dark) since they are not of pure Elven blood. They'd certainly have better familial prospects in the Human Empire, as most Elves wouldn't have much to do with a Half-elf.

Those Half-elves who are lucky enough to be born outside both of the Human and Elven Empires may enjoy a childhood with more dignity, however, it is important to remember that there are generally no more than one consecutive generation of Half-elves in a family. (Half-elves in Elanthia are rare and if, for instance, a Half-elf joins with a Human, their offspring would be three quarters Human and one quarter Elf. Such a child would probably be considered a human.) There is little opportunity for the development of a true Half-elven culture. Instead, most live as a pariah within the Human or Elven cultures.

Players of Half-elves may choose for their character to be a pariah of any of the Human cultures, as well as any of the Elven Houses (including Faendryl.)

See also:

Human Cultures

The Human cultures are as diverse as those of any other race, though perhaps they fall more completely along geographical and political lines than any other. While all Human groups are agrarian in nature, many are known for specialization in various crafts (shipbuilding, weaving, art, books, armoring and weapon-smithing, gem-cutting, mining, woodcutting, etc.) In general, the resources available in each location played a large part in each culture's specialization.

The Tehir Tribes

The Tehir are a nomadic people of a tribal culture that dwell within the Sea of Fire, a great desert within the Turamzzyria Empire, where they have adapted to the extremely harsh environment.

The Tehir are constantly fighting with the Turamzzyrian Empire over the copper mines found within the Sea of Fire. The Tehir hit-and-run tactics coupled with the harsh environment make them a difficult enemy for the empire to defeat. On the other hand, the Tehir are unable to drive the outlanders from the mines, and often their raids are ineffective against the well-guarded imperial caravans.

Other Human Cultures

Location Ruling House Cities Direction
Duchy of Selanthia Anodheles Tamzyrr West
Duchy of Aldora Chandrennin Elstreth South
Earldom of Chastonia Kestrel The Swale South
Earldom of Honneland Feurstein Immuron East
Earldom of Estoria Hurrst Idolone South
Earldom S. Hendor Weirlund Waterford, Nydds North
Earldom N. Hendor Jovery Lolle North
County of Allace Calquinor Ubl South
County of Trauntor Greythane Brantur, Barrett's Gorge East
County of Seareach Tramini Brisker’s Cove, Phannus North
County of Torre Claybourne Fairport, River's Rest West
Barony of Jantalar Hochstib Jantalar, Mestanir, Talador North
Barony of Talador
(Now Jantalar)
Hochstib Talador North
Barony of Mestanir
(Now Jantalar)
Hochstib Hochstib North
Barony of Bourth Caulfield Krestle, Gallardshold East
Barony of Vornavis Malwind Vornavis/Solhaven North
Barony of Highmount Hammarskal Maelligh, Kragsfell East
Barony of Oire Villaunne New Myssar West
Barony of Riverwood Helt Helt North
Barony of Dragach McGarry Connedale, Krinklehorn East

Dark Elf Cultures

Closely related to the Elves, both of the Dark Elven cultures were permanently affected by long periods of exile in the terrible lands of Rhoska-Tor.

House of Faendryl
(The Elves of New Ta'Faendryl)

Once the leaders of the Elves, the Faendryl were cast out of the Elven Empire at the end of the Undead War, for crimes the Elves were unwilling to forgive. Ever the leaders in terms of their mastery over magic, the Faendryl had dabbled in demon summoning. All the Elven houses were appalled at the spells the Faendryl had unleashed. They expressed their outrage by exiling the Faendryl to Rhoska-Tor.

Slowly, the Faendryl began to change. Their features became even finer and sharper. Those living in the deepest caverns, those closest to the ruins of Maelshyve, found their skin darkening to a brown or black.

It was some time later that the Faendryl Elves returned from their exile and founded New Ta'Faendryl. However, they would never again be a part of the great Elven Empire.


First splitting off from the rest of the elves before the formal creation of the Elven Empire and Elven Houses, the Dhe'nar spent generations exiled in Rhoska-Tor. Much like the Faendryl who came to Rhoska-Tor after them, their features and physical stature were forever changed.

The Dhe'nar are a race committed to perfection in all its forms; be it of the mind, the body, or the Family. The honing of a keen mind and intellect is the first goal of all Dhe'nari training, and perfection of the physical is just as important. Above all, however, is the overarching need to bring the Family to new heights, to demand the most from its members, and to insure that strength and rigor is rewarded, rather than punished.

Be advised, the Dhe'nar as a whole have taken conceit to a new level. They are viewed as self-centered egotists who have little compassion for the thoughts, rights or feelings of other cultures and races. Even the Khanshael, with whom they have developed a close relationship, are little more than slaves in their society. These views are likely to make a Dhe'nar unpopular wherever he travels in the company of persons outside of his own culture.

Dhe'nar also have very high expectations for those of their own kind. Members of their Family who fail to meet these expectations may be treated in a very harsh manner, expelled from the Family or murdered.

Giantkin Cultures

The Giantkin developed a tribal society in the northern lands. These semi-nomadic tribes followed their herds' migrations, spending all but the winter season in warfare with each other. For there is nothing a Giantman likes more than battle. These were, fortunately, limited wars. The tribes sought to best each other, seeking glory and joy, not to destroy other tribes.
Some Giantkin have always traveled the world, generally in search of a good fight. Many have made a life as a mercenary, and they can be found wherever there is the clash of steel and the cry of the battle-horn.

Bear Clan

Strong, enduring, and proud, the Bear Clan produces only the finest warriors. It is rumored their rites of initiation are almost inhumane. They typically offer only warrior as a life pursuit, but a few others have been known to slip through the ranks for training to become rangers. Only warriors, with the occasional rogue or ranger, will be acknowledged as Bear Clan members.

Hammer Clan

It is widely believed that this band was formed shortly after the Battle of Maelshyve, in reaction to the dark events wrought there. The Hammer clan is a small clan is made up of primarily of Giantkin who manipulate the energies, as well as a few magic-using rogues and warriors. Their outlook on life is mostly grim, believing Despana and her horrors will once again plunge Elanthia into a second Age of Chaos. Several of the clan's members are plagued by horrific visions, while others believe they are cursed in one manner or another.

Sun Clan

The Sun Clan is one mostly of elemental worship. They do not particularly have one class more than another... they all simply come together to revere the elements and celestial bodies. Many prefer sun worship, and hold sunrise rituals to this effect. Others in the clan, though, often follow the elements of fire, water, or earth. A few even call to the moons and stars for guidance and support. The members of this clan realize it takes all kinds of people to make the world go around, and are therefore extremely tolerant.

Wind Runner Clan

The Wind Runner Clan really only worship one thing -the freedom a person has to do something. This clan, mostly rangers, places that gift above all else. Obviously, this leads to certain problems with people like the Krolvin and the Dhe'nar. They have always been at the forefront of any slaving activity, mercilessly punishing any that attempt to follow those ways.

Vaikalimara Clan

Vaikalimara Clan, an all-female clan, doesn't associate much with other people, including other Giantkin. It is believed that they are the handmaidens to one of the Arkati, to one of the remaining drakes, and to other various unseen powers. It's also believed that they are very likely all insane.

Artic Clan

The Artic Clan is likely the most secluded of the known Clans. They reside up in the center of the DragonSpine Mountains, northeast of Icemule Trace by roughly a month's travel. Not much is known about this clan, save that the members are very in tune with nature, some to the point of being able to alter it. Many of the members choose not to speak, but if they do it is in quiet, deep tones.

Wolf Clan

This somewhat broody clan is most well known for its scouts and rogues. The mental image of a Giantkin sneaking anywhere may be difficult, but you probably wouldn't be able to see a hiding member of this clan in an open field until they tapped you on the shoulder. This clan is most often employed in the quiet garnering of information and settingambushes.

Ogre Clan

For the most part, this clan has become sedentary, passing over their need to roam for a pouch full of silver and a warm hearth at night. They are the merchants of the clans, and are well known for their shrewd practices (and strong-arm tactics, in the case of loan repayment). When the taking of a city or the building of one involves Giantkin, the run of the place is often assisted by an Issimir upon completion. Issimir who still feel the need to roam often become mercenaries of one kind or another.

Sylvan Cultures

Sylvankind spring from the same roots as the Elves, but they chose a different path. As the Elves moved from their forests to build the Seven Cities, some stayed behind. These are the Sylvans. The Sylvankind care little for the world outside their forests. For them, the forests are the world. They retain a love and closeness to the land that approaches unity.

Having a hierophant governing system, it is natural that the Sylvans would utilize a diplomatic system to designate divisions, or groups, among their populace. Their "D'ahranals" can be compared to Guilds elsewhere.

It should be noted that many Sylvans not only are great archers and warriors, but fine artisans and civic leaders as well. The decision of which D'ahranal a child is invited to join falls to the child and his/her patron. Generally, the child will join the D'ahranal of her patron, and in fact the patron is found based on the child's foremost interest. However, as a child grows, interests sometimes change; in that case, the Patron (pronounced pae-TRON) helps the youth choose the appropriate D'ahranal and usually also finds a mature guide within it to direct the youth's development. On a youth's 'coming of age' day, a ceremony is held to induct them into their new D'ahranal. They remain a part of it for the rest of their life, and the membership bonds are held to be as important as that of family.

There are four known D'ahranals:

Kytawa (KEE-ta-wa) D'ahranal

This is a group of Sylvans whose talents suit them for leadership or public service roles. Most of the population's leaders, called Councilors, are numbered among this group, however the governing body does number some Artisans among them as well, mostly in an Advisory role. The symbol of this group is a pelican.

Fresiawn (FREE-si-awn) D'ahranal

This is a group that includes architects, artisans, craftsmen, musicians and artists, as well as cooks, brewers and anything that pertains to the creation of something. At the top of this group are those associated with Arts & Sciences, a calling much esteemed among the Sylvans. Their symbol is a doe.

Tyesteron (ty-ESS-ter-on) D'ahranal

This group includes all those who specialize in physical and magical martial arts. It includes the great number of superb archers among the Sylvans, as well as warriors and magic-users. The group serves as protectors of the homeland as well as hunters who bring in game to feed the tree-cities. They are known for the mithril or silver linked belt and armband they wear, rather than a particular symbol. Additionally, the archers among the group form a subgroup called Ki'Tyesterons (pronounced KEE), and will have the image of an arrow incised upon the armband. This group might also wear other arrow-themed ornaments. It is not uncommon for a particularly gifted weapon/armor maker or fletcher to be made an honorary Tyesteron, even though the artisan is also a member of the Fresiawns.

Lassaran (LAS-sa-ran) D'ahranal

The last group is really a conglomerate group of all three of the others. The main distinction of these Sylvans is that they have gone against normal tendencies and left the Homeland, to wander the world among other races, beyond the protection of the great trees. The symbol of these Sylvans is a hawk.


AI - Abandoned Inn (In Upper Trollfang)
Amunet - What you are on when you rub your crystal amulet. This channel is used by people who just want to talk, no selling allowed here.
AS - Attack Strength (How hard you can hit your opponent)
Black Amunet - For people that want to sell their goods. You must first rub your crystal amulet, then pull it to get on this channel.
Bless - This refers to a Blessed Weapon. You will need a blessed weapon to fight the undead. You can get a Bless by kindly asking a Cleric or a member of Voln to bless your weapon for you.
Cats - Catacombs
COL - Council of Light (Refers to one of the Organizations that you can join)
Critical Hits - Hits that kill instantly).
Crit Padding - Refers to the amount of padding you have on your armor to lessen the blow of a Crittical hit.
Crystal Amulet - A magical amulet, that allows you to broadcast your thoughts to the people that are also on the amunet at the same time. To use this, you wear it on your neck, rub it and type Think (your message). Crystal amulets can be found on Beasts, on the bench in TSC sometimes, or you can purchase one from another player.
CS - Casting Strength (How well you can cast your spell)
DC - Dark Catalyst (A spell used by Sorcerers)
Deader - Someone who is dead.
Deeds - When we die, it allows us to return to life and keeps us from going demonic, thereby ending our life as we know it in the lands. They are Lorminstra's gift to you. They can be purchased at the Temple with coins or gems, or when you are older at HS with magical items. Don't leave home without them! You do not need any deeds until you are level three, but I would suggest getting them with the first gem you find.
Decay - When you die and have no help or life keep in you. (You lose 10 thousand points of experience when this happens) If you have no deeds, you lose your life completely and are not allowed to be restored to life if you are level 3 or more.
Demonic - This means you lose your soul forever in the lands, never to return as that character.
Dorcs - Dark Orcs (Beasts)
DS - Defense Strength (How well you can defend yourself against an attack). Can also stand for DarkStone Castle
Duped - Refers to wands that have been magically recreated or copied from another wand.
Empuffs - Refers to a weak Empath.
Empies - Refers to Empaths in general.
Fogger - Someone who can fog to you. (Usually an Empath or a Cleric)
Hillies - Hill Trolls (Beasts)
Hon,Hun - Means absolutely nothing. A condensending term that is frequently used to address you.
GM - Game Master
Gods - Again referring to the GM's.
GY - Graveyard
HS - Hearthstone Manor (Open to anyone that aquires enough fame)
Kobs - Kobolds (Beasts)
Level - Level of training
LK - Life Keep (A substance that is poured into you, to keep you from decaying).
Mants - Manticores (Beasts)
Masses - Refers to casting Mass spells (Usually done in TSSW, if you are in the Landing).
MB - Minimum Bid (For people who are selling their goods on the Black amunet)
MC - Misty Chamber (Outside the Broken Lands)
Mercs - Krolvin Mercenary (Beasts)
Net - Same as the amunet. (You must rub your crystal amulet to send your thoughts to others that are on the net also)
OHE - One handed Edged (Weapon)
OHB - One handed Blunt (Weapon)
OOC - Out of Character (Referring to your improper actions and speech in the lands.)
Rezzed - Getting raised from the dead.
Rezzer - The Cleric who raised you from the dead.
Skinners - Someone you either ask or hire to help you skin a beast.
TD - Target Defense (How well you can ward off your opponent's spells)
The Isle - Refers to Teras Island.
The Landing - Wehnimer's Landing
The Mule - The town of Icemule Trace.
TSC - Town Square Central (The Landing)
TSNE - Town Square Northeast (The Landing)
TSSE - Town Square Southeast (The Landing)
TSSW - Town Square Southwest (The Landing)
TTM - Think to me. (Used by people that are thinking their thoughts to the public on the amunet)
Unduped - Refers to fresh wands, or wands that have not be copied or duped.
Volners - People who belong to the Voln Organization.
Warfies - Krolvin Warfarers (Beasts)
Warpath - Refers to a strong Empath.
White Amunet - You first must rub your crystal amulet, then turn it to get on this channel. It is used to ask for help.
WOF - Wall of Force (A defensive spell, also adds to your TD)
WOL - Well of Life (Clerical Spell) Replenishes your spirit when you die or are enchanting an item.
0x - 10x - Refers to the number of enchantments that a Wizard has performed on your item. (Whether it be your armor, article of clothing, shield, or a weapon)

Now that you have rolled your character, picked a race and have a general knowledge of the words used in the lands, it is time to venture forth. However, before you do, I must caution you about a few things first.

Number One - Always try to stay in character, never speak Out Of Character (OOC), unless you do so privately through whispers or in a private area, such as a table at one of the Inns. Remember this is a Role Playing enviroment, not your real life.

Number Two - Never type in CAPS, it is considered to be shouting and therefore, rude. If you need help ask for it, but do not shout it out or keep repeating yourself constantly.

Number Three - Do not pick up anything laying on the ground unless you ask, it might belong to another person. This is especially true in the hunting areas. There are a few places that you can aquire things for free, one is on the bench in Town Square Central (TSC), anything there is free for the taking. Make sure to look on the bench, behind it and under it. Another one is on the ledge in Hearthstone Manor (HS) foyer, although you must have enough fame through hunting to gain entrance here.

Number Four - Hunting Etiquette:
1. Never kill, skin or search another person's critter!! Stick with your own unless given express permission.
2. Never take any items lying on the ground in a hunting area, unless you ask permission from the other people in the room first. If no one is there, feel free to take it.
3. Never join another hunting group that you happen to come across, unless you ask permission first. What usually works well is asking them if they need any help.
4. If you are chasing a critter from one room to another and stumble into a room with one or more people in it, please announce it by saying, "Chase."
5. Do not camp in one room, move around, give others a chance to hunt there too.

*NOTE: Most people learn to abbreviate the critters name when hunting to save time. Just make sure that there is not another player whose name happens to start with the same letters as the critters name that you are abbreviating. Example: You type (kill kob), referring of course to a kobold. Also in the room with you is a person named Kobin. In all likely hood you will end up hitting Kobin instead of the Kobold. If this is the case, make sure to type the FULL NAME of the critter you are hunting. That is why it is very important to pick a good name and one that is in keeping with the atmosphere of the game.

Number Five - Familiarize yourself with the places that you need to go to in order to receive the help that you need. Such as:
1. The North Gate, Town Square Central (TSC), the Abandoned Inn (AI) or the Raging Thrack Inn's Front Desk Area. These are places where you can get healed by an Empath. Town Square Central, the AI and the North Gate are also where the Clerics that bless your weapons and raise you from the dead hang out too. Tips are appreciated by both the Cleric and Empath here.
2. The East Tower, where all the Rogue's are just dying to pick your boxes.(Wink) Tips are also welcome here.
3. Town Square Small Park (The Park), where most people congregate to wait for Free Mass Spells to be cast on them. The Caster will announce what spell they are doing at the time. These spells greatly aid you in hunting. The three main spells that are cast here are Blurs, Colors (Hues) and Guards (Brilliants, Brillies, Brills), make sure you get them all before venturing out to hunt.
4. The Temple, where you can buy deeds with either coins or gems. These deeds make it possible for you to return to life once you are dead, without them you will lose your character's soul forever and have to reroll. You do not need deeds for the first two levels of life (years), but I would suggest getting them anyway. The older you are the more expensive the deeds become to purchase. I would use gems rather then coins if at all possible. With gems you only need 1/3 of the value of your coins. To get a deed, enter the temple, type (go black arch), (go tapestry), (ring chime with mallet), (ring chime with mallet), (kneel), (drop gem or coin), (ring chime with mallet), (out).
5. The Gemshop, where you can sell your gems for coins or get them appraised for their value.
6. The Furriors, where you can sell your pelts/skins or get them appraised.
7. The Pawnshop, where you can sell your armor, gems, wands, weapons and other things. They will also appraise your items here.
8. Any Inn where you can go rest at a table and absorb your experiences from hunting. All tables are noded, so you will absorb what you have learned faster. Also, you can enjoy a private chat with your friends and family here. Most importantly, when you are ready you will need to check into the Inn's front desk area to train for a new level.
8. Moot Hall, where your lockers are located. To access your lockers once you are there, type (go opening), (open locker), (put item in locker), (look in locker), (close locker), (go opening). This is also the place you go to pay off your debts or ask for a job to earn extra silvers. The Registar's Office is located here too, just climb the stairs and register all your valuable items in case of lost or theft.
9. The Bank, where you can deposit all your hard earned coins or withdraw them as needed.

Number Six - Remember to type the word "MY" when putting your items away in your backpack or another of your containers, such as your cloak, bag, sack, etc., or else it might end up in another players container and be gone forever and you will not realize it until you go to look for your item and it is not there. The command would be this for example: Put my (item) in my (backpack).

Number Seven - Get a crystal amulet, wear it, use it by rubbing it. This will connect you to all the thoughts of others that are using it in that town at the time. To talk on it, type (think) and follow that up with (your message). If you want to think privately to someone, type (think to person's name) and (your message).

*NOTE: All the places I mentioned above are located in Wehnimer's Landing.

Before you enter the lands for the first time, Premium accounts or high taxpayers will be given a choice on which town they want their new character to live. The choices are either Wehnimer's Landing,Icemule Trace or Ta"Illistim. Basic accounts or Low taxpayers have no choice, it is a random shoot.

Onward, it is now time to enter the lands and walk around. I would suggest walking in and out of all the places on your Directions List(DIR). Just type DIR and a list will appear. This should get you to level one to train at an Inn in about an hour or so, less if you have downloaded maps and/or scripts beforehand. After you have trained to level one, visit the Warrior Thrack behind the curtain at the Raging Thrack Inn. Listen to him carefully, then take his test. If you pass you will receive another 3000 experience points. If you do not pass the first time, do not worry about it, you can always take it over again. Now, it is time to get massies in TSSW and go hunting. Start with either the giant rats in the catacombs, or ants. If you are feeling really brave, try kobolds outside of town, they have more treasure.

*FOR MAPS click here ---> Lord Tsoran's Maps

*NOTE: This is just a Basic Unofficial Guide, with most of my information taken from the Gemstone Libraries themselves. Please refer back to them for more detailed information on Generating your New Character click here---> GEMSTONE III