Early Jesus Movement Church Baptism Samuel Taylor Park 1972

Here we are gathered by the river in an early black and white photo taken by Peter Romanowsky in the Heart of Marin County's Woodlands which are a stones throw away from the golden gate Bridge and San Francisco in 1972 with Bronik and Sue Romanowsky and their son Aaron in Sue's arms to the left ( he is now grown up and a Harvard Graduate in Astrophysics with a Doctors Degree. Arron also maintains the Harvard University Christian Website and he was also home schooled by his mother. Becky Romanowsky is on the right holding my son Elijah who is in his mid twenties now also. In between is Ken Hopkins our guitarist and song leader who wrote the song "Whose side are you on" on the Album called "THE ROSE". He is one of the most gifted undiscovered song writer, musican and singer that I have ever heard. You can listen to him on the internet at MUSIC. The dear person in the middle was just baptized and every one was feeling the after glow even though it looks like an overcast day, it wasn't! The Sister's name is Sue also and her husband was a local San Francsico televison news personality...to be continued.