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Hi! This is Jedi Master DS-61-9 of CTA, this webring is for members of CTA(Christian Trading Alliance) only, to join go to CTA's Homepage. This webring was started to help bring the webpages of CTA Members together, and also to help CTA Members have an easy way to tell others about a trading group there in. It's a plus for all of us, :) After you submit your page, I will check it out for the following things:
For any site that I feel may not follow these 3 requirements, I will have either Stormtrooper316 or a "Ranger" check it out to see if they agree. If you have any questions at all E-mail Me!!

This CTA Webring! site owned by DS-61-9.
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Step 1:Submit your site, :)
Step 2:Put the HTML Block on your page, by one of the following ways:
Step 3:E-mail me when you get the HTML Block on your page at OR you can wait and it will get put on a little later when I check it out.

Submit your site to the CTA Webring!
Your Site Title:
Your Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

If later on you need to make any changes on your stuff, like description or keywords, Click Here!!
Here is the HTML Block(for all of you who want to do it the hard way) you'll want to put on your page. I still recommend just checking your e-mail and getting it from there, it decreases the chance of making any mistakes. Where it says *YOUREMAIL*, you put your e-mail address(how deep :), and that goes the same for all CAPITAL words with stars(***)!