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More Cyberpets

Hi!Welcome to my second page of cyberpets!My first page was overrun, so I decided to give all my kitties their own page!To see where I got the kitties click on their certificate or the kitty.I hope you enjoy your stay and don't forget to sign my guestbook!

News FlashBaka won first place in the Seaside Cattery show!I'm so proud of her!

Here is Brownie,a very special cat.He is a Runalaz who is from a genetics based adoption center.Here are his stats.Gender: male Parents: Boots and Damon Color: c{c} Markings: m{m} Mark color: D{d} Mark size: l{l} Eyes: {o}{o} Tail: tt Ears: E{e} Wings: NN*Note:The website where I got Brownie is now closed*

This is my Balinese,Win-pa-nou stern vom katzenhous.Don't you love his name?It's so fancy!I got him from Karin's cyber cattery.

This is Salla my Manx cat.She wonders what has happened to her tail,don't tell her that Manx are born that way!She is from Seaside Cattery's first litter.

Did you know Adam Sandler had a feline counterpart?He does,here he is!I got Adam from a new cattery called movie stars.You can find a cat named after your favorite actor/actress!

This is Nutmeg and Opal.Nutmeg is a calico American Shorthair and Opal is a Turkish Angora.I hope to breed them in my cattery when I get it up and running.They are happy living here though,until the cattery is open.

My newest resident,Cary!Cary is a munchkin.No,not the kind from the Wizard of Oz,but the cat breed.Isn't she a sweetie?

Here are my two cats,Pumpkin and Marble.I adopted them from Madame Alto.Aren't they cute?

Here are my two Siamese kitties,Baka and Arnold!Don't you love her name?It reminds me of a dessert.Baka is from Nouvelle Lune Chaton and Arnold is from Oceanviewcattery.

This is Charcoal and his toys.I adopted him from Jennie's Cuddley Kittens.Get a kitty of your own!

This is Iggy,my American shorthair.He reminds me of my real cat,Fluffy.Iggy is shown here as an adult and a kitten.

Who is this?Sugar and Ben,of course!You will always find them together.They eat,play and sleep together.Sugar may look like a petz3 cat,but I got her from seaside cattery.

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I got the buttons from button centralThe first button was made by Lissa and the second by Livia,thanks guys!

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