Haven Logo!

Hiya all, both newtime and longtime visitors! If you're seeing this message, then you're accessing the Haven using the https://www.angelfire.com/hi2/harlequinhideaway address!!! No go, dudes, the Haven has moved up and out of Angelfire!!! Angelfire has been a great home for the Haven, and I'll certainly be reserving this space for backup, if I have a computer meltdown or anything, but my friend Chris offered me some space on his server. (Chris is also the awesome dude who provides me with the domain name.) This means plenty of room to play around with, all files on one server, annnnd NO AD BANNERS!!!!! So, wave hi to Chris, give him a BIIIIIIGGGGGGG THANKYOU with me, and scoot yer butt on over to:


And don't forget to change your links and bookmarks!