Movie Review page(based on 5 star rating)

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OOOhhh what a creepy creepy movie.....Denzel Washington plays a parapalegic former detective who gets caught up in the middle of a wierd crime. Some Mexican chick with a great rack plays a rookie patrolwoman who ends up being a forensic sort of woman. They work together to solve the mysterious crimes of old New York.

My Thoughts

Hey hey hey....what a great mvie.....kinda dissapionted with the cliche ending however. The movie would have been better had it not been for a wierdo guy sitting in back of me. He kept on laughing whenever people died. What a sick frickin bastard.

Rating....* * * * *


Holy shit!!!What an old movie but very, very good. Keanu Reeves plays Mr. Anderson, or Neo, a regular guy taken out to save people from the Matrix. Can't say anymore or I'm giving away the entire movie plot.

My Thoughts

The action scenes were great, the plot was great, the actors were great. It was a great movie. Keanu Reeves had his trademark acting(no apparent mood change and stupified demaenor) but it fitted the entire movie. Lawrence Fishbourne played a good Yoda figure as ummm...heh he....i forget. Whoops.


I didnt see it but I want to. I liked the cartoon, I liked the new why won't I like the new one....I dunno. This isn't a review but, a movie......preview I guess you could say. Johnny Dep plays ichbod Crane and Christopher Walken plays Brom Bones. Who better to play Brom Bones than the best bad guy in movie history.
