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undefined Lum's Pokemon Center

Lum's Pokémon Center!

Lum's Pokémon Center:
Pokémon pictures
150 pokémon
The Heroes
The Villains
Episode Guide
Adopted pokémon
The Trophy Case!
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Pokémon Postcards
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The Pokémon Trainer's Center:
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The Members Arena
The Office
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Mini Mysteries
Member's Contests
Member Site of the Month - Submit
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Site of the Month!!
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Last updated January 15, 2000.
Just a little one...

Apologies to all! Angelfire's been messing around with stuff and the page has been suffering because of it. Due to some mess ups - I've had times where I was 'supposedly' using waaaaay more space than I really am, so I was unable to save. Hence the lack of updates. Sorry! Exams are also coming up for me, so I won't be on as often either. Just don't expect too much in the next month!

Hi! I am the new co-owner of Lum's Pokemon center. My name is Neo. I will be doing most of the updating in the page so if you need any info just e-mail me at

The page needs a new look. Y'know a different layout. I'm tired of the same old stuff. If you have any comments about this, feel free to mail me! It won't get done until after my exams (early February), so I'll have time to think of a nice new layout.

Mail Me!


I got it for free at

Disclaimer: (it had to be here somewhere right??) I am in no way affiliated with Nintendo (or Nintendo of America), or Game Boy, or Game Freak, or anything of that sort in general. Pokemon is copyrighted by Nintendo and Game Freak, so forth and so on....I'm sure I'm missing someone since just about everything in the world is copyrighted. Just don't sue me.


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