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Gypsy's Angels

Heather's Story

Heather Lynne Williamson
May 21, 1976 - April 19, 1999

Heaven's Gate

Angels are standing around Heaven's Gate,
watching, and waiting
for the next Earth Angel to arrive
at Heaven's Gate.
They are standing in their full Glory,
dressed in gowns of many colors,
waiting, watching, for the newest Angel,
to enter their folds,
and join them at Heaven's Gate.

Their voices of singing can be heard as you,
my darling Heather,
walk through Heaven's Gate,
you are now at your Heavenly Home,
my darling Heather.

As you, stand at Heaven's Gate,
taking in the beauty of God's Heavenly Home,
you find yourself,
filled with Heavenly Peace.


My Special Angel Heather

You are my Special Angel.
I know that you are in Heaven,
and you are looking down at me
and missing me, as much as I miss you.

I feel your presence around me,
to comfort me, in this sad time of loss, and
despair in my life.

I know that you did not want to
leave your mommy, but the Lord,
was calling you home.
So who am I to question him.
I miss you so.

A Catholic Priest in Puerto Rico,
who did your Memorium Mass
for all of your co-workers, and friends,
told me, now you are the Angel
who is at my right shoulder.

And I know that this is true,
as you are my Special Angel.
(by Mommy)

Garden in Paradise

The Garden of Paradise must be so awesome
because God created it for you, and I.

It must be so beautiful,
and I imagine there are so many
beautiful flowers growing in it.

You are now there, my darling,
seeing all the glorious beauty that
God has created for you, and I.

You can hear the beautiful singing from the birds,
and all the angels singing in their full glory.
You are at Peace now, my darling,
there is no pain and suffering for you, anymore.

You are basking in the love, happiness,
peace with God, and all of His heavenly angels.

You are smiling down at me, from above.
You know that I am grieving your loss on earth,
but rejoicing that you,
are in the beautiful garden of Paradise,
and with God.

You, my darling, are happy,
and finally safe in heaven
in the garden of Paradise,
with God, and his angels---

That is such a comforting thought to me,
knowing that we shall meet again in heaven,
in the Garden of Paradise.
Love, Mommy

Heather Lynne

Heather Lynne,
when I received that call
from one of your Outbacker's Friends
informing me, on April 20, 1999,
of your brutual murder,
my happy life, as then known to me,
stopped existing that day!

I can never forgive that selfish,
uncaring, angry, man that took
your precious life from you,
on April 19, 1999.

He did not think of the total devastation
that he was bestowing on your children,
your family, and friends,
by his cold, selfish, senseless act of rage!

He tore our lives apart forever,
and threw us into a never ending nightmare.
A nightmare that has no ending,
it only has sadness, loss, and
great amounts of pain.

My heart was torn open that day in April,
and it is still bleeding for your
beautiful life that was lost on April 19,1999.

There is no mending of my heart, here on earth,
but it will rest, and be whole some day again
when the Lord, whispers my name,
and calls me home to his heavenly home
where you and I,
shall meet again,
my beautiful Heather Lynne
(by Mommy)

I have another site about Domestic Violence statistics.
Women of all cultures,
income levels,
and ages
are battered-by husbands,
lovers and partners.

Visit my new site.
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