Shining Force II
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"Bowie take it easy!"
Mentor of Bowie, Chester & Sarah who failed to prevent the seventh evil spirit possessing King Granseal, after Bowie lead a successful assault on the other evil spirits. Due to his failure the spirit later possessed King Galam which resulted in Granseal being invaded and later destroyed. Then after Bowie fought his way into Mitula's Shrine, Astral enraged Zalbard causing him to attack.

"We had to be..."
The chosen one destined to wield both the Achilles Sword used to kill Taros and the Holy Force Sword needed to defeat Zeon. Hardened by battle Bowie killed the three greater devils Zalbard, Cameela and Geshp with relative ease. His goal was to save the life of Princess Elis from Zeon which he would not let anything get in his way, even when he was forced to kill Oddler a former friend, who was revealed to be Odd-Eye leader of Zeon's army. Bowie defeated Zeon weakening him sufficently so that Mitula and Volcanon were able to seal him back within the dark dimension and destroy Arc Valley.

"I hurt my ankle I cannot get up"
On her first encounter with the shining force Cameela posed as a young girl trapped on a bridge. Though Astral was aware that this was a trap he allowed Bowie to walk straight into it, though her plan failed and her army defeated by Bowie, she was able to escape after Astral hesitated to kill her. Cameela was later kill by Bowie trying to prevent him from reaching the Nazca airship.

"This must be it!"
The son of the murdered historian Hawel who shelters the shining force in one of the few remaining churches in Granseal so that they may recover from the battle with Geshp. Eager to see Zeon defeated this powerful wizard joins them in their journey into the Arc Valley.

"I don't know about this guys..."
One Bowie's school friends. He was intially hesitant about entering the Castle of Granseal to find out what was wrong at the ancient tower but Chester soon proved himself to be a valiant warrior. Though extremely shy, Chester's personality shined through when he knew Bowie would be there to back him up.

"I will protect you"
The last of the good golems, Claude traveled into the Dark Dimension to battle the devils. His arm was severed and cast back outside the portal. Claude was left trapped in the Dark Dimension until Bowie found his severed arm and reattached it. Eternally grateful Claude vowed to protect Bowie and the shining force in the battles that lay ahead.

"I'm suprised you actually got this far."
Former minion of Zeon, Creed sought to live a life of peace. Though still evil in his ways Creed decides to help the shining force so that Zeon's could not seek revenge on Creed for abandoning him.

"Wow, he's so brave and handsome hmmmmm....."
The daughter of King Galam is kidnapped by Galam afther he is possesed. She is taken back to Zeon's realm so that she can be sacrificed. Bowie manages to save Elis before Zeon can kill her but only after Lemon sacrifices his own life to pull Zeon back into the realm of darkness.

"The enemies from the sky are mine!"
This elvish archer rescued from the Harpy Pool unlocks the gate way to Creed's mansion and is later reunited with his true love Janet. Gaining control of the Ancient's technolgy, Elric returns to his home to fend off the last of the evil that survived the destruction of Ark Valley.

"There is nothing left for me here."
A noble knight who was imprisoned in Creed's mansion. Upon being freed, Eric joins the shining force just before they confront Cameela for the control of the Nazca airship.

"I'll never forgive myself"
The vicar of Moun. When Zeon's army lead by Geshp attacks Frayja locks the massive gate that is Mouns entrance thus dooming those who live in Moun. Accompaing the the shining force on its way toMoun Frayja slips into an even deeper depression when he realizes what he has done, his fear of the devils had cost the people of Moun their lives.

"Let there be light!"
Possessed by the evil spirit Astral failed to destroy Galam fell under Zeon's control. By using the jewel of Evil he had taken from Slade after throwing him into the castle dungeon, Galam freed Zeon by unlocking the gateway in the ancient tower. After kidnapping Elis to sacrifice to Zeon he destroyed the castle of Granseal. With Astral once again being incapable of freeing Galam from Zeon's control Lemon was forced to sacrifice his own life to drag him back into the Dark Dimension.

"It doesn't matter if you die!"
Leader of the Parmecia invasion force that was head off by Gyan as Zynk lead the survivors of the moun massacre to safety. He destroys Cameela after she fails to stop Bowie from reaching the Nazca airship. Later after shooting down the airship he confronts Bowie and is defeated. He in turn is destroyed by Zeon for failing to stop Bowie.

"I'm not hairy enough though, I envy those hairy guys"
To late to warn Luke of Polca's betrayal. The beast warrior known as Gerhalt fights along side Bowie inorder to save Luke's life. Later after the battle with the Kraken, Fenris is transformed into a wolf like state, gaining far greater strength and verocity.

"I have nothing to say."
Ruler of the lands of Granseal, he was attacked by Geshp when the tower was opened and later he was the first to be possessed by the evil spirit that Astral had failed to destroy. Sent into a deep depression after Elis is kidnapped his kingdom withers away and his armies lie defeated, only the shining force was able to save the kingdom from complete destruction.

"While Zeon still lives none of us will ever be safe."
Gyan stood alone as Geshp's army advanced. Determined to save at least some of the people of Moun after Frayja betrayed them. Retreating at the last moment, Gyan follows Zynk into the caverns underneath Moun.

"I can defend myself."
Dying of a mysterious illness Higins heads to the south desperate to find warriors brave enough to save the nation of Polcanon from Geshp's army. Before Bowie can save him, he is ambushed and is transformed into a vampire. Summoning the last good within his soul he joins the shining force to stop Zeon.

"I know what my friends are saying but I love the princess too!"
Jaha was Bowie's best friend since they were children, he later becomes Bowie's main rival for the affections of Princess Elis. He fights valiantly to rescue her but deserts the shining force when he realizes that he has no chance to be with the Elis.

"I will not run from the face of evil."
Janet From the same village as Elric, Janet follows the shining force and laters joins to be with him. She angers Astral when she addresses Bowie instead of him but ignores him completely. After Zeon is defeated Janet and Elric disappear.

"I'm tired of this, Bowie my sword is yours!"
Second in command of Galam's army next to Lemon. He was apart of the devil army that attacked Parmecia. Repenting his evil ways Jaro allied himself with Bowie so that the kingdom of Galam could be saved.

"You snot nose!"
A young elven girl imprisoned in Creed's mansion. When oddler went beserk and destroyed the mansion, Karna found herself free. With nowhere else to go she joins the shining force.

"I must seal the tower, it was Hawel's last wish."
Hawel's assistant. He guided Bowie to Hawel's cottage when they sought the truth about the ancient tower. Upon finding Hawel murdered Kazin joins the shining force to avenge his death.


"I'm hungry..."
A small tortoise that Bowie rescued from a cruel animal trader. Though after the battle with the kraken Kiwi mutated into a huge monster.

Leader of Galam's army. He sent a small force to Hawel's home to steal all recorded history of the Ground Seal as a result Hawel was murdered. Belived to have been killed by during Galam's invasion of Granseal but was reborn as a vampire, the murderous Red Baron. To redeem himself for his sins Lemon gave his own life so that Bowie could rescue Princess Elis.

"So you sent me to die in Oddler's place!"
One of three birdmen sent to Polca to ensure the shining force would have safe passage in Creed's mansion. Upon arriving however the people of Polca betray them. Luke's comrades are killed and Luke is left severely wounded. Saved by Bowie and Gerhalt, Luke joins the shining force after confronting those who had betrayed him.

"The people of this village are cowards."
Bored with life in her small village, May befriends Bowie and convinces him to take her with him as the shining force escorts Peter back to Volcanon.

"Thanks to your help I finally have the power to return to this realm"
The goddess of earth who was banished after the devil invasion. Later after being freed she refused to help Bowie in his quest. In retaliation Bowies took one of the elemental orbs the Mitula draws her power from so she was unable to return to her full strength.

"Actually I'm really quit evil"
Oddler A small blind child wondering alone in the mountains is befriended by Bowie. Sadly when Oddler regained his memory Oddler went beserk and destroyed Creed's mansion. He returned to Zeon where he once again took up leadership of Zeon's army

"Legendary I don't know about that."
Servant of Volcanon who latrers turns on his master when he forsakes the people of earth. Along side Bowie, he travels by sea to recover the Achilles sword needed to kill Taros.

"How may I serve you."
The minister of the the churches of granseal. He was murdered by the Red Baron, the evil vampire who killed everyone he saw.

"Are you mad put me in the battle!"
An old dwarf imprisoned in Creed's mansion. He follows Bowies as he makes a desperate escape just before Oddler goes beserk.

"We're awesome!"
A young centaur who traveled with Rhode when he was still an adventurer. He joins the shining force when Rhode is assigned as the driver of the Caravan.

"Good lad"
A local historian who accompanies Bowie on his quest to find the Caravan. Once the Caravan was theirs Rhode was allowed to be the driver.

"You're our leader, we are lost with ou you"

Bowie's closest friend, who dedicated her life to ensure Bowie's well being. Sarah left the shining force when she realised that Bowie was destined to marry Princess Elis. Heart broken and confused Sarah left for parts unknown with Kazin close behind her.

"I've turned my body into a weapon"
Fiancee of one of the many people killed by the Red Baron, Sheela fled to ancient churh in the north where she became a skilled fighter as well as a healer. She vowed to kill Red Baron but was prevented from doing this when it was discover that the Red Baron was infact Lemon.

"I am searching for the hero Bowie"

A mysterious bird warrior who as a child was saved by Bowie, later Skreech was transformed into a full grown warrior and joined up witht the shining force after Bowie was forced to kill Zalbard due to Astral foolishness.

"I'm like a shadow of the night"

The young theif whole broke the seal which unleashed the terrible evil joined the shining force inorder to make up for what he did. After the battle with the kraken Slade is fused with the powers of the ninja and becomes a warrior second only to Bowie. Determined to avenge his friends who were killed by Galam when he was caught stealing the jewels, Slade fights with Bowie till the bitter end.

"Now we battle!"

The massive guardian of the shrine which held the ancient caravan who killed anyone who approached was only defeated by Bowie, who was the only person able to use the Achillies Sword, the only thing Taros was vunerable to. The remains of Taros were later used to construct mini guardians in the lands of Enrich.

"Mitula will not help you but I will"

For centuries Taya lay imprisoned in stone. However upon defeating Zalbard Bowie was able to free her from her curse. She joins the force out of gratitude but returns to Mitula's shrine once Zeon has been defeated.

"What's up boy, what can I do for you?"

The weapon smith who supplies and fixes the weapons used by the shining force. He even goes as far as to offewr Bowie his daughter for all the work he has done to defeat the devils.

"My powers will be a great service to you"

A powerful wizard held capitive by Creed. Freed apon Creed's disappearanceTyrin roves invaluable in the battles against Zeon's forces, however after Zeon is defeated Tyrin disappears.

"Are you ready to die!"
The most diplomatic of the greater devils held brief discussions with Bowie until comments from Astral enraged Zalabrd. Bowie kills Zalbard believing him responsible for the disappearance of Mitula, guardian of the Earth.

"You defy me!"

The king on the devils who was betrayed by Dark Sol and Dark Dragon inorder for them to gain power. Zeon was able to free himself from his prison after Slade stole the two jewels and Astral incompitance. During the final battle after being weaken by Bowie and the Holy Force sword, Lemon sacrifices hos own life to send Zeon back into the drak dimension.

"Don't touch my rock!"
The soul survivour of an acient civilization Zynk is dedicated to protecting all life. As Gyan held off Geshp's advance Zynk lead the survivours of the Moun massacre to safety. Later outraged by the murder of Pedro, the hystorian who restored him, Zynk overides his programming and unleashes his destructive powers.