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Soul Essence Quotes

This page is a collection of memorable quotes uttered by Soul Essence (c) characters, or those crazy players who created them.

"I am not a brat!"
Vivian McKenzie to Carter Rotten

Tzarkon Caine addressing a scuzzie

"Oh God, no! "
general reaction to the Wushi Cheat Code

"I am more trustworthy than most members of my new family."
Miya McTominay to Lupus

"My son's at that stage where he thinks love is a good thing.
Chosek Nisfear about Danin

"My father is the Lord of Evil. I call him Daddykins."
Nightfallen Nisfear to Miya, or to a new pet

"You can't kill me! I'm already dead."
Shades Darkness to a new opponent

"You dont have to be evil to be sadistic, but it helps."

Shresh, catching sight of a succubus, (or any female...)

"Captain Coot, at your service!"
Captain Coot, in a cross-eyed introduction

"Evil DIE!"
Mulch to Niap, whacking her over the head with a branch

"Buy a "Zody" doll!"
Niap to anyone interested (or not)
Tricomp enjoying a "Zody" doll

"Some like it hot."
Igneous to Wushi - who just wants the chemicals.

"You suck!"
Danin to Carter
"Yes, I do!"
Carter, showing vampiric fangs

"You have big ears!"
Touhy to Shang
Shang's answer to that, and to just about everything else

"Son of my baby blue familiar!"

"What did you win? Proving that you're less mature?"
Vivian, after finally admitting her brattyness, to Carter
Carter, who won't let it go

"So that's why you never get tired!"
Wushi, finding herself (and others) surrounded by 500 Johnny Rottens
"It's called stamina, baby!"
Johnny, with his idea of a seductive smile

"I eat lampshades!"
another one of Touhy's inane comments

Wushi's happy noise

"Swiching bodies is like changing clothes. They're changed rather frequently."
Shad, a possesser daemon

"Holy Nova makes it all better."

"In order to survive we all have to get a little crazy."
Lupus, jumping into Wushi's bag as a means of escape

"I don't care if you're bigger than me. There's just more of you to slice up!"
Karabi, to a much larger opponent

"I'll still burn your ass, I'll just do it with a little more finesse."
Johnny Rotten acting a little more sane than usual

"I swear I can save you all if you give me all your stuff!
Carter's idea of an escape plan (for himself).

"I don't care what happens, just so long as Bob blows up something significant."
Bloodsong, refering to his robotic companion

"What do you think of Aerika?"
Gem questioning Wushi about her sister
Wushi growling
That wasn't a happy uuuhhhrrr..."
A now very nervous Gem

"The Phoenix goes deep, Wushi's asleep, I've got fifteen minutes. So now I'll kick your ass."
Johnny Rotten to Chosek

"Who's next?"
"You're not finished with me yet!"
"Oh! Yeah, right...."
Zuriah, really pissed

"I'm the g**d*** merchandising!"
Johnny Rotten, discussing his impact on the real world

"Johnny get no respect, Johnny get pissed off!"
Johnny Rotten, trying to regain an audience's attention

"You don't have to know anything to be the Guardian of Media."
"That's for damn sure!"

"He's in love, and it's your fault!"
Zuriah to Sierra, Guardian of Love, about Xion

Unkown voice
"It's a random incubus."
Alex (unknown voice)
"It's a random Alex."

"Michael? Uriel? What the hell?"
A very surprised Gustav addressing his superiors

Voice at Danin's door
"Come and get some!"
Voice, now high-pitched
"Leave me alone!"
"Tax man!"
Voice, now not so high-pitched
"Come and get some!"
Danin, now with a very limited vocabulary, and temper
"Land Shark!"
Voice, turning out to be Cryonix after too many Saturday Night Live reruns

"Disco is not dead"
Richard Donovan
"It's just in hibernation."
Thomas Athea

Want more quotes?
Out of character quotes
Final Fantasy F'ed Up quotes
Dark Star quotes
Stairway to Hell quotes
Anime Chaos quotes
Anime Chaos II - Nothing Good Can Come Of This quotes
Raw Deal and other quotes

Another page of quotes, mostly from Planescape
Back to the Basement
