I am an artist who find topics from everyday-life experience to ask viewers' thoughts. I see the viewers comprehend and respond to the work. This will give me some feed backs to make my new works. I teach at Pima Community College as Director of Ceramic Department in Tucson, Arizona.
I studied art in Japan and in the United States. In Japan I had my under graduate degree in ceramics from the Osaka University of Arts. I spent one year as an exchange student at Maryland Institute, College of Art in Baltimore. I hold my M.F.A. degree in Ceramics at New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University.
For the past twenty five years, I have exhibited my work and organized my slide lectures/workshops in the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Hungary, Denmark, France, China, Korea, and Japan. I also had the opportunity to be an artist-in-residence at the Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park in Shiga, Japan, The Banff Centre for the Arts in Alberta, Canada , The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA, International Ceramic Studio, Hungary, International Ceramic Research Center, Denmark, A.I.R. Vallauris, France and Australian National University. As a result, I have met and worked with many artists from all over the world.
I hope this will be a chance for you to know my work and moment to sare my topics about living in our time. I hope you enjoy seeing my work on the web. I look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to contact me if there are further questions by email at hirotashima@hotmail.com
My work was showing on David
Bowie's home page and Museum Loan Network
home page by Everson Museum, NY.
More new story on Hiro's Facebook page
Copyright Hirotsune Tashima
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