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Lady_Beverly, Warder, Minor Noble and all around nut


Full Name: Beverly Nistal, of House Nistal
Place of Birth: Camelyn, Andor
Age: 33
Children: one, Cadsuane Nistal, age nine (she's so cute.. if you can get her to stop eating puppy dogs, and play)

Brief History

Beverly Nistal was born and lived the first part of her life in the city of Camelyn, Andor. Not much is known about her life before her time of *ahem* insanity, and her finding of the Realms of Ayenee she now inhabits. What is known is that she is a Widow, having lost her husband by a fall from a roof.It has been suggested that she had previously lost a child as well, accounting for her rather downward slope into "madness", but this is something she herself has never mentioned publicly.

She wandered, at her first arrival, from tavern to tavern, seeking food and sleep where she could find it. Her meeting with the Tamrylin of the Black Tower, an Asha'man and weilder of saidin, changed that for her. Beverly offered to be his Warder, and he most graciously..if amusedly..accepted. Not knowing the first thing of weaponry, save the long bow, she began to train with several talanted warriors, until finally meeting a family of Aiel lead by the quite skilled and formidable, Lady Tigraine. She furthered her training with them, and eventually became if not particularly fiercesome (through no lack of trying from Bayael and Tigger *winks*) least not stabbing her own feet anymore.

She is a gentle soul however, and never acts for strictly malicious intent, no matter how many times she may declare "I'm tough! I'm rough!". Her emotions rule her most of the time, but it is quite rare she has ever succumbed to terror, and has never backed down from anything she feels she must do. It was said that previously to her drift of madness she had quite a logical mind, and in fact, was considered to be an intelligent and quiet, reserved woman.

Her now childish behavior is perhaps due to her loses, and her inability to cope with them. The one thing that tends to calm her overly hyper self is her family and loved ones. The first being that brought her back to 'herself' is her young daughter, Cadsuane. From the moment she held her daughter in her arms for the first time, a piece of herself was returned. That piece has never left. She is the driving force in Beverly's life. Second to her is the remainder of her new (and very large) family, headed by her mother, Tigraine. Her near-sister, Bayael, is also an important part of this woman's life, as well a near-sister should be.