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Dawn's Page

Dawn's Page and Rainbow's, homeschooling, frugal living, Politics, Tv free living

May your days be filled with simple happiness, the way watching a butterfly induced pleasure as a child.

Wealth is not measured by how much you have, but by how little you need.

Glad you stopped by my little spot in cyberspace.*Welcome* This is where I have links to pages on HomeSchooling, Politics, TV-Free Living, Rainbow's, Frugal/Simple Living..

Click on this button, to find out a little about boring me and why I choose to put my ugly mug first thing on this page :-)

If you don't want to scroll down you can find most of my sites with this easy pull down menu.

We (United States) make up 20% of the world population, we consume 80% of its resources. Take a look at this site if that statement blows your mind the way it does mine.

The Gathering of the Tribe, The Rainbow Family, Rainbow Nation, Rainbow Family of Living Light. Whatever you want to call this non-organization of non-members. Here is their unofficial website.

Please click on the horse above to take you to one of our rainbow brothers pages. He is trying to save horses from slaughter. Have a look, maybe place an ad. He can use all the help he can get as quickly as possible.

Here is more information and links on the Rainbow Family. There are links to a Christian Rainbow "tribe", along with an address for the Annual in Montana.

If anyone lives in the San Antonio area, follow the rainbow link at the end of this text. I would like to get to know other like minded people in the area. Also if you are just interested in more of what I think the Rainbow People are. There is also a link to join my OneList group.

To speak to me on Netmeeting, (NOT interested in any form of "cybering") click here. Please ICQ me first my ICQ # is 50331187.

Here is a link to a picture I was able to take of the moon we will not see again in our liftime. The picture didn't come out to well because we had dense cloud cover.

Politics Click on the Unsure face , he is unsure and difficult to see just like political matters.. There are links and information about; the Liberatarian Party, Kent State, A quiz about war, If you want to take action and don't know where to start there is a link to everything you need.

NEW additon to this page. This bill allows for an almost dictatorship for our president, completely disallowing for the "democratic process". PLEASE READ


This page has tips on Simple and Frugal Living. All the links were given to me by a friend and they are great. I don't have all of my own tips I would like to have on this page but for now there are some great links. Keep checking back.


This site has a great article about the dangers of TV especially to children. Worth at least reading. We don't watch TV with our kids and limit our viewing to a few hours a week. It has been a very positive influence on us.Click on the TV to read it

HOMESCHOOLING Please click on the classroom to go to the homeschooling site.

Thanks for stopping by, this is just getting started so keep coming back for updates. Please sign my GuestBook.

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This HomePage takes you to my family homepage probably of no interest but to our biological family.

This is where I found many of my backgrounds including this one. They are very unique. Click on the logo to go there.