Events Hosted by the Mystics Guild!!

Welcome to the Mystics Cavern.

Yes yes, I know we've been a long time coming to the Moonfair...not that we don't like to party, but you're dragging us away from a number of important discoveries in the Cavern...well, we're here, or are.

The hole in the roof is nearly fixed thanks to Maria jamming that funky looking mirrored-ball artefact from the Beforetime into it.

Most competitions are STILL OPEN! See below for each competition's status. You'll have to ask us really nicely :) if you want to enter a competition that's already closed...!

Remember to visit our sister host, the Dreamweavers Guild, who will also be hosting the Moonfair between August 15th and 28th.

Anyway, I'm sure you've got better things to do than listen to us blather on about glow moths and sine waves.
The chocca machine is fired up and ready to go, so grab a mug, pull up a squishy purple cushion and enjoy!

Luv, Min
Mystic Guilden

As the Party in the Cavern winds down, we'll be posting your entries and some answers to our events. Nb: NOT results!!

What Lies In Your Future?
Event By Hazel
Duration: The ENTIRE Moonfair :D
For the two weeks we're hosting the Moonfair, the Mystics Guild are going to employ their talents in divination and forecast your message board format. Take the link, leave a message, tell us how you want your future interpreted (we have masters of Futuretelling, Tarot, & Runes) - give us a little time - and check back to see if your fortune has been revealed!
NB: For amusement purposes only...we're not going to predict your demise or anything, and we're hardly professionals, so don't get offended

The Uber-Impossible Ober-Quiz
Opening: August 15th / closing September 1st (get your entries in NOW!)
Competition by Mindy
16 questions. No wrong answers.

Scavenger Hunt #1!!!
Opening: August 15th / closing September 12th
Competition by Mindy
Gather as many of the pieces you can and email them to Mindy by the 28th August. For each piece, you will need to include a link to the page you found the piece for judging purposes.

Obernewtyn Word Find!!!
Opening: August 15th / closing August 28th
Competition by Zaba
Find as many Obernewtyn-related words as you can and email them to Zaba by the 28th August!
We're not going to tell you how many words are in there though *mwa-ha-ha!*!!

Opening: August 15th / closing September 12th
Competition by Maria
Read the following riddles and figure out which character it refers to...and not all of them are from the Obernewtyn Chronicles...

The Knitting Circle!!!

Opening: August 15th / closing September 12th
Competition by Wish
Wish is hosting a knitting circle in the glow-moth corner of the Mystics Cavern! We need you budding designers to draw & scan, photograph, or manipulate an existing graphic into Elspeth's red dress and shawl (as featured in The Keeping Place for the Moonfair).

Theme Songs!!!
Opening: August 15th / closing August 28th
Competition by Mindy
Take some lyrics from ANY well known song (minimum: 2 lines; maximum: 1 verse) and convince our judges that it was written for an Obernewtyn Chronicles character/s.

Which Obernewtyn Guild Are You From?
Duration: The ENTIRE Moonfair :D
Ever wondered what guild you would join if you were at Obernewtyn? Take the quiz and find out! =) Have fun!

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