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June 13, 2004
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Pam's Place Easter Crafts For All Ages

Happy Easter !

Just click on an Easter Craft Project for directions and have fun !

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Easter Craft Projects

Foam Sheet Bunny
 Click here for Foam Sheet Bunny easter craft  directions.
This easter craft, an adorable bunny stands on his own made from a foam sheet. It should be cut out by an adult, but can be put together by a child. You'll need one foam sheet in each of the following colors: white, pink, and orange. You will also need one green and one pink pipe cleaner, one small pink pom pom, two small white pom poms, six wiggly eyes, scissors and glue.
Foam Sheet Chick
Click here for Foam Sheet Chick easter craft  directions.
This foam sheet chick easter craft needs one foam sheet of each of the following colors: yellow, orange, pink, green and blue. You will also need one wiggly eye, and a white pipe cleaner.
Origami Bunny
Click here for Origami Bunny easter craft directions.
For this easter cutie, you'll need two sheets of white 8" square origami paper found at craft or stationary stores. You will also need two small pom poms for the nose and tail, two wiggly eyes, a black marker to sketch the hind legs and a pink marker to color the ears. This craft is a little difficult, and you need to be precise on the folds. It's best for teen to adult.
Origami Egg
Click here for Origami Egg easter craft directions.
For this easter craft, you will need two sheets of 8" square origami paper in the color of your choice, scraps of ribbon and markers, crayons or paint to decorate it. Make a whole basket full in a rainbow of colors for a great centerpiece or hostess gift.
Brown Bag Bunny
Click here for Brown Bag Bunny easter craft directions
This easter craft is a great one for the kids. You will need three brown lunch bags, some newspaper, string, a large cotton ball, black and white construction paper to cut out the eyes or two large wiggly eyes, cardboard, markers, scissors and glue.

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Click here to learn how to make a balloon bunny !

Click the bunny to learn how to make this balloon sculpture.

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