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Karen New Year
2739th Karen Calendar
Karens around the world unite!
This is your historic day.
Sing Karen National Anthem and salute Karen National Flag.

New Year Message from the President of Karen National League

New Year Speech by Mahn Ba Zan, 1975

New Year Message from the President of KNU


Are we ready on this New Year's Day to put the best traditions of our people at the service of this whole country? 


San C. Po, Shwe Ba, Hla Pe 
Sydney Loo Nee, Saw Pe Tha

IN 1939

Today we recall our heritage, our ancient poet, prophets and our tradition of Ywa (God). We believe that every individual, every home, every village has a place in the new advance. Progressive in thinking, constructive in planning, and courageous in living, we can share responsibility with other communities for the making of Burma a united people. 

This is a historic day. It is our first officially recognized National Day. It is a day of opportunity. We are emerging from isolation into the stream of national affairs. Our conviction is that our two million Karen have a significant part to play in Burma's destiny. 

We owe our existence as people as a people not to organization or any political arrangements but to certain distinctive qualities that have been given us. Our traits include simplicity, a love of music, honesty, steadiness, and sense of God. We believe that we can best keep and develop these characteristics in free association with other people. 

We are at a crisis. For us the choice lies between seeking protection through isolation, or adventure through active participation in the live of Burma. United ourselves, we could help to make Burma a nation. We recognize that as leaders we must be fully committed to our country free from fear, personal ambition, racial and religious prejudice. 


Karen New Year Message from Australian Karens

  Karen New Year Celebration, Indiana

  Karen New Year Celebration, West Coast

  Karen New Year Celebration, East Coast

  Karen New Year Celebration, Canada

  Karen New Year Celebration, London, UK

  Karen New Year Celebration, France

  Karen New Year Celebration, Australia

  Karen New Year Celebration, Burma

  Karen New Year Celebration, Kawthoolei

  Karen New Year Celebration, Thailand

  Karen New Year Celebration, Japan

  Karen New Year Celebration, Andaman Island, India

  Karen New Year Celebration, Yunan Province, China

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