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In loving memory of David Carl Allison

February 25,1961-July 13, 1993

Reflections on a Star

Lap by lap, the miles will wind into races, stretch into seasons,pass into years. And, struggle as we might, our mind's eye will lose itsfocus on Davey Allison's wonderful face.Thankfully, our hearts won't forget how good it made us feel.Gangly boyhood to handsome manhood, Davey's face was the win-dow to his heart. Through it, he shared his happiness, his heartache,his triumphs, his defeats.

His was a face that loved to smile. Impish grin or ear-to-ear,Davey's joy in life showed brightly. When the race was won, it glowedwith satisfaction. And it always showed special delight for Dad or Clifford.At times, when the competitor inside raged against adversity or rebelled against injustice, it was an angry face. At others, it frowned in concentration in the relentless search for speed.

As the face of a boy, it was intent on father Bobby...watching every move, asking every reason, learning every lesson.

As the face of a man, it wore the wisdom of one unafraid to question, himself most of all. And one whose sincerity make him look you right in the eye. Still, it was a face that couldn't grow a beard, no matter how he tried.

Davey's face radiated kindness. For the children who clamored to him and for the legions who waited patiently to savor his presence.

Much too often for one so young, Dave bore the face of pain. But he bore it bravely and grew. Grew to stardom. The spcial stardom reserved for those who are bigger than their accompishments.

Most of all, Davey's was the face of love. Love for Liz and Krista and Robbie. Love for Dad and Mom and Bonnie and Carrie. Love for every Allison, every friend, every friend of a friend. Love for all.


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Last updated:May16,2000