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Please read this!

An important message from me:

Ok, so I know you'll probably kick me for baiting you to come to this particular part of my page, but I felt it necessary to do so for a few reasons:

The first main reason being a concern of mine that some viewers of my page (not mentioning names or anything), have a distorted belief that Kevin is a)the author of this page and b)somehow a friend of mine, or whatever. So, here my friends and fellow Kevin admirers, is a short (but necessary) disclaimer: I do NOT know Kevin or any of the BSB. And most importantly, Kevin does not have any input into this page... I have the strong suspicion that even if he did, it would not be comprised of tons of pictures of himself. So, if you feel the need to email me saying "I love you Kevin", blah, blah, blah... don't. Please. Not only is it a waste of my time to read such messages, but a waste of your precious time to do so.

This leads me to my second concern: Now, please don't get me wrong, I'm extremely happy that my page has recieved so many visitors, but I have a concern that a handful of these viewers are naive enough to believe anything they see or read on the internet. I suspect that the main cause of this is immaturity. So if you are one of those people, please take the advice of a 'worldly' 22 year old: a vast majority of the information on the internet is unreliable. My point being, just because you see something on the net (i.e. a story about the BSB, or a whole bunch of pictures put into a 'gallery'), please question its validity. To use the old cliche, don't judge a book by its cover... read the book and discover for yourself what you believe to be true. This would be why I refuse to post rumours about the Boys and Kevin. Pictures are relatively harmless, but rumours, they hurt and they are 99.99% of the time, FALSE.

So, now that you've read my opinions, if you would like to email me about this little message, feel free. I would love to know what everyone thinks about this. Thanks for reading my little message 'disclaimer', and enjoy the rest of my page.

Thanks, Heather

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